
Tales Of A Beast Tamer

Waking up to discover that he had died and reincarnated into the body of a young man who also bore the same name as he did. Follow Joshua on Adventures to carve out a place for himself in this New World filled with Incredible Beasts of different types and Humans capable of controlling such Beast but still struggles for survival.

Wole_Soyinka_Eyo · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Benefits Of A Higher Soul Quality

The sky had already gone dark and was now filled with millions of tiny twinkling stars and three bright moons which served to illuminate the world around Joshua making it less darker than Earth.

"Wow.... The night sky over here is so beautiful" Joshua thought inwardly as he quickly made his way back to 'Bernard Beast Store' where he had purchased the Metallic Python and body cleansing serum from earlier today.

"Boss, am back again and this time around with some serious business" Joshua happily announced in a good mood immediately he walked into the store.

The fat middle age store owner instantly rushed in front of Joshua with a solemn look and said "Young man, all business are serious businesses even if it involves only a single copper. it's still enough to buy back someone life"

Feeling a bit surprised by this fat store owner words, Joshua soon nodded his head and quietly placed both one metre long tusk together with both Rank Four Common Grade Beast core on the wooden shelf before saying to him "Name your price sir"

"Fo.... Four..... Rank Four Common Grade Beast core" Mr Bernard shouted inwardly as he quickly grab hold of both Beast core and carefully studied them for over a minute before slowly turning and staring at the two tusk still left on the wooden shelf.

His merchant mind soon went into overdrive as he couldn't help but think inwardly "Wasn't it just earlier today that this young man had bought a young python which wasn't even a Rank One Common Grade Beast yet and now he is already capable of returning back from a Low Grade Wildzone not just alive but also with a Rank Four Common Grade Beast core, then what will he be capable of returning back with in one week or one month or maybe even one year from now?"

The more Mr Bernard thought about it, the brighter the light within his eyes became and a minute later, he steadily placed his hands into his pocket and pulled out twelve shinning gold coins which he then placed on top of the wooden shelf one at a time before saying "Here, that's all I can afford, take it or leave it?"

Laying eyes on these twelve gold coins, Joshua did a quick mental calculation based on his inherited memories of one copper coin being equivalent to a hundred silver coins and one hundred silver coins being equivalent to a single gold coin, together with the salaries of port workers for a week being ten silver coins which was enough to offer a family of three, three square meals a day for a week.

Meaning that, if he followed his body previous owner way of living, these twelve gold coins were capable of feeding him for a hundred days.

Smiling, Joshua said the fat store owner " I accept but please get me one batch of Pore Opening serum and another one batch of blood purifying serum, plus another one dose of body cleansing serum.

Joshua soon walked out of the store a short while later with only four pieces of gold coins left within his pocket and a briefcase lightly made of black iron in his right hand.

Hailing a small carriage pulled by what seemed to resemble a Reindeer, he made his way home.

Standing at the entrance to his house, Joshua mind subconsciously flashed back to the template of the Reindeer like Beast he had peeped at earlier while trying to personally control his Innate ability.


Species: Deer

Sub-Species: Forest Deer

Cultivation: Rank Two Common Grade

Soul Power: 80/80

Innate Skills: Dash

Innate Abilities: None

After thinking back on it, Joshua came to a simple conclusion "Choosing a Beast to tame shouldn't be done on a wimp since not all Beast were combat oriented".

He then pushed open the doors to his house and walked in only to be greeted by another protest from his stomach.


"Shit, I had completely forgotten about that. Guess I'll have to make do with another pot of Horned Rabbit soup for now" muttered Joshua while shaking his head as he unhesitatingly walked into his kitchen.

After spending about half an hour cooking and another ten minutes eating, Joshua then sat legs crossed on top of his bed in order to start cultivating.

Nevertheless, he didn't fail to swallow one dose of pores opening serum before doing so.

Just like it's name stated, the only effect on the human body for drinking a pore opening serum was the expansion of the size at which the pores of the skin are opened during cultivation which will in turn increase the maximum amount of origin energy absorbed by the Beast Tamer during cultivation.

Plus, with a higher amount of origin energy being refined at a time, it will also result in a higher amount of soul power being fused into the Beast Tamer soul after each section of refinement.

Having experienced such a situation while cultivating for the past few hours, Joshua decided to take a quick glance at his personal template before calling it a night.

Name: Joshua Norman

Race: Human

Cultivation: Rank One Beast Apprentice

Soul Power: 33/33

Main Arts: Beginner Mediation Method

Procured Skills: Basic Taming

Innate Abilities: Sage

Procured Abilities: Basic Pole Mastery

Tamed Beast: 1 (Metallic Python)


On the following morning, Joshua woke up early and went on a short jog around his neighbourhood a couple of times while exchanging greetings with some of his fellow neighbors.

"Good morning Mr merryman"

"Oh, morning Joshua"

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning Joshua"

"Good morning Grandpa Dave"

"Hey, it's little Joshua. Say, what have got you so worked up and happy this early morning? Could it be that your spring time have finally arrived? Damn it, it's good to young. Make sure you cherish her young man or else you'll forever live to regret it".

Joshua had exchanged greetings with a couple of his neighbours during his morning jog and heard a lot of replies but that of Grandpa Dave completely threw him off balance as he never expected the old man to jump to such a conclusion.

Funny enough, the old man was right about one thing though. And that was about the fact that Joshua was definitely in a good mood.

However, the main reason behind that was his notice of the maximum points of his soul power had increased after only a single night of cultivation.

Because of how deep the history of Beast Tamers Cultivation have been in this world, they had long discovered how to systematically calculated the total amount of soul power possessed by both non cultivators and Beast Tamers of every realm and rank.

Most non cultivators usually possess an innate soul power amount of 5 points and in order to advance into a Rank One Beast Apprentice, they were required to gradually raise this innate amount of soul power harnessable by them to 20 points.

While advancing into Rank Two will require an increment of additional 20 points and the same and the same was also required for Rank Three advancement.

As for advancing into Rank Four, an accumulation of an additional 30 points on top the 60 points usually possess by Rank Three Beast Apprentice was required.

Such was the case for most Rank One Beast Apprentice, however, in Joshua's case due to the merging of his complete soul and the previous Joshua incomplete soul, the total amount of soul power harnessable by him as a Rank One Beast Apprentice was 30 points.

Meaning that, in order to advance into a Rank Two Beast Apprentice, he needed to accumulate an additional amount of 30 points of soul power. In order words, at just Rank Two, he will posses an amount of soul power comparable to a Rank Three Beast Apprentice and this was just the beginning because the higher his rank becomes in the future, the greater the disparity between him and other Beast Tamers of the same Realm and Rank.

Unfortunately, Joshua unique situation also had a disadvantage of requiring nearly two times more effort in cultivating since the requirement's for advancement were also nearly two times higher.

Therefore, witnessing his total amount of soul power increase by 2 points after only one night of cultivating, why wouldn't his head be over the moon or in the case of this world, moons. When this also meant that If he followed the same speed, he would advance Into a Rank Two Beast Apprentice in just Fifteen days.

Another late update.... Sorry guys

Anyway, don't forget to rate it for me

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