
tales of Darwin

I am just writing for fun I'll probably upload a chapter once a week, so if you do read and enjoy please be patient. a classic adventure with some twists you'll hopefully enjoy.

Ethan_Roscoe · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Decisions 1

Dread loomed over him like a reaper as he paced on the white marble floor. He could feel the tension coming through the oak door before him. Behind it, the senior wizards were deciding his fate. Darwin absentmindedly began chewing his nails - a bad habit his late mother had often hit him for. All he wanted in life was to be a certified mage and adventurer, so his nerves were getting to him. It was a hard life that few chose, often leading to death. Darwin dreamt of the freedom of the road and the companionship of brothers and sisters bonded by battles, not for kind and country, but for the loot, and survival.

His mind started to wander from his current issue to his future. He knew his decision. It would upset his father, though he didn't care. The council had been deliberating for hours over his decision to join the adventurers. Normally such things do not take so long to decide however, He was a bit of a different case. Not only was his father the general of the Kings army, but Simon was one of the strongest students the academy had produced in a long time. They may force him to join the army for at least a few years. At that thought Darwin slumped against the wall. He dreaded the thought of having his father as his commander. Four years of his father looking over his shoulder, controlling him. Darwin knew he would likely get a position within his father's officers. Anything he could do to avoid being under his father's thumb - he would. That is why he joined the Acadamy to begin with. The campus lifestyle was a nice reprieve from father's relentless combat lessons, which were more like beatings, and the normal schooling he didn't have much of a childhood.

Darwin sighed, realizing he probably looked like some sad sap slumping against the wall. He straightened up; no need to be uncouth. His father used to say it is best if you keep yourself, to yourself. He had two reasons for saying this. One, nobody cares about you and two, the more people know about you, the more they can use against you. Darwin was certain his father was part of the former group. Having now made himself depressed he silently waited staring at the thick oak door that led to the meeting room.

An hour later the door began to open and a sigh released itself from Darwin's lungs. At last, the waiting was over. An older man stood in front of Darwin with salt and pepper hair. He was lean and had crystal blue eyes that complimented his smooth pale skin. He wore a tunic with a battle mage staff and sword crossed over a kite shield embroidered on his chest. The red tunic cut off at the shoulder, leaving his arms bare for more flexibility. Darwin stepped forward to greet the man who quickly just ushered him through the door way.

Darwin gazed around the great room. Candles lit up the grey stone walls and a series of flickering chandeliers hung down the middle of the room. As the man led Darwin forward, their footsteps echoed in silence. The tunic ended near his knees in a point, leather pants and armor covered his legs. The gold embroidering on the edges spoke to the man's wealth.

The other four men in the room, all turned and looked toward him as he entered. They all wore robes of exquisite quality. His father also sat at the table clad in armor with the robed men. It was one of the general's duties to recruit as many mages to the royal army as possible. Simon had no doubt that his choice to join the adventurer's guild wounded his father's pride. This, in fact, brought a little happiness to his heart. He had never really gotten along with his dad after his mother died. His dad sent him off to private school. Darwin always knew his father never really cared but abandoning him after his mother's death was a wedge that Darwin's father drove between them. This and the fact that all he wanted to do was see the world without anything tying him down like his mother had, was why he had chosen to join the guild.

As he walked toward the table of men his heart began to beat rapidly. If his father wanted to, he could use his rank to force him into years of service. He had feared this day for many months. He stopped in the center of the room, the largest chandelier hung above him, pointed crystals dangling above his head. The entire structure hung suspended by magic, giving the room a very elegant and neat look.

Returning his attention to the men in front of him, he looked at the head wizard of his school. The elven man's pointed features and long white hair paired well with his white robes and gold network of dancing lines. A bit flashy for Darwin's liking but, it suited the man and the air of nobility that every elf he had met seemed to ooze.

"We have discussed you joining the adventurer's guild" his gravelly voice echoed as he motioned to the others. Darwin's breath caught in his throat. This is the moment he had been playing in his head over and over with many different outcomes.