
Chapter - 16

Imagine, when every single day you got something new to do or something new happening in your life and that something is good, which brought excitement and happiness in your life. The adrenaline feeling you got, in those days and when you got those things which you like the most as a reward after doing something. You will remember those things for longer run for sure.

Like this the thirteen days passed, Vihaa made each and every day of my life happy, full of excitement. As the day passed by, the things that I learned or practiced, get strongly fixed in my mind.

(Rather then focusing on whole details, I am going to take you to the ride of the excitement journey that I have gone through)

Day -1....

I welcomed Vihaa inside the house and she walks towards my room with a mischievous on her face. I follow her like a lost puppy but I am quite curious to know what's the surprise. However once we got settled down in my room, she give me a question and asked me to write down the answer. I follow her instructions and do what I was told to do, once I completed writing, I put the pen down and pass my notebook to her, she read it carefully.

Suddenly, she look at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and smirk, she take out something from her jeans pocket and with closed fist she move it in front of my eyes. Seeing this excitement filled up in my mind, in hurriedness I open her wrist and I found a small KitKat in it but before I could take it Vihaa snatched her hand away. I looked at her confused with raised eyebrows..

Vihaa: You won't get this because you have, written a wrong answer.

Siya: But I have written the same answer, which you have asked me to.

Vihaa: Yeah you have written about it only, but you written it like a story and I told you to write point to point.

Siya: Ohhh okay.

Vihaa: So, you won't be getting your KitKat now but better luck next time (She winked at me)

Just like this rest of the twelve days passed by...

Day - 2

Today, Vihaa changed the strategy of taking my test, just imagine you have prepared your self for doing something in a particular way but suddenly the way got changes and what would be your reaction in such situations?.. Sour mood right! This is what I am feeling right now. However, today she decided to take a oral test of me but all I do in that answer is to use uncounted number of fillers, although in my mind answer was clear. As soon as I finished speaking, I looked down at my lap with cross fingers because I am ashamed at myself for speaking like this and I am well aware the I won't be getting any KitKat.

Day - 3 

She just asked me to write something about psychology, whatever comes in my mind but number of words should two hundred fifty only. I do as she says and while I am doing so, I am feeling quite relaxed, pleased and happy too because this is the one answer which I know and without any conditions I just have to write what my hear desire. As soon as I finished writing it, I passed the notebook to her with a smile and she starts reading it.

Once the she finished reading it, she took out KitKat from her pocket and give it to me and I take it happily plus start unwrapping it. While I am eating it she initiated the conversation...

Vihaa: You know this is what I want you to write, you have written it point to point with possible examples.

Siya: (Surprised) Really?

Vihaa: Yeah. (After thinking for some time) However, I can also see that all you want have is your KitKat so, might be this is the reason you have written such a well answer. 

Siya: (Immediately) What!!! no not all.

With this she started laughing, soon I also joined her.

Day - 4

She take a written test of mine by giving me two question with time limit, that is, I have to write the answers in fifteen minutes. I tried but when I was writing the answer of the last question, time goes up and answer is not yet completed. And I missed the chance to get another KitKat.

Day - 5 & 6

She took written test of me again and again with the same time limit, I tried hard to do speed up my writing but I failed repeatedly and seeing this Vihaa decided to discuss it with me..

Vihaa: Is there something wrong? Why are you not able to do it?

Siya: Answer is getting very lengthy, if I go on to explain all of the things in both of the answers it took lot of my time to finish them.

Vihaa: (Took a deep breath) So, why are your writing so much of details?

Siya: Means?

Vihaa: Simple, write point to point to answers and if it comes to do explanation, then all you have to do is to write one or two line about it. 

Siya: Okay.

Day - 7 & 8

These days, she again asked to write two answers in fifteen minutes and I do it in a way just like she asked me to do. First day I took one minute less and second day I took two minutes less, as a reward I got two KitKats.

Day - 9, 10 & 11 

She increased the difficulty level, by giving me eight questions for which I have to write answers in forty five minutes. Though, I have got enough time to write the answers but I decided to finish writing in less time and I tried hard. Soon I finished writing and passed my notebook to her for checking the answers, she look at me with her eyes filled with surprise. Keeping all this aside, she then carefully read it and once she finished reading it, she pat my back and give me four KitKats.

Vihaa: Wow, I am proud of you because not only you finished writing answers five minutes before  but you have written it quite well.

Siya: (Smiling) Thank you

Vihaa: Now for rest of the two days, we won't be studying it in the morning. Rather we would be playing badminton only.

Siya: Okay

Day - 12 & 13

As she said we daily played badminton early morning. And honestly speaking, nature has the ability to calm your nerves plus it also refresh your mind.

Present day....

I had just completed my dinner and walking towards my room to prepare my bag for next day that is the exam day. Apart from exam anxiety I have nothing to be worried for as while having the dinner I have told them that, I won't be able to sleep with granny today as I have revision to do for tomorrow. And they agreed on this, however, I knew I won't be going to do any kind of revision because I just wanted to relax and have a deep sleep before giving the exam. 

Till eleven thirty I heard the playlist of Fifty shades of Freed, while playing township in the phone. After that I keep my earphones and phone on the side table, closed the led light from the button which is beside the table and then I laydown on the bed closed my yes. Soon I fall asleep.

Next morning I wake up at eight in the morning with fresh mind, as no dreams come up which is quite surprising but I choose to keep it aside and as today is an important day for me. I get from the bed, check my phone's battery which is 30% only so, I plugged the charger in and start getting ready as I have to leave the house around ten. It took my around forty five minutes to get ready fully, I leave my room and go towards the dining area to have my breakfast. Fortunately, I found no one there apart from my mother who is busy in cooking something in the kitchen. 

After finishing my breakfast, I re-enter in the kitchen to clean my plates and while doing so I initiated the conversation...

Siya: Mumma I am all ready, I am going to leave for school after five minutes.

Mother: (A bit startled at first because of sudden voice but composed herself soon) Ohh yeah. I remember the exam. All the best and do write it well.

Siya: Okay thank you bye.

With this I walk towards my room with a water bottle in my hand, as I enter in my room I kept the water bottle in the bag. Then I unplugged the charger, I notice that I have a text message from Vihaa which I choose to reply while I would be travelling towards the school. With backpack on my shoulder, phone in my pocket and socks in my hand, I leave the room and walk towards the main door of the house. It took me around two to three minutes to wear my shoes, I book the sharing cab and after five minutes I am in the cab, it started to move towards the school.

Once I got settled down in the cab, I opened Vihaa's message..

"hey all the best kiddo and do keep in mind you will get a big pack of KitKat, in the evening. Just be clear and confident, you will pass the exam I am sure"

And her this message brought a bright smile on my face, I replied to her..

"haha, good way of motivation by bribing me with the name of KitKat but thank you. And I will give my best." 

Immediate, reply come from her side...

"cool, see you in the evening kiddo"

After this I replied her "okay", it took me around forty five minutes approximately to reach the school. I reached ten minutes early so, I go to washroom to do my business as I don't want to waste my time during the three hours of exam. Soon ten minutes passed, I go inside the examination hall and exam started too, I tried my well to answer the questions in the same way which I have practice with Vihaa.

Just ten minutes before, I finished writing my exam and handover my sheets to the teacher. As I leave the hall, pick up my bag to put my pen in it then I felt my mind to be satisfied with the answers that I have written but other soon I also felt, what if I got fail. With these thoughts in my mind, I leave the school and book a sharing cab for me. After five minutes, I am in the cab travelling towards my home with a thought, which like a loop keep poking in my mind....

"how much Vihaa has done for me, every morning she tried very hard for me and all she really want is, to me become a successful person. She is really my beautiful morning, with full of light and happiness"