
Tales of a Good Villain

After World War II, the world discovered that there are humans with super powers, from skin to steel, to giant monsters. With 60% of the world's population having some power, the profession of HERO emerged, great men and women who fight crime, and villains, protecting the people and becoming a symbol of hope. This is my story, I am Degenerator, just a guy who has lived in Detroit since he was a child, where the crime rate is very high ... Is it a story of a young hero with a great sense of justice? Nah, I'm going to kill anyone who gets in my way, since I'm a Villain ...

LeOni · SF
15 Chs

The Genocidal Boy

I was born in Detroit ... I have lived alone since I can remember, taking care of myself, with no one by my side. My father left my mother when she was pregnant; who, by the way, was a newborn, who survived the bombing of Nagasaki (So lucky ...). She died in a supermarket robbery, seriously ... This is not an unusual scene in Detroit to see a child grow up orphaned because a Mafia of sh*t killed his parents ... Of course, I am also a Superhuman, I discovered my powers when I was 6, just like the common superhuman. The children at the orphanage always avoided me, because I had a scary look, whatever, I don't need friends ... That's what I thought for a long time.

I grew up planning my revenge against the local mafia, which was commanded by a <A> Class villain, called "Midnight Eyes", a veteran of World War II, Tch ... Everyone is scum, all these criminals who steal for greed, and kill for their own sake. When I reached the age of 13 years old, my power was already at Level 3. [The Super Powers are generally are classified per Level, the 1 that is weak, 2 that is also medium, the 3 that is pretty strong, the 4 that is very powerful, the Level 5 is very rare and extremely strong, and there is only 2 Superhumans exist with Level 6.] Finally, I was strong enough to clear the Dirty streets of Detroit, making these Criminals vanish!

<On October 15, 1999. In the Breaking News: A 14-year-old boy was found surrounded by the bodies of criminals who worked for the local mafia. All 300 members of the criminal group, including the <A> Class Villain "Midnight Eyes", were found dead, some almost unrecognizable. The Mobile Special Force (MSF) seized the teenager, and sent him to special prison for villains.>

A group of heavily armed policemen, with some of the level 2 Superhuman members, arrested me ... I was going to give myself up, because I had achieved my revenge ... The prison for villains, Anubis, there I can find a certain someone who can provide me with information so that I can continue cleaning up Detroit ... This is beyond mere revenge, it is a crusade to cleanse this filthy city... I am a Necessary Evil.

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