
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Chapter 26

When people think about magic, most of them would think about the power that only exist in fantasy story.

Creating fire, calling the rain, controlling the wind, and moving the ground. Those are prime example of what magic can do.

In this world, magic power also known as mana is something that was born from nature. The act of controlling that force of nature was called magic.

As someone with memories about earth, magic for me is something that influences the course of phenomena or events by using mana or supernatural forces. It was something that exist within a system.

Magic in this world was based on elemental magic. Meaning, the usage of magic was mostly based on the elemental affinity one was born. People who weren't born with fire affinity couldn't use fire magic. Those who weren't born with water affinity couldn't use water magic.

However, I managed to find a loopholes in this system. I was born with only wind affinity, but thanks to the skill book, I managed to learn "Flame Sword"which was a fire magic. 

It wasn't a complete loopholes as I couldn't control the fire element to change it's shape into something else. The best I could do was amplify the power or decrease it's power by controlling my mana output.

Recently I've been visiting the library and found out about fusion magic. It should've been impossible for me who only has a single element affinity, but I managed to complete an experiment of fusing "Flame Sword"and my wind magic.

First, I used"Flame Sword"and covered my sword in flames, then I gathered my mana to generated wind and formed a cyclone around my sword. Next, I fused the flames covering my sword into the cyclone. As the two began to fuses, the flames were slowly sucked into the cyclone and fused into a flame tornado.

The scale was small because of my low mana and the power itself wasn't that powerful. However, this experiment let me understand that fusion magic was possible as long as the conditions were met and syncronize was possible. Albeit it used too much mana.

Thanks to my passive skill"Concentrate"I managed to pull it off. The mental energy needed to fuse it was no joke. I'm sure without this skill my fusion magic would failed and exploded. The good thing is fusion magic could make my fighting style more versatile and strengthen my magic power, but the bad thing is it took quite a while to fuse the magic and the magic consumption was triple the usual magic.

Lucia was a druid who could control the power of the forest. In an essence, her magic was a fusion magic of earth and light elements. However, her elemental affinity was fused when she was born. She couldn't use earth and light magic separately, but her magic contained earth and light elements.

Druid was rare because one had to be born with the right elemental affinity and talent.

I was thinking of hoarding skills using skill books, however the existences of skill books itself was a mystery as it could only be found inside the dlc dungeons as rewards from the treasure chests in the boss room. To my knowledges, there were less than 50 skill books in the "War of Generations".

After learning about fusion magic, I think it was better to just focused on my mastery of wind element and learned some essential skills instead of hoarding all of them. I already have"Mana Drain","Mana Shield"and"Concentrate"which were essentials for most situations.

I could give the skill books that I don't need to Lucia, Ash or Irina in the future.

These past few days, I've been comparing the magic from earth and this world while trying to make a new magic. Fortune telling was a hot topic back on earth. It was mostly a scam while the rest was a complete coincidences.

On the other hand, divination magic existed in this world. However, it was only given by the gods to their chosen believers in the form of an oracle or those people who was born with special eyes that could peer into the future with a certain price.

My knowledges about the future can be considered as a divination magic in a sense because I know the future and already experienced it back in the game.

Recently I tried to create my own divination magic. I could say it was a success. I used my wind element affinity to read the wind's movements and forecast the weather. Although I could only forecast the weather for next 12 hours. Forecasting the weather was still under the category of divination magic albeit a bit useless because an experienced sailor could read the weather for the next 3 days.

However, it was still better than nothing. Some dungeons with open field have unexpected weather that would change suddenly. It would be helpful if I could predict the weather and avoid things like rain, sandstorm or even a sudden typhoon.

I don't understand astrology of this world, otherwise I could experiment connecting my magic with the stars to create something like zodiac magic for my forecaー umm, divination magic.

There were some exception in magic usage outside the elemental magic. Summoner was a sub-class that used ritual as a link to summon a higher being.

A contract was made between the summoner and the summoned being through the ritual. The contract was made based on both parties agreements. Some were using monsters corpses, magic crystals or even souls as the price.

Not all summoning magic needs a sacrifice to be done. The safest summoning magic was to call a god and make it descend into the summoner's body. Those who were loved by the gods could make a contract with the gods they served. While those who don't believe in gods summoned a being like a demon, spirits or even a dragon.

Leonhardt could summon the God of Light, Ark by using the holy sword to make it descend into his body. Of course, no matter how powerful a god is there was a limit on how much a human body could withstand it's power.

I've been planning on what sub-class should I take. At first, I was considering a summoner sub-class for soloing a dungeon, but it doesn't syncronize well with my fighting style. However, having Lucia be a summoner as her sub-class would probably be great. She could control the enemy using her crowd control skills and let her familiar attack them.

There were only me and Lucia in our party. Although I recently became friend with Arteria, I'm not going to invite her to our party. She should stay with the protagonist party so there won't be too much butterfly effect. It would be bad if the protagonist party lost their damage dealer to me.

Currently, I'm doing my job as a scout, a tank and also as a bait while Lucia did her job as a crowd control. It would be great if we had another magician in our party that could use AOE magic.

That way, I could focus my job as a vanguard. However, I couldn't just invite anyone since I have to leak some secrets about equipments and my skills. So I will only invite people that I trust.

There were only 4 people that I could trust right now. Irina, Lucia, Ash and Arteria. Although I trust Mari, there is no way I would bring her into a dungeon.

Come to think of it, I don't have a single male friend. The only guy near my age that I talked to were that bastard Ash. This is kinda bad isn't it? I used Ash as the standard in judging guy in this world.

Damn it! I have to at least make one male friend otherwise I feel like that bastard going to bring me into the royal knight and make me join his so called gentlemen club! I'm not going to turn into a muscle head who only knows how to swing my sword! Definitely not!

∆ ∆ ∆

The scent of aromatic tea leaves permeated the air.

The fresh and sweet scent of stardust tea hit my nostrils as I bring the cup into my mouth.

The sweetness mixed with sourness was refreshing. As the name said, stardust tea was an orange star-shaped tea leaves found in the east region. It was a local specialty that could only be found in the "Star Forest".

The tea has a citrus-like fragrance and tasted like raspberry mixed with lemon once it was brewed. Some people like to add sugar, milk or honey into the stardust tea, however I preferred it's original taste.

After sipping the tea, I cut a shortcake in front of me and bring it into my mouth.

The soft and sweet whipped cream combined with the sweet red berry flavor and the cripsy crust was amazing.

Who cares about dungeon, magic or even the world, I feel I'm being healed. No wonder women on earth likes to eat sweet things when they were stressed or depressed. Sweets was definitely a cure but also a curse due to it's sugar content.

"How was it?"

Rosetta who was sitting across me was asking about my opinion.

"As always, the tea and dessert you made were delicious"

"Thank you"

Rosetta nodded.

"However, depending on the person, you might want to change the fruits used in the shortcake"

"Change the fruits?"

"Yes. For example, you could use royal berry for those who likes sweet. If they likes sour you could use small berry. Personally, I like something made with rainbow fruit or starlight fruit more when combined with the stardust tea"

"I see. I could get small berry because it was a common fruit. Royal berry might be a bit hard to get because it was seasonal fruit. On the other hand, it's kinda hard to get rainbow fruit and starlight fruit because they were regional fruits from the north and have limited amounts each year"

Rosetta shook her head in lamentation.

"Do you know about May's general store?"

"No, it's the first time I heard that. What is that?"

Rosetta tilted her head in curiosity.

"It was a small general store in the east district. The owner was a sorceress named May. The place was a bit rundown and remote so not many people know about it, however you can buy most things in there albeit the price was a bit higher. However the quality of the product was guaranteed. Last time, I bought royal rainbow jelly in there. You should know how rare it was since only those who were wealthy could afford that delicacy"

My mouth became watery as I recalled that heavenly taste of jelly made from royal honey mixed with rainbow fruit. That addictive sweetness makes you want more and more. A pity a small jar of royal rainbow jelly cost 200 gold. There were limited amount of royal honey and rainbow fruits produced each year. This what makes the royal rainbow jelly rare and expensive.

If not for the price, I really wanted to eat it everyday.

"I will guide you to that place if you want, since you always makes me tea and desserts"

"You will? thank you very much"

Rosetta bowed her head as she thanked me. Even when she only showed her gratitude, her movement was so smooth and refined. As expected of the personal maid for a duke's daughter.

"Are you free this saturday?"

"Yes. I have free time from noon until 4 p.m"

"Great! Then let's meet up on saturday at 12 in front of the gate. The place wasn't that far away so we should be done at around 3 p.m"


Rosetta nodded.

"Are you two planning on a date!?"

Irina suddenly interrupted us.

"What the!? You're startling me!"

She suddenly hugged me from behind and choked my neck.

I almost spitted out the cake I was eating due to her sudden attack.

"Sis, mind your manner! We're not at home, alright!?"

"So you two were like that at home?"

Claudia who was behind Irina said in a low voice.

No, My Lady! It's a misunderstanding! I wanted to scream but I couldn't.

After a while Irina finally let me go.

"Sis, can you stop hugging me suddenly like that!?"

"Why can't I? Isn't it normal for siblings to have a little bit of skinship"

She looked at me with puzzled look.

Damn it! Why are you looking at me with such innocent look? That's just makes me feel more guilty!

"No, sis. In your case, you have too much skinship with me"

"Well of course, since we're siblings"

"Then why don't you have more skinship with big brother?"

"It's embarrassing, so no way!"

She shook her head in denial.

Isn't more embarrassing to hug me in public!? What's wrong with her head?

I looked at her doubtfully.

"Rather than that, Rain. Did you just invited Rosetta to a date?"

She looked at me suspiciously.


I denied it.


"Yes. Go ask her if you don't believe it"

Irina turned her face to Rosetta and started asking her.

"Are you going to go on a date with Rain?"

"No. We're just going to visit a shop and buy some things"

"Just the two of you?"

"Yes. Just the two of us"

Rosetta nodded.

Irina then turned her gaze back at me.


"Going alone with a girl and do some shopping. Isn't that basically a date?"

She looked at me with curious eyes.

Ugh, no. She's not wrong but not right either.

Also why am I being judged for this?

"It's not a date"

I quickly denied her words.

"Then what is it?"

"Just shopping together with a friend"

"Like I said, isn't that basically a date?"

"No! We're not holding hands so it's not a date!"

"Do you think you can fool me with that!?"

"Why are you butting into my business!?"

"I'm your sister, so of course I have to!"

"And who decided that?"

"Of course it's me! I haven't even gone on a date yet, so how could I let you go on a date with a girl first! If you insist on going on a date with Rosetta, then bring me and Claudia as well!"

"Like I said it's not a date! And why do I have to bring you two?"

"I'm your sister and Claudia is Rosetta's mistress. Both of us have to make sure nothing happens between you two"

I was dumbfounded by her answer.

What the hell is she saying?

I turned my face away at Rosetta asking for her help, but she just turned her face away.

You traitor!

Then I turned my face at my savior who could stop my sister's stupid idea.

"Irina is right. Both of us should come along to make sure nothing happens between you two"

Claudia betrayed me at the most unexpected situation.

My Lady! Why are you joining the dark side!?

And so, the four of us decided to go shopping this saturday. For some reason, I feel uneasy.