
Tales of Memes and Deities

In the vast internet, there are pictures that are called Memes. Memes are basically a picture with texts on them, but in the ancient era, Memes are life itself. When there is life, there is also death, that is Meme Review. Meme Review is the taker of memes, once a Meme goes on Meme Review, its death is inevitable. The host of Meme Review, the God of Death, the taker of memes, the Supreme Being, PewDiePie. A once mortal man who has achieved godhood by killing memes. In the Cyber Era where memes are banned, a young boy will risk everything just to get ahold of the memes from the Ancient Era, the memes that were once profound is now lost, the memes that are present is mediocre. He will trek the depths of the deepweb just to get even a piece of the meme, he will go as far as to go to Realms like [Facebook & Instagram] to take back the memes that were once theirs. Come join the adventure of a young man who will gather all the memes and meet the Supreme Being, PewDiePie, to bring back the meaning of memes to the Cyber Era, to bring happiness to the people. ----------- Because nobody comented on my thread, I decided to make a novel centered around memes. Note: This is only a troll novel, I'm not gonna pursue this in the future, well, maybe.

WannaBeAuthorHaru · ファンタジー
8 Chs


Zeno received another message, 'Is this the last panel...?'

He shakily pasted it to the browser in his virtual machine, he was hesitating whether he would press enter or not.

Zeno grabbed ahold of his mouse tightly, he readied his left index finger on the enter key and he readied his right click and left click on his left hand.





As the site loaded, he waited with anticipation. The image slowly loaded in the screen and words are starting to come up.

'This guy's probably at Transcendent Memer rank...'

Before the image fully loaded he already downloaded the Jpeg file to his virtual machine, Zeno didn't give a second thought to it and clicked the downloaded image to check its validity.

He sighed in relief as he saw the complete image of the third panel.

The image has text above it and below that is the drawing of a guy, not frowning, but smiling, beside the guy is a sadness meter and a happiness meter, the sadness meter is still low but the happiness meter is high. Below the meters are text.

Zeno slowly read the text, 'But whoever stole it was probably more *Happy* to get it than I am sad to lose it. The total happiness in the world increased...'

Sweats poured down his forehead and back as he tried to comprehend each and every word. As he comprehended half of the panel, his eyes widened as his mind got blown by the profoundness of it.

'He's right... The thief was probably more happy than he is sad to lose it... The happiness in the world truly increased!'

Zeno laid his head on his table, the warmth that came to his body like a tsunami is too sudden, he didn't even expect that he's about to breakthrough.

His understanding of the third panel is only half but he's already at the peak of Meme Condensation and about to breakthrough to Meme Gathering.

He stood up on his chair and racked through his bookshelf to find the book his mother gifted him when he was a child, a second later, he found a thin old book that looks like it's about to break anytime.

Zeno didn't hesitate and scrolled through the book, he didn't heed the fact that the book is about to break, his sweats poured to the book as he tried to find the Meme Page he created with memes he bought from the deepweb.

He sat crosslegged in the middle of his room, his book in front of him. Zeno did breathing excercises as he tried to fully comprehend the third panel so that he could finally break through.



Their house shook like there was an earthquake, Zeno still sat crossedlegged in the middle of his room, his body full of sweat and his head filled with a black goo like substance.

Zeno touched his head and a grin grew on his face, 'I finally brokethrough!'

He didn't stand up yet and tried to stabilize the knowledge from breaking through, he has been stuck in Meme Condensation Peak ever since, so he savored the moment