
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Time Passes

One hour later, Hiroki and Itachi walked out of the restaurant. Tsunade was just behind them.

"Ah. I'm stuffed. Did you enjoy the meal, Itachi?" Hiroki asked.

"Hn. Thank you for the treat, Hi..." Itachi was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"Tsunade-hime. We've been looking for you all over the place. What happened? You were at the casino and were running out of money and told me to get some more from our savings. When I went back you had left." "Oink oink."A young girl that was around Hiroki's age said and the pink pig that she held oinked as is confirming what she had said.

"Shizune, I've lost a bet against this kid here. That is why I wasn't at the casino. We were just about to leave to our clinic to check this young boy that is accompanying him." Tsunade said as she pointed towards Hiroki and Itachi.

"Shizune-san, it's nice meeting you." Hiroki said as he smiled at her.

Shizune stared at Hiroki for half a minute in complete silence. She then started to treble lightly.

"Hi...Hi...Hi...Hiroki-sama. The pleasure is all mine." She said as she bowed.

"No, please. Don't call me sama. I fell like an old person." Hiroki said.

"Huh? Shizune, why are you being so respectful to this brat?" Tsunade asked as she saw Shizune's strange behavior.

"Tsunade-hime, grab the bingo book and look at the first page of Konoha. You will understand it once you see." Shizune said.

"What? Are you telling me he's someone in the bingo book? No way. Haha" Tsunade said as she laughed. She then grabbed the bingo book and opened in the first page in the part that had shinobi from Konoha. Once she saw Hiroki's picture and read the description, her eyes widened in shock.


Name: Hiroki

Age: 12

Affiliation: Konohagakure

Moniker: The Death Flash of Konoha

Bounty: 70.000.000 ryo

Description: Hiroki is a young boy with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Has tan skin and usually wears all black. He is proficient in taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu and kenjutsu. He is extremely fast and dangerous. His close combat is tricky and his ninjutsu are very powerful and deadly. He has affinity to all five basic elements. He uses shadow clones in many ways. One of them is to spam the enemy's vision and throw projectiles as well. He has a technique to create exploding shuriken and it has killed many enemy shinobi in many battles.

Observations: Flee on sight!!! Extremely dangerous!!!


'No wonder I felt that amount of pressure. Konoha has really produced a genius. No, a monster.' Tsunade thought as she remembered the serious look and the pressure Hiroki made her feel.

"So you are the famed Hiroki that has helped Konoha heavily in the war." Tsunade said and Hiroki only nodded.

"I am. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I just didn't want you to try and run away thinking I came here to get you to return to Konoha. Anyways, let us move on. I want you to check little Itachi here and also treat his problem." Hiroki said as he hurried Tsunade.

"Yeah, if you had introduced yourself before, I would probably have run away." Tsunade said.

"Follow us to our clinic. Just don't expect something big, this is a civilian town."

After a quick walk, they had arrived at Tsunade's small clinic. Tsunade had Itachi lay down on the table and she used her mystic palm to analyze Itachi's whole body. After some minutes checking on Itachi, she had a grave look on her face.

"He really does have a problem in his lungs. It is still hidden inside his body, but in the future, this will certainly destroy him from the inside. If you hadn't come and had me check him while the disease is in it's earliest stage and treat it, he would only have around fifteen to seventeen more years to live." Tsunade said in a serious tone.

Itachi looked at Hiroki a little worried as he heard what Tsunade said. Hiroki looked at him and grabbed his shoulder to comfort him.

"When can you start the treatment? If you need any medicine, just tell me and I'll pay for it." Hiroki said.

"We will start the treatment now." Tsunade said as she started writing on a piece of paper. "Shizune, grab the medicine and herbs in this list. I want to cure him from this illness as soon as possible."


After three hours, Tsunade finished Itachi's treatment. She had used her mystic palm along with some herbs and medicine. She had also used her chakra to activate the medicine faster and make it flow towards Itachi's lungs.

"Here. You have to take one every day for six months. I have treated you, but it is not completely cured yet. In three months, I'll return to Konoha so we can have another check up and a second one three months after that. If you take the medicine right, you should be completely cured." Tsunade said as she handed the boxes of medicine to Itachi.

"Thank you very much, Tsunade. You have helped a me and also one of Konoha's greatest future shinobi." Hiroki said as he slightly bowed to her. He then looked at Shizune and called her over.

"Here. This is payment for the treatment. Don't let her waste it all in booze and gambling. I have also cleared your debt in this town. Take care of yourselves." Hiroki said as he handed an envelope to her.

"Thank you, Hiroki-sama." Shizune replied.

"We should get going, Itachi. It's getting late and I believe your parents have some things to tell you." Hiroki said as he grabbed Itachi and teleported.

Tsunade and Shizune just stared blankly at the spot they were.

"He really is a different kind of person. Whenever I heard of Hiroki, I thought it was someone older and that was from a generation down from mine. Who would ever think that this was Hiroki. The one that fought against Roushi and defeated him and also defeated the third Raikage." Tsunade said.


Hiroki arrived in front of Fugaku's home together with Itachi. As Itachi opened the door, Fugaku came running.

"I'm going to be a father again. I'm going to have a second child!" Fugaku yelled with happiness and gave Itachi and Hiroki a tight hug. Hiroki wasn't really comfortable at all with this, but he understood Fugaku's excitement. He knew exactly the feeling of learning about a future child.

Itachi felt happy that he was getting a brother or sister in the near future.

After Fugaku let go of them, Hiroki asked him if they knew the baby's sex.

"It's going to be a boy. Another boy, Hiroki. I feel so blessed." Fugaku said excitedly.

"Congratulations Fugaku. Give Mikoto my congratulations as well. I'm certain that she is very happy. I'll let you guys enjoy this moment." Hiroki said. He then looked at Itachi and said that he would come back some other day.

Hiroki walked slowly back to his apartment. It was already night time and he decided to rest.

In the next morning, Hiroki woke up earlier than the day before. He took a shower and ate his breakfast, wore his shinobi gear and went to Konoha's center. As he walked around the village's streets, many civilians and shinobi alike were greeting him with smiles on their faces. Hiroki also greeted them with a smile as he continued walking towards his destination.

After ten minutes, Hiroki arrived in front of the Hokage building. He walked up the stairs and stopped by the secretary.

"Hiroki-sama, good morning. Are you here to see Hokage-sama?" The secretary asked.

"Hn. Is Minato-ni in his office?" Hiroki asked, already knowing the answer.

"Hai. You may go ahead. I'm sure Hokage-sama won't be bothered." The secretary said.

Hiroki then nodded towards her with a smile and continued walking to the door. He opened the door and walked inside. He saw Minato reading piles of paper on his desk and there were many more for him to go through.

"Huh? Hiroki. It's a surprise seeing you here. Have you come to see your brother at work or could it be you are here for a mission?" Minato asked.

"Hehe. No, it's not for those reason. I want to have some time to go to Hidden Fog Mountain and stay a bit with my summons. As how the world is right now, I shouldn't be needed immediately and if I am, you know what to do." Hiroki said.

"I see. How about this. I'll allow you to leave if you help me out with some of these papers." Minato said as he smiled.

"No. No way. Why can Jiraiya-San come and go from Konoha and I can't? And you don't even hand him any paperwork." Hiroki said.

Minato was about to say something, but Hiroki interrupted him.

"Don't come saying that Jiraiya is a sannin and has a free pass to come and go and bla bla bla. I helped in the past war more than he did." Hiroki said with a tick mark on his forehead.

"Hai, Hai. Gome." Minato said as he smiled wryly.

"Anyways, I guess you are also troubled by the paperwork and have been too busy to think of a way to help you. I have the solution for this problem. What are you willing to give me for the answer?" Hiroki asked.

"Ne, ne. Come on Hiroki. Help me out over here. Please." Minato pleaded with his hands together.

"Hahaha. Minato-ni, that face of yours is just too funny. I'll give you the answer. I was just playing with you." Hiroki said as a shadow clone popped up next to him and then dispelled.

Minato stared at Hiroki's actions and slapped his own forehead.

"How could I not think of this. Hiroki, you have the greatest ideas at the best of times." Minato said.

"Anyways, I'll be leaving today. But before that I'll go to your house and say good bye to Kushina-ne. She gets quite angry at me for leaving without letting her know beforehand. I'll be going now. I'll see you later, Ni-san." Hiroki said as he teleported out from the office.

In the next instante, he was in front of Kushina's front door.

"Kushina-ne, are you home?" Hiroki asked as he opened the door and walked in.

"Hiroki. It's so good to have you here. Come, chat with ne-chan a bit." Kushina said as she sat on the couch and patted the spot next to her.

Hiroki talked to Kushina for over an hour. He had also told her about his trip with Itachi to find Tsunade and about Itachi's illness. They talked about many things. Hiroki then told her that he would be going to Hidden Fog Mountain for some time and that he would be coming back in some time in the near future. He said good bye to her and went home to prepare what he would take with him and then teleported away.