
Tales of Immortal Saint Gram

(What do you desire) A disembodied voice ask me, I look at my self and bloodied, beaten missing a arm and a leg, I thought i was hearing things because of blood loss, But my mouth move on its own "I want to live" (What do you desire) It ask again "I want to be free" I answer again (Then i shall grant them) It said in a voice that sounds like caring old man "Thank you" I said as i close my eyes

RIXIN666 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 1 New world

(What do you desire)

A disembodied voice ask me, I look at my self and bloodied, beaten missing a arm and a leg, I thought i was hearing things because of blood loss, But my mouth move on its own

"I want to live"

(What do you desire) It ask again

"I want to be free" I answer again

(Then i shall grant them) It said in a voice that sounds like caring old man

"Thank you" I said as i close my eyes, as i things may be ill reborn and laugh at my self

---In the world Nest---

A Young Man could be seen sleeping under a tree in the middle of the forest, slowly opening his eye

"Umm" i rub my eye, waking up and standing up, looking around all i see are trees, In corner of my eye i see a holographic box i focus on it


Name--Gram Cromwell


Age=17 (Former 27)

Lv=1 0%

Job=None (Former Assassin)

HP 150/150

MP 200/200

STR 15

END 15

SPE 20

DEX 40

INT 20

LUC 90~100



[Unarmed combat=C-] [Dagger=C] [Accuracy=A+] [Tracking=B-] [Stealth=A]

[Magic 1/10]

=Charge=Infuse magic to make one strong attack










[Unique Skill]

[Wings Of Freedom]=The ability to free from all restrictions, immune to all form of sealing and binding, grant ability to fly by creating wings of light

[Rebirth from ash]=The user will have a core near his heart as long as the core is not destroy, the use will heal all injury using bluish purple Flame automatically, even if the head is destroy, when the the core is destroyed the user body will ture to ash, The body will reconstruct it self after 1 hour, can only be used one a day

"so i wasn't hearing things" i said as i look around again this time i saw a sack were i use to lay down,

"Im pretty sure that wasn't there before" I said a walk to it, I pick it up and search it contents, I found a small dagger a book and a few copper and silver coins, I picked up the books and read it

"Welcome to The world of Nest" I read the title of the book "Nest like a birds nest? " i said and open it up and started reading

---A few minutes later---

"so im in a world of sword and magic were dragon are considered to be God or they are gods?" I finish reading the book, the book said the average status of a level 1 is 5 to 10 for each stats, that means my stats are above average or more, each level up will give you 10~100 SP or status point to distribute and luck can't be increase, so it's based on luck, I look at my luck stat

"Yessss Baby i hit the jackpot" the book also said to you must have 100% on Lv and to level up then complete a mission, the mission will be given by the world, you also can't harm anything two level above "So that means even if you have more base stats as Lv 1 you can't harm a Lv 3 who got 10 SP every level up"

"all right time to know were i am, first find fresh water, second find something to eat, third find a town or a city" as i said that i pick up the sack and started searching for water, not long after i heard the sound of running water i went to ward it and found a river, i look around and saw something a green hiding behind a bush "is that a goblin, the book said that goblin are E ranks monster with a average 5~10 on its stats" I sneak behind it and took out my dagger cover it mount and slit it through, blood flow out of its neck, after it stop moving i let it go and look at my status


Name--Gram Cromwell



Lv=1 3.6%



"3.6% It pretty good for single goblin, i need to look for more i know goblin stay in group of 3 to 6" i said and search the goblin for anything it has, i found a few coin and a rusty knife a crudely made boy and arrows, I took them all, and started looking for tracks, I found small goblin like footprints, and started following them it led me to a group of four goblin, all are holding rusty knife, scouting the area looking for food and anything to eat, i went over and hide behind a tree and climb up it i took out the bow i got from the goblin i kill and knock an arrow and aim it at a goblin, loos the arrow and hit the goblin right in the head

"chi chi ch--aahhh"

"CHI CHI CHI" the other goblin saw this and started running to wards me i knock another arrow and fire and hit the the second one and again i knock my third arrow and fire but miss

"tch.. well i gauss that good enough for this piece of junk" i said as i jump down from the tree to face the remaining two goblins they run toward me one slash at me from the right i step back and avoid it attack i grab it outreach hand and throw it towards the other goblin right behind it both the goblin fell down

Before they got up i throw a rusty knife at the head of one of them and killed it the other got up and rush to ward me with madness in it eye, "let me try this" I said as took out the dagger that was given to me and said "charge" the dagger glows blue and feel lighter i swung it towards the in coming goblin split it in half along with the ground

"wow that's more powerful than I thought" i look at the with a 10 inch deep slash mark, i check my Lv and MP

Lv=1 18%

MP 190/200

"so i can only do it 20 times" i search the corpses and took the rusty knife and coins, i went back to the river to get a drink and look for food, will going back i found some fruit and put some on my sack and eat the rest, I decided to follow the river to maybe find a town as i kept following the river the sun started to set but at the end of my view i saw a small town i started running to ward's it and saw two man guarding the gate i walk to them

"hello there" I said as i approach them, one of them approached me "hello there young man, may i know why you came to are lovely town" he greeted and ask "im just a lost traveler may i know were i am" i lie and ask "your in Cradle south of Veer kingdom" im pretty far south on the continent, book told me the basic of level,Skill, jobs, monster ranking, monster habit and geography, Veer is a kingdom south end of continent, one of the four main kingdom in the world known for its forest filled with rare plants and and animals

"thank you a..."

"Call me Vic" the gourd Vic told me his name, we talk for a bit and pay 5 copper to enter the Cradle i also ask him if there are any place i could sleep "if you're looking for a place to sleep go white wood inn, it pretty close to the adventurers Guild" i ask were can i find the adventurers guild "you'll know when you see it" he said with a slight smile, i said goodbye and enter the town i look around saw some people with animal tails and ear, i kept walking and saw a huge building made out of marble, people going in and out using the many doors it has, "that's what he means when you'll know when you see it, it stick out like a sour thumb" i look around looking for white wood inn and found a few buildings away, i decided to visit the guild tomorrow, i went to white wood in and opened up the door.

"Good day sir, well come to white wood inn" a young woman of 23~26 years of age greets brown reddish hair blue eye and slim physic "hello miss do you have any room available" i ask "yes sir room 5 is available, how long will your stay be sir" i thought and decided to stay for weeks "a week" i said "that would be 70 copper coin or 7 silver coin sir" she said and i count my coins 363 copper and 53 silver coin i paid 70 copper and got the key to my room "thank you my name Gram, miss?"i said trying to get her name "Flora, my name is Flora" she Said "thank miss Flora" i said goodbye and went in to my room i look around the room, a simple bed a cabinet and a desk, i put my sack near the desk and rest on the bed, i stared thinking about what happened, i failed a job, got kill hearing a voice waking up in a forest in another world it too much for one day, i close my eyes and fell to sleep.