
Tales of a Dimension Traveler

The air was filled with the stench of blood and the sounds of battle continued to penetrate into the small hut where I hid. My clan was on the verge of destruction and a few moments later I died at the hands of my own mother -------------------------------------------------------------- Chen Mo died and has been reborn as Noah Gelios son of the heir to the great Sun Clan. In a world of monsters, dungeons, magic and science, Noah has to uncover the secret of his rebirth and origins while trying to reach the peak in a world where all the odds seem stacked against him. ------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, this is my first novel. For fans of systems, dungeons and somewhat OP MC's then this is the place for you. Hope you have as much fun reading as I did writing :)

mogboella · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 2

I was in a state of shock. Since June had called him the patriarch then this man in front of me was either my father or my grandfather. I only knew my father was an heir but I wouldn't know if his status changed in the last four years. It didn't help that I could not discern this man's true age. When a person reaches a certain threshold in their magic studies, they are able to slow down their aging. The man before me didn't look a day over forty, coupled had an impressive aura, I wasn't sure whether to be amazed or scared. After I had gathered my thoughts, I noticed that while I was evaluating this man he also seemed to be evaluating me. Finally he broke the silence by turning to me and with a serious tone asked,

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

I almost coughed blood at the insolence. I stared at him for a moment while my mind wandered. I had to remind myself that I was now in the body of a four year old and even I had to admit my features were very gender ambiguous. I had soft features. With my unnatural silver- blonde hair and eyelashes coupled with my blood-red eyes, I didn't even look human. I consider myself fairly attractive but from his serious anticipation for my response, I realized that even after a few years of growth I may still be troubled to clarify my gender since these were my base features.

"I'm neither," I said and paused before continuing, "I'm a man."

The statement caused the man in front of me to let out a loud laugh.

A moment later my mother stepped into the room. Her arrival provoked an almost involuntary reaction from the man and I. His was a face full of disgust and contempt while mine filled with caution. I immediately hid behind the still kneeling June hoping mother wouldn't notice my presence. Once the man regained control of his expression, he noticed my reaction and gave a sad smile. My mother ignored both our reactions and instead looked the happiest I had seen her since my birth.

"Noah, come greet your father" my mother said motioning for me to come forward. I moved towards her reluctantly until she cast a glare at me prompting me to hasten my steps. I was amazed at her shamelessness. She had ignored and looked down on me my entire life and now she was acting like she was a nominee for the mother of the year award. The man in front of me was even less impressed with her, he ignored her and began speaking to me,

"Noah, I'm your father. I'm here to take you to live with me. I know I haven't been around all this while but I had my reasons. Would you like to come with me?"

My rational side was wary of this man who had abandoned me but a part of me, whether due to the effects of living as a child all this while, desperately wanted to go with him. I began to weigh my options. I couldn't start on magic training until I was at least 5 or my heart would explode from the power. I also didn't want to stay around mother for another second. On the other hand, considering his position I may also be given some troublesome responsibilities and burdened with annoying expectations. There was also the issue of my father's motives. From his attitude so far, it was clear that he hated my mother. It was a wonder that he would be willing to take me in when my very existence reminded me of something he would rather toss aside. The more I thought about the situation, the more worried I became. In the end, I decided that being with him would bring me closer to learning about the magic and powers of this world. Plus I am confident that I could run if I needed to.

"Is mother coming?" I asked, trying to gain some insight into his motives. However, from mothers smile at me she seemed to think I was helping her. Another wave of disgust spread for a second through my father's expression before returning to normal.

"Your mother will have to stay here little one." he said in an almost coaxing tone. This made me certain that this man absolutely wanted something from me. His term of endearment and his careful tone meant that he may need me for something and didn't want to displease me. I could feel a killing intent building up at the thought of being used and barely managed to suppress it in time. I decided to take this man's hand and stretched both hands forward in a gesture for him to carry me.

'Hmph, if you want something from me you at least have to work for it' I thought as he picked me up.

My life changed from the moment my father carried me away from that desolate house. Whether it was for the better or not is still up for debate.

*Authors Note:

Hello readers, just some things to clarify. First of all this world is a futuristic/modern one that still holds on to some historical aspects like Nobles and Family Clans. It comes with most of the cliches you'd expect with nobles. However, the buildings, schools etc are all more modern with futuristic tech. There's also the presence of magic and other species. PS: First few chapters are based on his family background. I feel it's important to understand his character, unfortunately political schemes are not my forte so it's about to become action packed. Happy Reading !!!