
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Chapter 14

Clouds were moving slowly in the blue sky with the sun shining so brightly. Sometimes the sky turned dark for a moment when the clouds hides the sun.

The warm sunlight had became hot to the point of making my lips dry. Cold breeze came once in a while to ease the hot temperature.

"What a nice weather. It makes me want to eat cotton candy"

I said softly.

The shape of the clouds lumping together reminds me of cotton candy. It looks so soft that you can just bite and eat it.

Come to think of it, if I remembered correctly clouds are made of water drops and ice crystal in the sky. If I add some syrups, it should be edible, right?

I gulped down my saliva as the image of shaved ice came into mind.

In this hot weather, ice is the best.

I feel like I need to learn water and ice magic. It must be really convenient for this kind of hot weather. A pity I don't have elemental affinity to learn them.

However, it's not like there is no hope at all. I already used skill books to learn"Flame Sword"even though I don't have fire affinity.

Amongst the 8 elements of fire, wind, earth, water, ice, lightning, light and dark, I only have wind affinity.

I remembered there was an item called <Eternal Ice> . Just like the name implies, it was an ice that could never melt. It was a legendary material that can be used to make armor due to its effect to defend against fire.

Back in the game, armor made with this item has 100% fire resistance.

If I have a piece of this ice, I could soaked it in syrups to make a never-melt ice syrups. My mouth became watery just by thinking about it.

I saw a pair of birds flying in the sky with their wings spreads so wide. It must be nice having a pair of wings that could make them fly so high.

"How envious"

I smiled bitterly.

Maybe it's because of my affinity with wind element, I really wanted to have a pair of wings and fly in the sky like a free bird.

Looking at the beautiful blue sky makes me think about a lot of things.

"Good work, Rain"

Irina suddenly called out to me.

"What are you doing here, sis?"

I was surprised because she usually spent her time drinking tea in the back garden around this time.

"I came here to see how you're doing. Here, clean your face. You look so messy"

Irina handed me a towel.


I got up and took the towel. I got thrashed so bad this time and have been lying down on the ground because I don't have the energy to go back inside.

It's only natural that I look messy now.

"How was your training?"

"Hehehe! I finally win against him!"

I let out a wide smile as I bragged to her.

"I cut his sword into two with one strike and win! You should see his dumbfounded face when he lost against me! It was truly amazing, sis!"


"It's true! You can ask him if you don't believe me"

"Wow! Rain, you're amazing!"

"Stop it sis, you're making me embarassed"

Although I said that, I actually felt happy.

"Then, why do you look so messy?"

"Ahaha, that, umm... I fell"

I did win against Ash after cutting his sword into two. But afterwards he took a new sword and started using mana to beat me so hard.

I managed to hold on 30 moves against him before losing my rhythm and got beaten up. I couldn't tell her I got thrashed after bragging I won against him.

Well, at least I forced him to use mana. Up until now, he only fight against me by purely using his physical strength. So, it can still be counted as a great achievement even if I lost afterwards. Moreover, I fell after getting beaten up, so I'm definitely telling the truth.

"Say, sis. Do you think we can eat the clouds?"

"Hmm? Why are you suddenly asking this?"

Irina tilted her head when she heard my question.

"I've been looking at the sky for sometime now. So, it just came to mind"


Irina put her right hand on her cheek and gazed at the sky.

"Clouds are made from water vapor, so I think it's safe?"

"Don't you think the clouds looks like cotton candy?"

"You're right!"

Irina clapped her hands and nodded.

"Can you make clouds using magic?'

"I can. You want to see it?"

"Yes, please!"


Irina's hands are covered with pale blue light as she channeled her mana to the surrounding space.

Small water droplets began to form in the air and the surrounding temperature became colder.

As soon as mists began to formed, she utilized her mana to compressed it into clouds. Soon, a ball of cloud was formed in front of me. It was around 1 meter in diameter.

"Wow, it look soft! You're amazing, sis!"

"Hehehe! It's nothing!"

She smiled widely when she heard me praising her.

I extended my hand and touched it. It felt cold.

"Is this what cloud feels like? I feel like my hand is submerged in water"

Irina nodded.

"Yes, because it was made from water. I can also lower the temperature to turned it into ice or snow and adjust the size"

"That's amazing!"

This is the first time I saw her using magic. I almost forgot the fact that she has water, ice, light and dark affinity. A magician with 4 elements affinity is truly amazing. Even the protagonist only have 3 elements affinity.

"Hey, sis. Do you know why big brother is so persistent in training me?"

I looked at her with doubtful eyes.

"Isn't it because you wished it?"

Wait, what? I wished it?

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember? 3 years ago when he became a royal knight, you said you also want to become one because the armor looks so cool and so you asked him to train you"

I was dumbfounded.

No! I never said that! Don't slander me!

I despaired as I recalled a certain memories.

Damn you, Rain! Why did you ask that bastard for such a thing!?

∆ ∆ ∆

Inside the study, Ash was currently reading a book. All kinds of documents and paper litters his table.


The door was opened and someone entered inside.

Ash turned his eyes following the intruder.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You have to knock the door first before entering"

Ash said in a tired voice.

"Ehehe! Shouldn't you get used to it by now, brother?"

Irina puffed her chest as she said so.

"So, what are you looking me for?"

Ash looked at her with doubtful eyes.

"Can't I just come to visit my dear brother? Or did I interrupt you reading pervert books? Oh my! We have a pervert in our house!"

Irina closed her mouth with her right hand and backed away.

"Knock it off. You won't visit me if you don't have any business. So, what do you want?"

Ash looked at her with annoying look.

"I heard Rain won against you?"

"No, he didn't"

"But I heard he broke your sword?"

"He did broke my sword. But, it doesn't mean he win against me. A fight is not over just because your opponent lose their weapon"

Ash refuted her.

"Tch, you just don't want to admit the fact that you lost"

Irina looked at him with disgusting look.

"Forget it. I won't tease you anymore. What do you think about his progress?"

"He is progressing a lot. Honestly, in less than 3 months it felt like he was a different person"

"So you think so too"

Irina looked at him with serious gaze.

"I've been training him for 3 years, if I can't even notice his change, I should just quit being a knight. Moreover, I knew very well what he usually looks like. Although his habits didn't change, sometimes I feel the look in his eyes and the air around him has changed"

"Do you think that day is trigger?"

Ash contemplated for a while.

"That day, he suddently asked father to disown him and tell started telling about how this house will fell into ruins because of you and me. I still remembered the anxious looks on his face, and the details was far too clear to be seen as a joke. No matter how lazy and incompetent he is, he will never asked to be disowned, unless something happened to him"

Ash shook his head as he recalled about that particular day.

"I went to visit him later on. He was laying on his bed with pale face. I've never seen him so lost and helpless. He might be incompetent, but his pride won't let him ask for help from anyone. That night, he asked me to held his hand until he fell asleep. I used dispel and purification on him to see if someone put a curse on him. But I didn't find any trace of dark magic used on him"

Irina had a worried looks on her face as she said so.

"Well, it doesn't matter whether he has changed or not, Rain will always be Rain. It's my job as his sister support. Moreover he asked me to protect him"

"Did he really asked you to protect him? My foolish little brother, shouldn't he asked me instead of you fool, since I'm more reliable?"

Ash was surprised.

"Who are you calling a fool!? How rude! No wonder you're still single! Besides, he called you a bastard behind your back, so it means I'm more reliable than you!"

Irina snorted.

"He called me what!? Damn! I'll teach him about respect later"

Ash clenched his fist as he glared at Irina.

"You should fix your personality first if you want him to respect you. Moreover what he said is the truth. You're a bastard and also a pervert on top of it"

"I'm gonna spank your ass if you keep calling me a pervert!"

"Kyaaaa! Help! There is a pervert in here!"

Irina screamed loudly and left the room.

"You damn, bitch!"

A roar was heard from the study.

Today is another peaceful day in the Scarlet house.