
Tales Of Demons And Gods: Reborn With Nie Lie's Knowledge

After meeting an untimely end, Adan is granted a second chance at life, reincarnating as a member of the illustrious Divine Family. Gifted with the memories of Nie Lie, he seeks to alter his destiny and rewrite the history of Tales of Demons and Gods. ---------------------------------- Disclaimer: nothing is owned by me, all credits go to MadSnail Discord- https://discord.gg/NMmtDbwHVQ

noname_marco · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Sinister Planning

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NMmtDbwHVQ


(3rd Person POV)

The news about the Scared Family stealing an inscription pattern spread like wildfire. The entirety of the city was gossiping about it– be it commoners, nobles, or even the other two Great Families, everyone was speaking about it and wondering just what it meant for the future of the Sacred Family.

Though the code of conduct had been breached two or three times within the past year, it had never been to such an extent, and by such a prominent family. The Sacred Family had become one of the 3 Great Families by contributing an immense amount of Inscriptions to Glory City; however, with this scandal the reputation and trustworthiness of the Sacred Family's inscriptions had tanked by a lot, leading some to even begin wondering if they were worthy of their title.

(Scene Change)

Within the Scared Family's estate, things weren't much better than the situation outside. Shouting and screaming could be heard practically everywhere within the mansion, but it was especially prominent in the main hall where the Patriarch and the elders were engaged in a shouting match.

"Shen Ming what the hell is going on?! Our entire family's reputation is down the drain– we're now the laughingstock of the entire city!" Shen Hong - the current Patriarch of the Family - bellowed in outrage.

He was a rather tall man with broad shoulders who sported a long white beard and equally long white hair.

"My lord, calm down, please," Ming quickly kneeled before trying to appease Shen Hong before he destroyed the hall in rage, or even worse killed him.

"Explain yourself, now," Hong said releasing some of his soul force cracking the floor.

"T-the," Ming began as his voice cracked in fear of the man in front of him, "Chen Zhenlong, the Patriarch of the Divine Family-"

"I know who he is! Get to the point before I decide to have someone else fill your position," Hong cut off, beginning to feel fed up with Ming's groveling.

"He apparently found a record in the Burning Emperyeon Arts that matched the Scarlet Hellblazer that the founder of our family gave to Glory City," Ming finished, bowing his head lower as to hopefully avoid Hong's wrath.

Hong's rage, having reached a boiling point, exploded at that moment as his fist was suddenly lodged into Ming's stomach sending him flying away countless feet.

"It will be your duty to fix this, spare no expense, and make it quick. By tomorrow our reputation should be completely restored," he spoke to the downed Ming, who could only manage a weak nod in response.

"The only reason I did not kill you with my attack is because of your previous contribution– don't fail me again; your life is on the line." With those parting words, Hong left the room and made his way to his personal quarters.

(Scene Change > Hong's quarters 20 minutes later)

"You called for us my lord?" a hooded figure asked as he bowed in front of the throne Shen Hong was sat on.

Nodding in response, Hong began, "I did. Some information has been leaked that jeopardizes my family's position within this city. I'm sure that's bad for you as well considering we're your allies and supply important information regarding the other 2 Great Families, and the rest of Glory City."

"Indeed, we've heard of it," The Gold-ranked cultivator and current Deacon of the Dark Guild Yun Hua spoke. "But I'm unsure of what you would like us to do my lord."

Hong paused for a moment, stroking his large beard as his gaze became cold and venomous. "I wish for you to launch a simultaneous attack against Glory City, the Divine Family, and my family."

(Scene Change - Jing's POV)

As I walked through the City, I could barely repress a smirk as I heard everyone talking shit about the Sacred Family, and how they were nothing but thieves.

'Man, I'm glad I showed Dad that inscription. Serves the Sacred Family right,' I chuckled in my head as I continued making my way over to the City Lord's mansion.

A couple of hours ago Ziyun had sent a messenger asking me to come over as Ning'er was going to be doing so as well.

"Hello," I politely greeted the guards before I walked into the estate. All the guards merely nodded at me respectfully, having become accustomed to my presence.

"Ziyun, Ning'er sorry for the wait," I apologized as I made my way into the room where Ziyun and Ning'er were currently sat across from each other, cultivating.

The cultivation techniques they were practicing were quite weak, to be honest. I could feel the presence that the technique was giving off as they were cultivating and it was horrendously weak, well horrendously weak compared to mine, but I suppose that's to be expected.

"Ning'er, look who finally decided to visit us," Ziyun pouted as she opened her eyes and stopped cultivating, as Ning'er did the same.

Holding in a laugh she replied, "Ziyun, don't be so hard on Jing, I'm sure he was busy." The two of them knew I was busy as I was focused on my cultivation techniques and learning from my father for when I took over the clan.

"Well at least one of you is on my side," I chuckled, as the two of them joined in. After enjoying a laugh for a couple of moments, I became serious and pulled out two Soul Crystals from my interspacial ring.

"What's that for?" Ziyun asked as I told her it was to check her Soul Form.

Though I knew what Soul Form she had, she didn't know that, and if I just helped her and Ning'er out without having any way of knowing it would make them suspicious, and a child's curiosity is best left in check. Besides, I didn't know what timeline of TDG I'm in, so who knows maybe there's some difference.

"Inject your soul force into the soul crystal," I spoke as the two followed my words, and the results were given in an instant.

A bright light-blue glow came from Ziyun's orb as a mass of ice manifested inside of the orb, and inside the mass of ice was a sleeping phoenix. I quickly looked through Nie Lie's memories to see just what her Soul Form entailed. Apparently, it was ridiculously powerful and would allow one to advance by leaps and bounds once stepping into the Black-Gold rank.

'So she's the same as canon: Ice Pheonix,' I mused as I turned my attention toward Ning'er.

Her crystal also gave off a dazzling light, and after a couple of moments, the light morphed into a humongous dragon that was flying around the orb.

'Same as cannon with her as well.'

"Not bad, Ice Phoenix, and Winged Dragon," I said to the two, although I didn't mention just how rare those two Soul Forms were.

"With those Soul Forms your current cultivation techniques aren't suitable enough– when someone doesn't practice a technique that's suitable for their soul form their cultivation speed slows down."

"And what you two are doing is exactly that, so let me give you a better technique," I explained briefly, though I was met with stares of disbelief when I told them I could give them a better technique.

"Hmph, don't be stupid. I'm already practicing the strongest technique within my entire family," Ziyun boasted as she shot me a glare, whilst I just laughed. Ning'er remained as quiet as always, but I could tell she was on Ziyun's side.

"Alright just hear me out before you come to a judgment," I said as I planned to give them the chants to the Nine Revoloving Ice Pheonix technique, and the Wind Lightning Winged Dragon Technique.

I know it was far earlier than cannon, but the Dark Guild was powerful and I wasn't planning on taking any chances with this. My family's life was on the line after all.

(Five Minutes Later)

"N-no way? This cultivation technique is more powerful than my own," Ziyun muttered in shock.

I wasn't surprised at her reaction considering her family's techniques are heralded as the most powerful in all of Glory City, and were considered superior to that of even the Sacred Family's and Divine Family's techniques.

"Jing, where did you find these two cultivation techniques? Are you sure it's okay to give us them?" Ning'er asked in worry, as Ziyun nodded along.

'Finally, I was waiting for you to ask that,' I thought to myself as I prepped my lie. "Well if you really wanna know, I suppose I'll tell you. I met someone who said they'd be my master, and guess what? They were Legend-rank!" I whispered as their previous expression of shock and worry morphed into one of bewilderment.

I only told them about this lie because if my parents didn't believe me when I eventually told them I could attribute Ziyun and Ning'ers rapid cultivation to that, which will only help my case. It wasn't possible for me to give them a technique if I didn't have a master after all, and because of that my family would have no choice but to believe what I said and that would hopefully lead to them graciously accepting whatever technique I told them to cultivate.

"Jing, you aren't lying are you?" Ziyun asked after a few moments of silence. I'm sure for her this revelation meant more than anyone else considering her grandfather wasn't the sole Legend-rank cultivator in Glory City anymore.

"Don't get your hopes up," I spoke as she turned to me in confusion, "Master doesn't like interfering in what he calls useless affairs. Besides, he's not even in Glory City, I continued.

"Also, by the way, with the Nine Revolving Ice Phoenix technique, you should be able to quickly catch up to your brother," I spoke to her with a small smile as I patted her head. Although I had only met her a few times, I couldn't lie that I had begun to consider her and Ning'er my friends, and since they were my sole friends in this world, if I could help them out I would do so.

I know that all this time she had been craving her father's attention, however, with her adopted brother being more 'talented', and because of how much Ziyun reminded Zong of his deceased wife, he began to focus all his attention on Ye Han, as he was going to succeed his position as City Lord.

Her mouth opened and closed multiple times, trying to form words but nothing came out. Eventually, she just settled for a simple 'thank you', as she threw herself at me, hugging me tightly as tears fell from her face.

'I suppose she's been bottling up her emotions for a long time,' I thought to myself with a frown, feeling bad for the position she was put in, and feeling glad that I was born into such a loving family.

As I continued consoling her, I looked toward Ning'er who was smiling happily at seeing Ziyun finally being able to have a chance at earning her father's praise.

After a few minutes when Ziyun had run out of tears, Ning'er thanked me as well. "Thank you, Jing," she told me sincerely as I waved off her and Ziyun.

"Don't worry about it, we're friends after all."


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. To be honest, it was late at night and after the Sacred Family's part we just kinda wrote for the sake of finishing the chapter lmao. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it once again.

We made some changes to cannon by giving the two their techniques earlier, but my editor and I both decided that this fit the story better and it also gave Jing a way to convince his parents about the whole master lie.

Love interest wise, I'm leaning toward Yu Yan ngl lol. But who knows, I might change it if the Ning'er hype still remains.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night. And drop some power stones lmao. Btw, I think after this we should be on the ranking… hopefully.