
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs


"How? I thought you were an orphan." Kushina asked.

"I don't know how I have Uchiha blood, it must be because of one of my parents was one. The thing is I don't have any idea of who they are. Not even their names were on my birth certificate." Hiroki told her.

"Hiroki, when did you awaken your sharingan?" Minato asked.

"It was in the day I fainted. I felt a great amount of chakra flood my neural and ocular system. I fainted due to the stress it gave me. I only came to actually activate it myself two days after." Hiroki said.

"You asked us not to tell anyone about this, why? The Uchiha clan is a prestigious clan and you could be part of it." Kushina said.

"I'm sorry ne-san, but just look at the way they treat at Obito. They don't even give him any attention and could care less. How would they treat me, a child that doesn't even know his parents." Hiroki explained.

"We'll respect your wishes Hiroki. We won't tell anyone about what we talked here until you think otherwise. We also thank you for trusting us with this secret." Minato said.

"Thank you ni-san and ne-san. I should be leaving now."

As Hiroki left Kushina's house, he felt that a ton was lifted off from him. He wanted their trust and could not keep this secret from them for too long. If by any chance they discovered this from others, than their relationship could take a turn for the worst.

Hiroki went to the shinobi bank to withdraw his payment. He wanted to get out of the orphanage and since he was making his own money he looked for an apartment to rent. Unfortunately he didn't make much so he needed to rent a low cost apartment, but to someone that could stay days doing missions in the past and present life, this was alright.

Hiroki then made three clones to help him clean the place. After one hour, the apartment was squeaky clean. Hiroki then took a shower and went to bed.


When Hiroki was going towards the training grounds, he was stopped by an anbu with blank porcelain masks.

'Danzo's root anbu. What does he want from me? There's no way he knows about my eyes. Kushina and Minato would never tell him. And Kushina's seals are stronger than any other seals from anyone in Konoha. That's discarded then. What could it be?' Hiroki thought.

"Hiroki, Danzo-sama wishes to meet you. Please follow us." The root anbu said.

"Tell this Danzo that I'll be at training ground seven. If he wants to meet me, he should come to me."

"You don't have a choice." The anbu said as he dashed towards Hiroki with a kunai. The anbu tried thrusting the knife at Hiroki, but never hit him. The last thing the anbu saw was the floor approaching him face.

"What's wrong with these guys? He tried attacking in the middle of the village. Danzo's brainwashing must be really good to make them act like this." Hiroki said to himself.

He then saw two Uchiha police officers and told them what happened. They sealed the anbu's chakra and brought him to the torture and investigation department to be questioned.

Hiroki then continued walking to the training grounds normally. He then made shadow clones to continue their practice over wind and lightening affinities as well as seals. Hiroki studied space-time affinity himself. After an hour, Minato teleported to his side. He had a worried look, but when he saw Hiroki was well and practicing, he was relieved of his worries.

"Hiroki, how are you? The Hokage told me what happened and I came instantly. Did they do anything to you?" Minato asked with worry.

"I'm fine ni-san. That anbu wasn't anything special so I put him to sleep. Who's this Danzo that the anbu said he wanted to see me?"

"What?! Danzo was behind this? The shinobi in T.I couldn't get a word out of that guy."

"Who told you about this? Was it the Uchiha police?"

"No, it was the Hokage. He didn't tell me it was an anbu, much less from root. That's why he didn't mention Danzo."

"Do you think he is trying to protect Danzo?"

"I don't know, but I will. I'm going to his office this instant and ask some questions. Come with me Hiroki." Minato said as he grabbed Hiroki's hand and teleported to the Hokage's office.


"Hokage, why didn't you say that the ninja that attacked Hiroki was one of Danzo's root member? Is it because you are trying to protect him? This is way out line. Who would think that someone from their own village would try to hurt them. No one would want to live here. If this happens again, there might be a civil war in Konoha and the other villages will not pass up this chance to destroy us." Minato said right after he teleported inside the Hokage office. Hiruzen could feel the blonde's voice laced with anger.

Hiruzen did not expect Minato to be this angry and couldn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Minato, Danzo can't answer for his subordinates actions."

"When the subordinate is directly under Danzo's orders he can and will answer for his actions." Minato said every word with anger.

Hiruzen then looked at Hiroki.

"Hiroki, what exactly did that root anbu say to you?"

"He said that some Danzo guy was looking for me. As a shinobi of Konoha, I only report to you and no one else. I told him that if this Danzo wanted to see me, he should come himself instead of me presenting myself to him. That is he said I didn't have a choice and tried forcing me and also tried to stab me with his kunai." Hiroki answered.

'Damn it Danzo. What the hell are you thinking. Having you men go after a young child.' Hiruzen thought as a mild headache struck him.

"Hiroki, Minato, I'm really sorry about this. I'll make sure this doesn't happen ever again. Tori, get Danzo here." Hiruzen said and a shadow blurred out of the office.

"You two may leave. And once again, I'm really sorry about this." Hiruzen said.

As Minato left with Hiroki, the now 6 years old was thinking of how Hiruzen was.

'That old man really did have a blind eye for Danzo. He's just stupid to trust that man blindly even though he knew about the assassination attempts. It's not going to be easy to take care of this cancer. I better use the future war as an opportunity to become a pillar in this village. Once that is done, I'll be able to take care of him. I better hurry and become more powerful.'

"....ki, ..roki, Hiroki. Are you alright?" Minato asked as he saw Hiroki seemed to be worried about something.

"Ah, yes. I'm okay ni-san. I was just thinking of something." Hiroki said as he scratched his head and smiled.

"If you're alright, then I'll leave you to do your own things." Minato said as he teleported.

"I guess I'm on my own again." Hiroki said as he went to the training ground and continue his training.


In the Hokage office...

"Danzo, what the hell was that in the morning?" Hiruzen yelled at his once war partner.

"What are you talking about Hiruzen?"

"Don't you dare try to get out from this. Your anbu attacked a shinobi of Konoha in the middle of the village under your orders. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Hiruzen, I really didn't know about this until now. Who is this shinobi that the root anbu attacked?"

"His name is Hiroki, Minato's apprentice. But you already knew that right. Look Danzo, I'm going to say this once and once only. Hiroki is off limits and you'll cut your anbu members to 50%. It seems I have given you too much power and you got drunk from it to make such a shit show like this in the middle of the village for all to see."

"But Hiruzen..."

"I WON'T REPEAT MYSELF!" Hiruzen yelled as his chakra flared wildly, making Danzo step back and shut up.


'Fuck. I guess I underestimated that kid. I never thought he would be able to take down an anbu at that age. Damn it, my plan of recruiting him have gone to waste.' Danzo thought as he lamented today's happening.


In the training grounds...

'Alright! Finally a breakthrough. I can't believe teleportation is this hard. I can feel the fluctuations of space and time, but can barely scratch the surface when I try controlling it. I can now teleport really small objects in a short distance.' Hiroki thought to himself excitedly.

He finally got a hint of how teleportation worked thanks to Minato bringing him to the Hokage's office when teleported. He felt a strong pulse of time and space at the time and actually tried recreating that feeling even though it was 1/20 of it.

Hiroki's clones then dispelled, depositing all their memories to him. His clones had practiced enough with lightening and wind element, making him able to use them without too many difficulties. He also got memories from the clones that were studying Kushina's notes. He had learned the privacy seal and blood seal. The blood seal makes it possible to open scrolls if you have the same blood that sealed the scroll.

'This is interesting. Let me do some tweaking.' Hiroki thought and started making some adjustments to it for a few hours.

"Got it. I guess it wasn't as simple as I thought, but I finally did it."

Hiroki then went straight to his apartment. When he got there he made privacy seals on the walls, ceiling, doors and windows. He then bit his thumb, drawing some blood. The blood was used to draw the blood seal on his door so no one would would be able to open that door unless it was him. He also added a tracking seal just in case someone destroyed the door.

"Ah, finally done. I guess I'll take a shower, eat and rest." Hiroki said as he finished up putting the sealing materials away.