
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Himitsu No Kiri No Yama

Hiroki met Minato and Kakashi in the training ground early morning.

"We have a mission to retrieve a stolen cargo. A merchant coming from thunder country was ambushed by a group of bandits near the border. This is a C-rank mission so let's be careful. We are only to engage in combat if it is needed."

After two days of traveling they arrived at the location the bandits were last seen. It was close to a large mountain that had fog surround its peak. Minato told Kakashi and Hiroki to search in a three mile radius for any clues. They would set their meeting point at the base of the mountain. Each one then went their own way.

Hiroki decided to follow the trail leading the mountain. He then made ten shadow clones and told them spread out. If they were to find any traces about the bandits they were to follow them to their base and then dispel to report.

There was one clone that was heading up the mountain path. It went up for more than two miles and found some cabins. He heard men talking while drinking. The clone instantly dispelled itself warning Hiroki. He then made another clone and told it to go to the meeting place and let Minato and Kakashi know when they came back.

"Here we go. A little bit of thrill since I have arrived in this world." Hiroki said as he smiled with excitement.

Arriving close to the spot his clone found the bandit camp, Hiroki spotted the bandits and the merchandise. He then activated his sharingan as he looked towards the camp. He was surprised to see that two of the bandits had chakra while the rest were just common people. Hiroki then deactivated his sharingan and with utmost stealth, invaded the camp, got the stolen merchandise and then sealed everything into a few scrolls.

As Hiroki got out from the bandit camp, he heard a loud cry coming from the top of the mountain. Hiroki got curious and followed the path towards the top of the mountain. After a few miles he saw a wall made of fog all over the area.

"What is this place? I've never seen or heard about a place like this in the anime." Hiroki said to himself.

As he tried going through the fog, it became solid just like a concrete wall. Hiroki tried pushing his way through and stumbled as the fog's resistance was gone. After he raised his head and looked up and found a beautiful scene. He saw a beautiful alley filled with many different species of eagles. It was as deep as the height of the mountain. There was a majestic waterfall that went all the way down The Valley into a beautiful river.

"This must be a place like Mount Myoboku. Hidden from people. I still can't understand why that fog was solid for one moment and then it was normal again." Huroki said to himself.

"That was because it is our defense young one." A loud and sharp voice said.

"Who?" Hiroki asked as he turned around looking for the person the voice belonged to.

He then felt a gentle breeze coming from above him and when he looked up, he saw a beautiful eagle that was completely white. It was so big that it made the great toads from Mount Myoboku look like kids in front of an adult.

"Don't fret young one. We are no enemies to you. In fact, you have passed our trial the moment you walked through the fog."

"What do you mean?"

"This place is hidden and protect by the fog and no one can trespass it unless they have passed the trial left by our ancestors. You have passed the trial and you are worthy to come and go from our valley."

"I felt resistance the first time I tried passing though it and on the second time I was able to go through. What is the criteria of passing this trial?"

"A pure heart young one. Someone that has a pure heart will always be welcome in our land. Young one, what might I call you?"

"My name is Hiroki. I supposed you also have a name."

"Yes, sorry for my manners. My name is Shirawashi and I'm the leader of Hidden Fog Mountain. Come everyone, meet Hiroki. He has completed the trial of ancestors left for those that come to us." Shirawashi said and many more eagles of different sizes and colors flew around them.

"Are you guys like the toads from Mount Myoboku?"

"Yes, and since you now have come to us, you will have us as summon. Do you want to sign the summoning contract with us?" Shirawashi asked while taking of a large scroll.

"Of course. I could never say no to this." Hiroki said and instantly bit his thumb, signed his name and left his finger prints.

"Hiroki, since you are here, would you like to stay for sometime and learn from us?" Shirawashi asked him.

Hiroki was surprised once again hearing this. First it was a summoning contract and now it was the teaching of the eagles. He asked Shirawashi about those teachings and she explained to him about nature chakra and how he could mix his own chakra with natural chakra, then creating a sage mode. She also told him that when someone learned their methods of acquiring sage mode, said person would be able to soar the skies with chakra wings made from wind and natural chakra.

"Thank you Shirawashi, but right now I'm in a mission with my team members. I have to go back to my village and then get some free time to come here and learn from you guys." Hiroki explained.

"I understand, but do come in the future. You won't regret. You can always summon any of us whenever you need Hiroki-san. It will be our pleasure to help you."

"Thank you Shirawashi and everyone else." Hiroki said as he took a small bow towards them.

"I should be leaving now. I'll come back in the future." He said as he got ready to leave.

"Wait. Kurowashi, take Hiroki to his teammates." Shirawashi said to a totally black eagle that was the size of Gamabunta.

"Hai Shirawashi-sama. Hop on kid and hold onto me and don't let go." Kurowashi said. As soon as Hiroki climbed onto him and held on, Kurowashi flapped his wings once and was already above the mountain. This caused Hiroki to gasp and have his eyes opened in utter astonishment.

"You did better than I thought kid. I was expecting you to be scared hehe. So, where are we going to?" Kurowashi asked. Hiroki then pointed towards the meeting point and Kurowashi was there in less than half a minute.

As Hiroki came down from Kurowashi, he thanked him and waved goodbye. With a loud cry and two flaps of his wings, Kurowashi was already high up hundreds of meters.

'How fast are these hawks to cover such distances in a such short time?' Hiroki asked himself. He then felt two presences close to were he was.

'It's probably the two leaders of the bandits that have chakra.' He thought as he took out two kunais and was ready to throw them, but stopped on his tracks as he identified it was Minato and Kakashi.

"Oh! It's you guys. I thought it was the bandits." Hiroki said.

"Hiroki, where have you been? We came here yesterday and didn't find you. We thought something happened to you. we heard a loud cry and instantly came to check out what it was. Are you okay?" Minato asked.

'They must have heard Kurowashi.' Hiroki thought.

"Hehe. Sorry about that Minato-ni." Hiroki laughed embarrassed.

"I actually followed the trail leading to the mountain and found the bandit's base. I retrieved the merchandise." Hiroki said as he handed the scrolls to Minato.

"So that's why we didn't find any clues about them. I expected them to lurk around the roads leading to the town. They are quite smart for using a mountain as a base. Either way, good job Hiroki." Minato said.

"Thank you Minato-ni."

"Let's return to the village then. Once we return the goods, the mission will be accomplished." Minato said.

As they returned to Konoha, Kakashi asked Hiroki if he saw what made the strange loud sound they heard before.

"Oh. That was just Kurowashi."

"Who is Kurowashi?" Minato asked.

"He's one of my summons, Minato-ni."

"You had a summon? When did you get the chance to get a summoning contract?"

"I got it a few hours ago hehe. I found the hidden mist mountain. It's a hidden valley inside that mountain." Hiroki said.

Minato hearing that was very curious about Hiroki's summons. He was thinking of introducing the toads of Mount Myoboku to him. Minato then asked Hiroki to introduce him to his summon.

[summoning Jutsu]

As the dust cleared a large shadow covered all three of them and then a large eagle that was completely black appeared.

"What do you need kid? I was kinda busy." The deep and loud voice of Kurowashi startled Minato and Kakashi.

"Kuro-san, Minato-ni wanted to meet you. He was curious to know about my summons." Hiroki said.

"Hello Kurowashi. I'm Minato. I have a summoning contract with Mount Myoboku and was curious to see his summon. I'm really surprised and pleased that he's got such great summons."

"You're right about that kid. We from hidden mist mountain are great summons, not one bit worst than the toads from Mount Myoboku. Is that all you need kid?" Kurowashi asked.

"Would you mind taking us to Konoha?" Hiroki asked.

"Why didn't you ask me when I brought you from the mountain? You're too complicated. Hop on."

Minato, Kakashi and Hiroki climbed on Kurowashi and the eagle soared at extreme speeds to Konoha. In just twenty minutes, they had already arrived five miles from the village gates. Hiroki asked kurowashi to drop them off at this location so the villagers wouldn't be scared and think of him as a threat. Hiroki then thanked him for the ride and waved good bye.

"Hiroki I was going to introduce you to the toads, but it is great that you have a summoning contract with the eagles. They are as rare as the toads, snakes and slugs. Do take care of them and don't let anyone sign the summoning contract unless it is someone you really trust." Minato said.

"Ni-San, there's no need to worry. I don't carry the summoning contract with me. The eagles keep it themselves. I had to pass a trial to even get to the hidden valley." Hiroki explained.

"What kind of trial was it?" Kakashi asked.

"Let's just say that you have to pass through the fog. Other than that, I can't say anymore. Sorry."

"Alright then, let's get back to the village and report." Minato said as he leaded them back.

Once they arrived at the village they went straight to the Hokage's office to report. Once the report was given, Hiruzen called the merchant and Minato returned his belongings sealed in the scrolls. The merchant thanked them and left afterwards. Hiruzen then gave everyone their payment and dismissed them.

As Minato was leaving, Hiroki called him.

"Minato-ni, I have something to tell you and Kushina-ne. Do you have any place that we could talk in private and safe from prying ears?" Hiroki asked seriously.

Minato was surprised by the seriousness in Hiroki's voice and eyes. He has never seen him like this ever since they met seven months ago.

"Come with me. We'll go to Kushina's place. She has privacy seals and no one is able to eavesdrop on us."


"Knock knock knock."

Minato knocked on the door then went inside with Hiroki. Kushina was not worried because only Minato was able to open her door when locked. She was surprised as she saw Hiroki with her boyfriend.

"Minato, Hiroki, what brings you guys here?" She asked.

"Kushina, Hiroki wants to tell us something. He asked for a place that others can't listen to our conversation." Minato explained. Kushina saw the serious look Hiroki had and knew this was important to him. She then activated the privacy seals.

"Go ahead Hiroki. You can tell us and no one other than us will hear what you say."

"Thank you ne-san. I wouldn't tell this to anyone other than the two of you. Ever since we've met, you two have been like parents to me. Helping me with things I need and taking care of me. I trust you two more than anyone else and I ask you two not to tell this to anyone else, not until I'm ready to carry the weight of my own actions." Hiroki said while his eyes were closed.

"Hiroki, whatever it is, we'll keep it to ourselves. And do know that we also trust you." Minato said.

Hiroki nodded his head and opened his eyes. Minato and Kushina instantly gasped. What they saw before them were two red eyes with two black tomoes each, spinning slowly nonstop.