
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Into the Kingdom

-Hey! You are a dragon, I'm a draconian... Could you be my dad?!- Alex asked to Sun

-What?! Of course not! We don't even know each other!- Sun refused

-Oooh come on! Why not?- Alex insisted

While they were playing, Slime Boy and me were focused reading everything we could from all the options system had to offer

From what I could read, I apparently am a demi-god, son of Zeus and another race called "Arachne"...

This implies the existence of greeks gods in this world... Why do this feels like I actually am in some shitty isekai novel?

"Reincarnated in this world as a transgender demi-god spider"


It does actually sound like an isekai title.

Anyways, moving on to the perks... Apparently there are different "Trees", these trees represent a specific area of power and, as we practice or purchase perks, these trees grow taller and with more branches.

In my case, I apparently got two trees by now, the "Lightning" and the "Wind" trees, probably related to Zeus being the god of the skies. They're both really underdeveloped though.

I can't see other people's trees but I can take as a given that Alex is starting off with some considerably sized trees already.

-We should start moving- Said Sun suddenly

-Moving?- I Asked

-We should search for a near city or something, come on, get on my back, I'll scout the place flying-

-Won't you scare someone like that?-

-We have the 5 day protection shield, right? We won't be harmed by anyone-

Although I already did not trust the system, I could not argue against that, so we all climbed over him and he started flying.

-How does it feel to be a dragon?- I decided to ask him

-How does it feel to be a spider woman?-

-I don't really notice any differences-

-There you go-

-Do you really not feel any difference? Weren't you a human in your past life? Don't you feel to big or something?- I continued asking in confusion

-Yes, I was a human before, and I guess the system is somehow altering our senses so we don't feel uncomfortable on these new bodies-

Well, that did make sense, Sun is really taking all this situation in a calm and rational way. Alex on the other hand.

-Hey, you bet I can jump from here and learn to fly!-

I raised a eyebrow, he couldn't be serious about that statement, but he sounded really confident about it... I decided to challenge him.

-Well, try, let's see if you can- I said

-That's a terrible id_- Sun tried to stop him

-Yahooo!- But he had already jumped

We're considerably high, there's no reasonable way he'd survive that jump... if he was normal.

Sun started landing, Alex didn't stop falling until being he was a few centimeters above the ground, in that moment, he started emanating some weird aura and floated.

-I won't say I didn't except that- I commented

-See? I learnt to fly- He said

-Is that a perk?-

-Nah I just tried to fly and it happened-


This fucking draconian is something else.

Sun then spoke up to us

-There's a city with giant walls over there, its not too far, barely 2 kilometers from here, I definetly can't fit there, but you're free to go, see what it has to offer and if possible try to get us some information about this world-

-Sounds reasonable- I agreed

-What about a race to the city?- Said Alex

I thought about it for a moment, I haven't seen his speed yet, he's clearly overall stronger than us but, as weak as my abilities are in comparison, my lighting tree is focused on speed and Dexterity seems to be my highest stat.

-Alright, a race sounds good- I said preparing myself to run

Slime Boy looked at us, confused.

-I'm not participating- He said

-Fair enough-

Once we both were in position and prepared, we did a countdown and started the race.

I discovered I was fairly fast compared to a normal human, I was probably running at around 100km/h... However, Alex was equally fast, I did my best to run faster than him but in the end it was a draw.

-Haa~ Haa~ Haha you're fairly fast, huh?- Said Alex

I couldn't answer, I was busy trying to get some air back to my lungs, I was feeling horribly tired. He's as fast as me, but his constitution is way higher.

-Lets... Huff... get some... huff... rest... here... while Slime Boy arrives- I said before dropping myself to the floor

-Uhh... Is your friend good?- A guard asked

Then I remembered we were just at the entrance of a city. It kind of felt awkward to realize I was acting like this publically.

-Don't worry, she's just tired- Said Alex

I got up from the floor and tried to act as composed as I could.

-Yeah I... I'm... huff ... totally fine-

Eventually Slime Boy arrived and we asked the guards to enter the city, they asked from where were we and... Uh... Yeah we said we lived in the forest our whole life

Although we all were perfectly dressed with... Well... Clothes.

I said I made the clothes and somehow the believed us.

I don't know

I really don't know what's wrong with this world.

Once we entered the city we decided that we would divide to explore the entirety of it. And so we all took different ways...

I started wandering the streets, in search of something interesting here...

I'm really sorry if the text is hard to understand or has misspellings or something. I am not a native English speaker and it is my first time writing long texts in this language.

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