
Talents : The fate of origin

What will you do if you got betrayed and died, and somehow manage to get a chance to take revenge. But not Arce, He was a normal high school student, get beated up by some lackeys, and died. But he again gained the chance to take revenge, but there is a catch, his memories are blocked. He don't even remember his own family, And the event Never happened in this world, Yea he got into another world with no memory, With supernatural beings all around him and with his memory situation and a cheat which he had got from the being that take him to his world, Will he survive or he will die in a hand of nobody. Come lets build the story with me, and see what will be there in the future for Arce

Karl_Moris · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Searching For Power

In the next morning opening my eyes i was greeted with birds chattering and a shining light ff sunlight coming from the window, Illuminating the whole room.

Its still early in the morning and almost time for people getting ready for their daily works.

In this past few months i have familiar with my surrounding and the city i lived in.

Although its now enough for fully remember the whole city, but i could say i know most of the areas.

And my family, Well they ware a complete strangers to me when i woke up, but now its different, i could say i am one of them now. And i don't wan't to loose it.

Yes i have become greedy.

Leaving that, today i am going to Green Garden which is located in the eastern side of the city Mandour.

After taking a brake first i prepare myself and pick up my bag which i have prepared yesterday.

Although i don't had to take many things, its still enough for the journey, a extra set of cloths, 2 bottle of potions, a portable tent which was given my by my father, and a water bottle.

The place i am going is relatively quite and not have many monsters.

And i am just going to spend this whole day in their, so i don't need that many resources.

Getting out the house i headed to the train station. Picking up a cab i reach the Station, in 10 minutes.

Booking a Air Train to Mandour i started waiting.

Air train is a kind of train which has come with some of the Astrals technology's.

From what i know, its a train which hover on air and its quite fast.

While waiting i recollected my memories from where the Ether manual is located.

Its a place with a small pond with a waterfall which, crossed the land like a winded snake.

That place is quite majestic.

After waiting for just five minute my ride arrived.

Hopping on the train i plugged my earphone in my ears and started listening to music.

Distance between Arias and Mandour is about 1000 km and for the air train to reach there it needs less than 2 hours.

A while later, the train left Areas and entered a vast grassland, Before entering a forest area.

In this world human and Astrals population has reached only 1 billion.

Other than this planet they also have other's where they lived.

And this planet has become a hub for them. Because of the decrease of population, Ather had almost 70% wilderness and other 30% is made of off people's.

Because of that monsters are at the top of the food chain.

Although humans loved their birth planet but they prefer to lived on other planet's like Elven planet where a strange power call Mana is present in the atmosphere.

It hep's humans and other species to use magic. Magic is a form of Technic which can be comparable to Talent's. But only difference is that Mana is a power which is produce and loved by nature.

Because of that they can control elements easily. But not many people can use it. That's why people who are comfortable with Mana lived there.

After a whole 2 hours of waiting the train finally reach Mandour.

Hopping out from the train i looked around. Its a very crowded area.

People's from different places are walking around. after looking for a moment i again gone to book a train to the eastern side of the Mandour city.

Soon after booking the train my ride arrived. It was only a 10 minute ride and i don't have to wait long.

Getting out of the train i looked around the Green Garden station.


The whole station is empty, like it has been abandons by the people for many years.

Because of the lack of monsters and large foliage this place don't get many visitors. That's why some people call this place a picnic spot.

Taking a deep breath i close my eyes to feel the fresh air in the atmosphere.

"It's much more refine then the city" I said, the without wasting any time i started heading to the forest area.

A while later i reach the place where the entrance of the forest is located.

It's a old iron gate, And no one's guarding it.

Seeing no ones there i snicked inside the forest. The forest is quite thick and full of lush, which why i have to cut ever vines which is in my way with my sword.

Cutting them was not a problem but a blessing. Because i practice inside the private training room, i don't get the chance to use my sword on any object. In short its good practice area. The more i slice the more i get adopted to it.

Not long after i finally reach the place i was looking for. A small waterfall with a small lake beside it. The water is constantly flowing down from the lake and entering various parts of the forest via rivers.

In the middle of the lake there is a small island where a single big tree is present, which is making the trees nearby tiny.

"Wow" I said in admiration. Its a site to be hold, And its my first time seeing something like this.

With sunlight peaking out from behind the tree and cold breezes which is flowing through the forest time to time, is making this place majestic.

Although i had a idea of what to expect, but this place is way more breathtaking than i thought.

After admiring for a while i get out from my stupor and continue what i came here for.

Recollecting the visions i walk to the waterfall. The waterfall is a place where is hidden a walkway which leads to the ancient ruins.

Walking to the rock beside the waterfall, i started observing it. sure enough there is some runes engrave in them.

Its a kind of lock which can only be cracked by the vision itself. The only instruction is place your hand and if you are worthy then the door will automatically opened.

Remembering the memories i place my hand on the stone, and felt a slight tingling sensation like the crystal ball which i have felt in the talent Test.

The same feeling, A unknown energy entered my body but rather circulating it went straight inside my head and started moving then it gone back to the stone.


The next moment with a rumbling sound something fall from from behind the waterfall.

It was a entrance, and the rock blocking it has moved and fall on the ground.

Looking at the entrance a smirk appears on my face. And without wasting any time i enters the cave.

It was a staircase leading underground, with traps all over the place. Thankfully i have the visions which helped me to get through the place easily.

Leaving the trapped area, i entered a place full of drip stone's, a cave filled with stalactites and stalagmite.

Water is filled everywhere, And the surface of the cave is quite slippery, I almost fall dew to that.

But i still manage to walk through the place.

But when i was about to reach the end of the cave i head a splattering sound.

I instantly raised my guard and started looking around through the flashlight in my hand.

But soon after, a small shadow like abject pass through the air in front of my face, startling me for a moment. But i somehow manage to control myself from falling.


A screeching sound came form the direction where the thing flew.

Turning my flashlight in that direction i looked at the animal that was making noise's.

"A wild Rat?" I said with a frown.

Its a rat like creature, which is a tire 0 minsters, the only thing it make different from normal rats is its slightly bigger size and red eyes which can be glowed in night.


A breath of relive release form my mouth, 'Thankfully its a tire 0 Monsters'

Seeing it cant kill its pray the Wild Rat ran away making another screeching sound.


A drench full sigh escape form my mouth. And i continue my search.

After reaching the end of the cave, i notice a small opening and entered it.

After a bit of struggle i finally entered the place i was looking for.

A magnificent hall, with a throne in the end of the hall, where a single skeleton is sitting.

Other than that only remains of red carpet can be seen scatters around the place.

Walking to the only noticeable place i stopped. The throne is quite old and drench in old.

Looking at the throne i sigh, Its made of off cold iron, but its quite withered, and almost nothing left of it.

"Looks like this place is here for at least a thousand years" I said.

I could have sold it make a profit but seeing the thing, i dought it could be even soled.

But then my eyes fall on the skeleton, it almost gone and nothing left of it, Only the ring and the crown which was placed are intact.

Looking at the items a frown appeared. "That surprising, this skeleton has almost been gone but, why are this things are like brand new?"

In the vision, there are nothing mentioned of this items. The only thing that mentioned is the Ether.

After looking at the items for a bit i decide to take them with me. Although i don't like the idea of robing the dead but, they can be soled at a fortune.

Putting my bag on the ground i place the crown inside the bag, but, When i was about to put the ring, i felt a strange aura coming from the ring.

'This aura... its a bit familiar... but where have i felt it before?'

Then a sudden thought crossed my mind and a smile appeared on my face.

Storage Ring

A storage Ring is a device which is used to stored items and things. Although only nonliving object can be stored, the space that it provide, can be up to a big hall.

Although those rings can cost you a lot of money but they are worth it.

"And here i have found a storage ring for free."

Looking at the ring i smile widely.

Now lets see if i can access its inner space.

Holding the ring in my hand i close my eyes and think about the warmth feeling that its producing.

A moment later something happened and i can feel my consciousness getting half, one is my own and a part of it is inside a Large place place made of white. Inside the place everything is floating like they are differ from gravity itself.

'Wow it really is a storage ring' i mutter with a smile.

But i left the items for later, a storage ring is quite rare and hard to find, Only Dwarf races can produce it and the supply of storage ring is low.

Although i said that, i looked at the items and found a couple of bags filled with gold.

Looking at the skeleton i smirk and said. "Never thought this guy would be so rich"

Putting everything aspect my sword inside the ring i started looking for the entrance of the secret lab, which is told to be under this hall.

Soon after i found a small opening behind the throne, moving it to the side i can clearly see the entrance.

Its a entrance which can easily fit a thin man, and the staircase which is leading inside the lab is narrow.

Struggling to move i entered the lad where the Manual and the potion is placed.

Inside the dim light i saw a table in the middle of the room. On the table there ware some documents.

I walked to it and started looking through it. Everything is related to Ether. Beside them there was a single old box made of metal. and a old looking key beside it.

"Hmm..." I hummed and pick up the key and insert it inside the key hole. After rotating it i heard a clicking sound.


The box opened. Inside the box there was a book and a old looking potion. which was covered by a transparent ball.

"Its just as it written" I said with a excited look with a smile bigger then before.

I picked up the things along side the the documents, and stored them inside the ring.

"Lets get out of here" I said before i left the ruins.