
Sweet Home Alabama

Chara's glare towards Frisk didnt cease. Listening how this could pay off, but what if it caused too much attention? Eventually, Chara pulled their eyes from glaring at the living human to peak over their shoulders at Sans. Well, he was rather quiet? No jokes? Puns? Chara then narrowed their eyes at the shoulder skeleton. Sans looked up feeling a strange sense of negativity. Chara eyes perked. Did the skeleton sense them? No. The child looked around seeing there was far too many eyes on the skeleton for him to actually sense something nonexistent. The shrugged and turn to listen in on Frisk's conversation with Papyrus.

As Frisk introduced their name to Papyrus he gasped, "Ahh! Well that's a unique name. Frisk huh? Well,

it's nice to meet you Frisk." Papyrus then looked to see eyes all on him as he gave a courageous smile. Of course, he knew they weren't admiring him, but they would have to acknowledge WHO was carrying the child after all. "Wowi! They cant get their eyes off you, Frisk!" he announced. Sans on the other hand looked to see the eyes and mouth chatter among each other. His white pupils then looked to Frisk as they asked a question about the souls. He kept silent. However, Papyrus would do the opposite as he would feed the child's knowledge.

"Oh! Well, King Asgore needs a total of seven souls to open the barrier. You see, we're all trapped here in the underground. And once you visit Asgore, he would need you to open it." Poor Papyrus was sadly not told the full story of that though; little did he know, countless souls of humans were slain to obtain full control of their soul. Sans knew this, but kept it hidden for many reasons. His brother was harmless, too kind, and innocent. Yes, Sans' has made horrible decisions in the past, he regrets them. But now, he wanted to turn over a new bone.

He quickly wanted to change the subject. "Uhh! You know what! There's our house bro. Maybe we should hurry in before people start to swarm us, ya know?" he suggested. Papyrus peaked over his shoulder and nodded in agreement. "You are so right, Brother! Let's go Frisk! his steady paced instantly changed as he was now a track star dashing through the snow. Of course, holding Frisk on his shoulders. The sudden dash from Papyrus left Chara in the dust. Causing the child to get left behind with Sans. They turned to Sans as they witnessed him stepping into nothing; instantly disappearing. He was most likely back at the house. And to make things easier, Chara would fade to nothing as they would reappear beside Frisk once Papyrus came to a halt at their door step.

Papyrus huffed only a few times as he quickly caught his breathe. He was rather skilled being able to dash that fast. All that training didnt go to waste. He was actrually rather skilled in melee and physical combat. Just he lacked blue magic like his brother. As Sans put it, 'His magic just wasnt unlocked yet'. It disappointed Papyrus at first to know his magic would not manifest, but in the mean time, he found his own way of defending himself.

"Here we are! Home sweet home!" Just as he was about to grab the knob, Sans was already on the other side (inside) knocking. Papyrus was confused, "Sans!? Is that--"

"Come on bro. You're suppose to say 'Knock knock'~" Sans chuckled.

Papyrus eyes narrowed at the door as he caught on to that it was one of Sans 'knock knock' jokes. "Oh for crying out loud...Knock knock!"

"Who's there?" Papyrus opened his mouth to answer, but was caught in confusion to where this was going. Instead, if being tricked into a knock knock joke, he was sucked into a traversal tongue twist!

"SANS!" Frisk and Papyrus both could hear the shorter skeleton laughing behind the door before he opened it.

"What took ya s long?"

"Oh, ha-ha, Sans!" he then tucked himself below the door as he held Frisk on his shoulder. Once inside, he would lift the child off and place them to the ground. "Well?! What do you think??"

Sans had changed the subject before the bigger skeleton could answer or even attempt at doing so. Frisk didn't exactly have any expression on their face after the older brother had done that. The human already knew why they needed the souls, though they never knew why they killed the humans for them. These humans whom fell into this magically rich region seemed to have a strong connection with their souls identity. Theirs was determination and they could channel that determination with their will to create even something so meager as a shield. Squeezing their eyes shut slightly, the human looked forward and felt a shiver go down their spine as all the monsters were watching and talking. It started to get rather disturbing.

However as soon as the skeleton disappeared and the other began to dash through the snow as the giant he was, the cold crisp air pressed passed their face. If they had gone any faster, Frisk probably really would have gotten frost bite, but not on their hands, but their face.

Arriving at the front door, the human lolled their head about waiting for Papy to open the door, but of course, they didn't when they heard a voice on the other side which had followed a knock knock. Frisk almost said something, but didn't. Instead they snickered a bit at the fact that the skeleton was keeping them outside, but now Frisk's face was extremely red and their nose was running a bit. Gotta love the cold, the human thought to themselves before laughing a bit when Papy got the door open and Sans asked them about what took them so long.

Once they were inside and Papyrus put Frisk down on the ground, the human stumbled a bit and looked around the room with a small smile across their lips. They then narrowed their gaze onto Sans for a few seconds, "It's a wonderful home, Papy," the human began to speak, "How long will it take you to make the spaghetti?" Their eyes looked up to Papyrus.

The human couldn't just talk to Chara in front of them, they'd either be seen as insane or something was up. It probably wasn't that abnormal to have a disembodied spirit following you around that only you could see. Or was it abnormal? They probably knew Chara as Asriel's adopted brother, but that could also raise questions. Unwanted Questions which the human may end up having to answer at some point at the bar.

Frisk's gaze moved back towards Sans, "Are you the person feeding Mother knock knock jokes and puns from the other side of the door? She has a bunch of hero own jokes written in her diary." The human practically immediately gave away whom was on the other side of the door and whom their mother was, Toriel. The former Queen of the Underground.

Sans stretched his arms above his head and crossed his arms behind his head as he rest the back of his skull against his arms. He listened silently at the two getting comfortable. IT was then time for Sans to rest. He had a long day, but he couldn't sleep without dinner.

"Oh why thank you, Frisk! I'm glad you like it.. It's...its not much but it's usually just me and my, Brother. We rarely have guests other than Undyne who comes to retrieve me after her duties for training." Sans could tell Papyrus was happy to have a new face in their home. Hell, he was actrually happy that the two of them were getting along. Sans looked to Frisk as the human took the words from his mouth! He was actrually starving. "Heh! I would like to know the same, bro. I just didnt have the GUTS to ask." He then turned to Frisk and gave a playful wink followed with a thumbs up. Papyrus mumbled under his breathe. Even though he acted like he didnt like his brothers puns, he couldn't help but enjoy the fact that his older brother was always so happy. Well, in his eyes anyways.

Papyrus then turned his attention back to Frisk. "Give me a few minutes to prepare! It shouldn't take no longer than an hour." he smiled down at the human and walked past them and towards the kitchen. Just as Papyrus was about to walk through the doorway of the kitchen, he stopped to listen in on Frisk speaking to Sans' about sharing puns and jokes with the child's mother? Sans' eyes widened. Listening as the child continued to speak, but leading to the mysterious woman;s diary. Sans' white pupils faded into nothing, leaving the skeleton in shock. "Mother? Sans' what is Frisk talking about?" The shorter skeleton's face turned red as he realized his brother didnt even leave the room yet. Listening in on his little secret meeting with a woman. Of course, he was slowly falling for the woman, enjoying puns and jokes with her. After all, he was on his way to catch up with her...until they bumped into the human. "You-...your MOTHER?!" even Sans was confused. Just who was he talking to for the past month behind the door?! A human this whole time? His heart sunk a little. Quickly turning away to reply, "Uh. Well. I--I. you see- I didnt even know! Ugh...." he was lost for words; he couldn't even explain himself. Quickly slapping his hand against his face. Papyrus smiled. So That's why Sans left so early in the morning without a trace. He was visiting this child's mother. So..did this mean he knew of the human this whole time?!

"Sans...You knew about Frisk this whole time!?" Sans quickly winced to Papyrus voice. Quickly waving his hand in disagreement.

"N-NO! I didnt..It's complicated okay!" the shorter skeleton quickly stuffed there hoodie over there head in attempts to hide there embarrassment. "I didnt even know there was somone there! I mean.." well, this was rather personal. He didnt expect a person to be behind the door. He saw the door and thought it would be a nice way to practice. After several times of repeating this, the woman responded to him. Startling him even. But, he couldn't leave the woman hanging in mid-joke. So he continued. And there relationship spiraled.

Sans had no idea the woman was a human though. He looked to Frisk a gave a nervous smile. "Yeah..I guess I'm that skeleton. Heh!" he admitted. Of course, now his brother knew. Papyrus hummed a small tune to himself as he escorted himself to the kitchen. Once inside, he hollered to Frisk, "Help yourself to our home, Frisk. Sans can show you around. Right, brother?"

"Oh! well, sure." he shrugged. Still wearing the hood over his skull and his face was still blushed. "I guess I can show you the couch first." Papyrus then quickly peaked in on Sans and Frisk from the kitchen after remembering, "Oh! and don't forget to pick up those socks, Sans. They've been there for DAYS!" he nagged before returning to his cooking chores. Sans let out a sigh, "But I did pick them up...hehe" meaning he picked them up, and placed them right back where they were first spotted. He then nudged his head to the kid to follow him over to the couch.

"So here it is!" the shorter skeleton vanished from sight, and reappeared a few feet above the couch as he fell. Landing his bone arse against the soft plush cushions. "SO uhh..You like television?" he asked. Seeing their home didn't have much entertainment of course. "There's a lot of shows on the MTT channel." leaving out the fact that they're all about Mettaton. But, the square-bot was rather entertaining with his acting and singing.