
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Imminent Danger

Osaka, Japan

1015 Apartment Building

April 2nd, 2023

Mike awoke in the early hours of dawn, feeling a surge of determination coursing through him. Instead of waiting until 7 a.m. to start his day, he decided to begin his training at 5 a.m. After the unexpected secret meeting with Teacher Cat the previous night, he was eager to strengthen himself.

"You don't have to push yourself so hard, Mike," Baldur expressed his concern.

"Don't worry, I can handle it," Mike replied with determination, slashing his sword through the air as he continued his rigorous training.

"Is this still about last night?" Baldur questioned. "You don't have to worry about what the cat said, Mike. Everything will be alright. You're not alone anymore. You already have acquaintances who can support you."

"Nevertheless, it's uncertain and risky to trust my life to people I've only just met,"

Baldur swiftly retorted, "So why are you trusting the words of a cat you just met?"

"Just because,"

Mike focused on his training and paid no attention to Baldur. He was determined to get stronger, to protect himself, to say the least.

He remembered what had happened last night. As he was about to reach his apartment, walking home from the café where Alice, him, and the others held a meeting, Teacher Cat approached him.

Last Night ~

"I have something to tell you, nya," said Teacher Cat

As Mike was heading straight to his apartment from the café, Teacher Cat appeared on his way and approached him.

"What are you doing here, and how did you find my apartment?" Mike asked, surprised.

"You're being targeted, nya,"

"What do you mean?"

"A count spotted you at your school, nya. You should be careful from now on, nya,"

Upon hearing this, Mike's eyes dilated in response to the sudden news.

"I was seen? And it was a count who spotted me? Now I'm being targeted?" Mike thought, feeling his sweat stream down his forehead.

"Alice and Rika aren't always there to protect you, nya. So make sure you can handle his goons, nya. I'll give this to you as a gift, so be careful, nya," warned Teacher Cat before leaping into a nearby bush and disappearing.

As Teacher Cat vanished, a holographic screen appeared before Mike's eyes, indicating an update to his status.


Tale: The Curious Cat That Died


Clairvoyance (D)

Let's the host see the basic description of objects. Can also be used to know the weakness of common tales.


Lost in his thoughts, Mike didn't pay attention to the screen that appeared before him. He was still processing the shocking information relayed by Teacher Cat.

"It's alright, Mike. Tales can't hurt you unless they have a host. Count tales won't usually integrate a host just because they saw you," Baldur explained.

Present ~

Mike followed his usual morning routine before heading to school. He took a shower, ate a quick breakfast consisting of a single piece of bread, put on his uniform, and packed his bag. With everything ready, he left his house and made his way directly to school.

On his way, he unexpectedly bumped into Shino, a fellow classmate.

"Hey, man! You wouldn't believe what happened at the arcade yesterday," Shino exclaimed excitedly.

"Pretty sure it's another video game," Mike responded with a hint of disinterest.

"No, seriously! A woman named Alice totally destroyed June in this super cool shooting game. You should have seen it. June almost cried," Shino shared, wiping imaginary tears from his eyes.

Mike rolled his eyes in response and continued walking, not particularly interested in the arcade gossip. Then he remembered something,

"Wait, say that again. Who beat June?"

"This woman named Alice. She had purple hair and was about the same height as you, man," Shino replied eagerly. "The way she played was incredible. It was like she had real experience with a gun, the way she handled the game."

As Shino spoke, Mike's mind raced with thoughts. "Is it just a coincidence, or are they deliberately meddling in my life now? First, Teacher Cat, and now Alice," Mike voiced his concerns to Baldur, his dissatisfaction with the current state of his newfound team evident in his tone.

"It's probably just a coincidence. Alice is a student too. She probably hangs out in places like any other student would," Baldur reassured, trying to dispel Mike's suspicions.

"Anyway, man, what's your plan for today?" Shino asked, whistling a tune and skipping along the side of the street.

"I have someone to meet this evening,"

"Whoa! Did I hear that correctly? You've got a date, man? That's awesome! Who's the lucky girl?" Shino inquired eagerly, moving his face closer to Mike.

"None of your concern. Now move," Mike retorted, pushing Shino's face away, causing him to stumble back.

They arrived at Kaminari Academy and made their way to their respective classrooms. As soon as they entered the room, they were greeted by a tall, muscular man with striking red hair. He leaned against the wall, holding a briefcase in his hand.

"Hey, Shino, want to go to the arcade again? I'm pretty sure I could beat Alice this time," he said confidently.

"Sure, June! Count me in. Let's see how Alice reacts to my awesome sniping skills," Shino responded, bumping fists with June.

"Oh hey, Mike! How's it been? I've barely seen you this whole break after graduation. Dang, you've grown taller, man!" June exclaimed, chuckling loudly.

Mike found June's loud demeanor rather annoying, but he managed to tolerate it. He simply walked past June and replied,

"You know, just staying at home, reading."

June and Shino's loud conversations continued until the bell rang, signaling the start of class. It was a relatively ordinary day for Mike as the class progressed without any complications. There were no signs of any supernatural disturbances, allowing for a sense of tranquility. While listening to the teacher, Mike occasionally darted his gaze outside the window.

In the field, female students from the upper classes were participating in their physical education class, running and jumping over obstacles. Amidst them, Mike noticed a familiar blonde silhouette. It was Rika, who waved at him with a smile from below.

Mike chose not to reply and redirected his focus back to the class. However, moments later, he found his gaze wandering outside again. This time, an eerie quietness pervaded the field as there were no other students present. It was remarkably peaceful until Mike witnessed Rika sprinting towards the other side of the field.

She was being pursued by a tall, shadowy figure, fear etched across Rika's face as she desperately ran toward the school gate.

"Is that a damned?" Mike asked Baldur, his concern evident.

"Most likely. It seems the damned have been quite active in this area lately," Baldur responded.

Determined to help Rika, Mike requested permission to use the restroom and swiftly made his way outside. He sprinted toward the field, his eyes fixed on Rika being chased by the unknown figure.

Summoning his mystic sword, Mike ran to intercept and protect Rika from the imminent threat.

The shadowy figure attempted to tackle Rika, but Mike swiftly intervened, using his sword to block its advance.

"Rika! Go! I'll handle this," Mike urged, determined to protect her.

"It's okay, I've already set up a barrier. Only hosts can perceive what's happening here. You can freely utilize your abilities," Rika reassured him. "However, I can't assist you in the fight, as it may disrupt the barrier."

The shadowy figure took a step back, its elongated and sharp arms stretching out menacingly as it tried to stab Mike. Acting on instinct, Mike parried the attack and swiftly counterattacked, slashing at the creature's arm with his sword.

As Mike's sword sliced through the shadowy figure's arm, he witnessed a disconcerting sight—the severed limb swiftly flew back and reattached itself to the creature.

"How do I defeat this thing?" Mike pondered, his mind racing for a solution. Then, a recollection of Teacher Cat's gift from the previous night crossed his thoughts.


[The Thief Who Stole A Coin (Damned)

Weakness: Head]

Mike's attention was caught by a notification that appeared on the floating screen, providing him with crucial information on how to defeat the creature. With newfound clarity, he understood what he had to do.

Without hesitation, Mike lunged toward the shadowy figure, wielding his sword with determination. He aimed for a vertical slash, intending to strike the creature directly. However, the shadowy figure swiftly reacted, sacrificing one of its arms to block the attack, leaving Mike momentarily taken aback.

In retaliation, the shadow figure dashed towards Mike. A desperate attempt to defend himself, Mike raised his sword to block the creature's strike. However, to his horror, the shadowy figure swiftly maneuvered, leaping through Mike as if he were nothing more than a specter.

"Oh no," Mike thought, realizing his failed attempt to stop the creature's attack.

Time seemed to slow down as Mike's heart pounded in his chest. His eyes widened in terror as he watched the shadowy figure rapidly closing in on Rika. She let out a piercing scream, fully aware of the imminent danger. The creature stretched its long, menacing arms toward her, ready to strike.
