
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Nature Chakra and Rashomon Gates

In the next day, Hiroki went to the Hokage's office.

"Hiroki-kun, here for a mission?" Hiruzen asked.

"No, Hokage-sama. I came here because I want a few months to train with my summons." Hiroki said.

Hiruzen thought about it for a while as he puffed his smoke pipe.

"I'm sorry Hiroki-kun, but I can not allow you to leave the village for too long. I have gained word from our spies that there is a war brewing. Iwa is growing their military and the other hidden leaf villages are doing the same after the learned of the alliance we made with Suna. I will need every man I have available in case a war breaks out." Hiruzen said.

'Damn it. I didn't think it would come this quick. If it continues like this, then it will break out in the coming months. I'm still weak to fight against kage level shinobi. Fighting against a jinchuuriki is out of the question as well. If I could at least become more proficient in mokuton, then it would become easier to deal with them.' Hiroki thought.

"Hokage-sama, if I can't leave for some months, how about three weeks? That should be enough to help me learn how to better fight alongside my summons." Hiroki said, lying a bit.

"Three weeks then. Not one day longer." Hiruzen said.

Hiroki then handed him a kunai with his own Hiraishin formula.

"If something happens, just infuse some chakra and I'll come right away." Hiroki said.

"Very well. Take care Hiroki-kun and prepare well." Hiruzen said.

Hiroki then went to Kushina and told her he would be leaving to train with his summons for the coming weeks. He then teleported to Minato and also told him about it. After that was done, Hiroki went home to prepare. He packed mostly food since he didn't know what type of food his summons would eat. He did not want to risk it being something like the toads of Mount Myoboku eat.


"Hiroki-kun. I was wondering when you would come to visit us." A sharp, but gentle voice said as Hiroki arrived in Hidden Mist Mountain.

"Shirawashi-sama. Kuro-san has told me not to take long to come and visit you guys. I'll be staying here for three weeks to train. Please take care of me." Hiroki said.

"Wonderful. When did you want to start the training?" She asked.

"I would like to start now. There's a war brewing and I don't think I'm fully ready for it. There are just a lot of things I wish to do and I'm not powerful enough to accomplish them." Hiroki said.

"Good. Get ready then. We'll start training you now." Kurowashi said as he landed next to Hiroki.


Hiroki was now meditating under a water fall. He was not used to staying motionless for long periods of time.

"Shirawashi-sama, isn't there a way to feel nature chakra without moving?" Hiroki asked while his eyes were still closed.

"There's no way around this Hiroki-kun. You are not used to feel nature chakra and this is the only way for now." Shirawashi explained.

"Don't you have an oil or something that would allow nature chakra to flow into me?"

"We don't have any oil like the toads, but we have a water source that gives one drop per year. It is infused with concentrated nature chakra. You would not be able to handle it and you would instantly turn into stone."

"I understand. I guess there's no other way around this." Hiroki said as he had a bored face. He then closed his eyes and sat down in a meditation pose.

After a whole day trying to meditate, Hiroki was finally able to stay motionless for a full hour. He felt a different source of power flowing inside him. It had the size of a speck of dust, but the power and purity contained could restore all of his chakra pool instantly. Hiroki was utterly surprised by this and lost his focus, thus losing the feeling of that newfound energy source.

"Damn it! One whole day of trying this shit and when I finally feel something, it disappears. Fuck." Hiroki said as he got frustrated.

"Hiroki-kun, you actually did something totally unexpected. You absorbed nature chakra before being able to feel it. It overwhelmed you and that is why you lost concentration. Since now you have absorbed it, even though accidentally, you might be able to feel it now before absorbing it." Shirawashi said.

"I understand Shirawashi-sama, but I'm done for the day. I'll go sleep and come back tomorrow. Thank you." Hiroki said as he left to sleep.

On the next day, Hiroki went back to his motionless meditation, trying to feel nature chakra around him. After two hours of being totally motionless and with his full concentration in it, he was finally able to feel it. He felt that nature chakra was just like a gentle morning breeze. As he continued his meditation for longer, he felt it coming and going all around him. He tried controlling it to circulate it around the outside of his body. He was successful after three hours of trying. It was moving at an extremely slow pace, but it was still progress. He then stopped his meditation as he started to feel hunger.

"Congratulations Hiroki-kun. You were successful in feeling it this time and also moving it. The next step now is for you to keep moving it on the outside of your body until you can absorb it." Shirawashi said.

"Thank you Shirawashi-sama. You have been a great help to me. I believe that I'll be able to absorb it in the coming days, but I want to practice some of my mokuton. I feel that a war is coming and I'll need it if I am to fight against any jinchuuriki and their bijuu. Is there a place here that I could use to practice?" Hiroki asked.

Shirawashi then took him to the outer parts of the valley. She dropped him off and he left a kunai with his Hiraishin formula with her so he could go back when he was done training.

"Alright, to get things started, I'll need to work my ass off. If I fight against a bijuu, there will certainly be a bijuu dama. Hashirama summoned the Rashomon gates to stop Kurama's bijuu dama so that is the first thing I need to learn." Hiroki said to himself as he took out the scroll he had copied all of Hasgirama's mokuton jutsu.

He read through the explanation in the scroll and got excited. As his excitement reached the peak, he became upset. He was happy that the Rashamon gates didn't need hand seals to summon, but the amount of chakra needed for each additional gate doubled the one before.

"Crap, and here I thought I would be able to summon the whole thing at once. How dumb of me. Either way, I need to get the hang of this. Even if I am able to summon only one of those gates, the casualty will decrease exponentially. Better work my ass off." Hiroki said to himself as he got up and started practicing.

Hiroki tried summoning the gates and after five tries, he was able to summon the first gate. He then continued trying to summon more of them. He found out that his limit at the moment was three gates. He couldn't even perform a D-rank jutsu after summoning the third gate.

'Huff... huff... huff. I overexerted myself. Didn't expect that it would be so taxing. Sometimes I forget I'm just a 10 year old and that my body is still developing. I better leave these gates for the future and only use them when in dire situations. I better go and rest for the day.' Hiroki said as he tried teleporting, but fainted before he could do so.

Kurowashi was watching him all this time from a good distance. When he saw Hiroki fainted, he instantly dived and landed next to the boy. He checked if everything was alright with him and was relieved to see it was only chakra exhaustion. Kurowashi then took Hiroki to Shirawashi.

"Kuro-san, Hiroki only needs a good rest and he'll be back to normal. It'll probably take him two days to wake up." Shirawashi said, calming Kurowashi down.


"What happened?" Hiroki asked as he woke up. He then remembered he was practicing in summoning the Rashomon gates. He didn't remember what happened after that.

"You fainted after you exhausted all your chakra kid. Better be careful next time or it could be worst." Kurowashi said as he arrived next to Hiroki.

"Ah, I see. Thank you for bringing me here Kuro-san." Hiroki said as he then got up and headed to the fountain that contained the nature chakra infused water drops.

When he arrived, he saw Shirawashi there.

"How are you Hiroki-kun? Did you have a good recovery? She asked.

"I did Shirawashi-sama. I want to leave a clone here to meditate and work on absorbing natural chakra while I continue to work on my mokuton. Don't worry, I'll be more careful from now on." Hiroki said as he made a shadow clone and then teleported back to the place he practiced two days ago.

When he got there he instantly activated his sharingan. He wanted to work on his mokuton with his sharingan was activated to see how chakra flowed whenever using a technique. He first made a wood clone and saw that it had chakra just like the shadow clone, but it's body was made of wood. He sparred with it for three minutes and found something extraordinary about it.

'Unlike the shadow clone, the wood clone doesn't disappear after it is hit once or twice. Since it's body is made out of wood, it can take more damage. After it spends all of its chakra, it turns into a small tree sprout that buries itself under the ground. Very interesting.' Hiroki thought to himself.

As he continued practicing with the wood clones, he found out that he did not get the memories and experiences back, making a big difference between them. One was sturdier and used less chakra while the other was weaker and used more chakra, but returned it's memories and experiences to the caster after it was dispelled.

"I'll use wood clones for combat and shadow clones for practice. But until my mokuton isn't something public, I'll stick to shadow clones and water clones as well." Hiroki said as he deactivated his sharingan, took out the scroll and sat down to study a useful jutsu for the time being.

Hiroki was then interrupted when he felt chakra being infused to one of his Hiraishin kunai. He found out it was the one he had given to Hiruzen.

'Don't tell me there's already a problem? Shit. Not even a week has passed. There are a lot of things I could have worked on. I better leave more chakra with the shadow clone practicing with nature chakra before I head back to Konoha.

Hiroki then teleported to the clone and gave one quarter of his total chakra to it. He then told Shirawashi and Kurowashi that he had to return to Konoha for an urgent matter and that he would leave the clone behind.