
Talents : The fate of origin

What will you do if you got betrayed and died, and somehow manage to get a chance to take revenge. But not Arce, He was a normal high school student, get beated up by some lackeys, and died. But he again gained the chance to take revenge, but there is a catch, his memories are blocked. He don't even remember his own family, And the event Never happened in this world, Yea he got into another world with no memory, With supernatural beings all around him and with his memory situation and a cheat which he had got from the being that take him to his world, Will he survive or he will die in a hand of nobody. Come lets build the story with me, and see what will be there in the future for Arce

Karl_Moris · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Walking out from the same path, i stopped at the pond side, in this vast forest this place is like of a birthplace of some mythical best.

With suns dazzling rays and the giant tree in the middle of the pond, this place is truly looking majestic.

But after some time of praising i notice the sun almost in its peak.

I bring out my phone and saw that it already 1 pm. Looking at the time a small frown appeared but soon disappeared and replace with a sigh.


"I hope i could stay here for a bit, but its look like i now have to go back" I said with a long face.

When i was about to leave, I again look at the scenery in front of me and made a sad face.

"Lets come here again later" I said before leaving the place.


Time passed, a hour later and i am still inside the forest looking for the entrance. A while latter a worried look crossed my face.

"Don't tell me i got lost?"

I quickly bring out my phone and started looking through the GPS. Thankfully the network is still there.

After Astrals appearance humans have manage to withdraw many technology's, among those there are some network increasing tools like M-6 chip.

"Shit, i would have to walk that much?" I said with a slight bit of annoyance. The direction i was walking is completely different. And i now have to walk twice as before.

"I should have check my GPS before walking in a complete random direction." I cursed myself.

When i entered the forest i know where to go because it was inside those memories. But after leaving the cave i completely ignored them and walk in a complete random direction.


While walking i again remembered the ring i got. Its a storage ring and a big one at that. The money is not the problem, and i am not going to spend them casually. The problem is a ring at that size is quite valuable and its also rear in markets. Even black market usually don't have these.

'I think i have to either hide it or don't show it off that much' i said inwardly.



When i was busy thinking i head a rustling sound coming from behind. I instantly risen my guard and slowly turn around to only meet with a pare of red eyes looking at me.

The creature itself has gray but glossy fur, red eyes which is filled with blood lust and teeth's which can tear apart anything.

'shit' I curse inwardly.

'Why of all things? a Blood wolf' i said while biting my lips

A blood wolf is a tire 1 monster and it known for its speed. It can even kill a grade E talent user if they are unguarded.

Seeing the wolf i slowly grabbed into my scabbard of my sword and hover the right hand on top of its hilt.

I waited and waited, not letting my blink fall on my eyes.

thump thump

I can feel my heartbeat getting higher, my blood flow also rose to a higher mark then normal. My body started getting worm, and sweat started forming on my forehead.

But i still stared at the wolf and prepare myself to attack when the time comes.

After what seems to be an eternity the wolf finally made his move. It first started closing the distance with light steps then stared at me with its mouth filled with saliva.

Then it suddenly jumped.

I was startle for a sec but regain myself and slash with all of my might.

Colliding with wolf's body, the sword, made a small cut in its left side.

Blood started falling from the wolfs wound and its trajectory got destroyed by the attack. Its claws barely missed my neck.

Thinking about that a cold chill ran down from my spine. But despite being attack by my sword the wolf was still standing and it even got angrier then before.


It release a growl and stunning me for a moment. It was a skill that Blood wolf has, it made the enemy stunned and weaken its body for a shot moment.

'Shit' I cant do anything but to curse. But even in that situation i somehow manage to place my sword inside my scabbard and again form the stance Quick Slash. Even i am lacking the power of Ether, Quick Slash is still a very dangerous attack.

Seeing me doing the stance again the wolf prepare to attack again. And it jumped in my direction while extending its paw.

Seeing its closing its distance i ready myself in order to slash, when the time comes. Calming my mind down, i ready my body, and started controlling my SP to flow as much fluid as possible.

When you are using Quick Slash, you have to flow your energy all over your body like water, and when every vain of your body filled with a slight bit of SP, that's when you strike.

Flowing through your vain's SP make your body slightly stronger then your body's normal state and it can also enhance your weapon power. But because Enma first attack is a physical attack, its only need your body strengthening. But it change when you entered your later ranks of power.

While i was flowing the power through my body, the Wolf already has close its distance, Now its standing five meter away.

Time slow's down while my power is fully complete its process of strengthening. I can see the wolf's movement getting slower and slower.

Its a normal though, Whit full body strengthening SP also enhance your seances.

'Not now'

'Not now'

When the wolf is in my 1 meter radius i slash.


With a air cutting sound the blade moved at a very fast speed, cutting off the wolfs paw in the process and continue to its mouth which was also got cut.

Feeling the pain in its body the wolf's trajectory got dismantled and it fall on the ground with a thud.

Grooo Groooo

A pain cry released from the wolfs mouth.

With its cut off paw, the wolf twitched uncontrollably with pain.

But i don't want to give it a chance. I ran toward it while placing my sword inside the scabbard.

Seeing me coming the wolf decide to ran but it fall on the ground because of its leg cut off. When it finally got up, it was already too late. I Am standing in front of it and Slash.

With a slash its body got cut and a grave wound appeared.


Without subduing the pain, it growled and then it fall on the ground lifeless.

Hup Hup.

While panting i looked at the wolf and then my blade. It was covered in blood also my cloths making it soaked in crimson.

Suddenly my mind started getting fuzzy and my stomach started acing. I feel a serge of uneasiness ran through my body. Making my body tremble in the process. My tremble legs gave up and i fall on the ground on my knees.

My sword which was on my hand has already fallen on the ground a long time ago. I looked at my empty palm which was soaked in blood. My vision started getting blurry and i felt something coming out from my mouth.


And i started puking, everything that had stored inside my stomach. Streams of hot tears started falling from my eyes and stayed in that situation for a while before again puking.


I started hoping to someone would come and comfort me but. Inside this vast forest there is no one aspect me.

And that day i had a realization, which will stay with me for the rest of my life.


Time passed and an hour later i finally able to calm myself down. Thankfully I don't have any tribal injuries. Slowly getting up from the ground i pick up my sword and stared at it for a while. it was till covered in blood.

I gritted my teeth and place the sword back inside its scabbard. My cloth ware also covered in blood but i ignored it because i don't have any thing to change in. I though i was prepared but, i was too naive.

Although some people who work as adventurers or as a guild usually walk around the streets with bloody cloths. but it still make me uneasy.

Before leaving i again glance at the dead wolf body. Then i left.

About two and a half hour of walking i finally reach the entrance. It was peaceful as usual.

I then made my way to the station and wait for the train. Bucking the air train to Mandour i started waiting. Soon after the train arrived and i got in to only to meet with peoples.

All of the people are looking at me with a weird expression. Who would have thought that a kid at a age around 15 would entered the train with blood all over his body.

Although the blood is not mind, but i felt a pain inside my heart. Like i have done some grave sin.

About 2 hours in i reach Orna. Getting off i called an taxi and rode to my house. From Orna status and my house is only 20 minutes and being in a taxi it shorten the time drastically, i almost got there within 10 minutes.

Giving the money to the driver i entered the house at 7 : 45 pm.


"I am home" I said while putting my shoos off. The first one to come out of the room was my mother.

Noticing me covered in blood she ran to me with a worried look.

"Son are you ok?" She asked while looking at my body to find any wound.

"I am ok mom" I said with a comforting tong.

"But... the blood?" She said worriedly.

"Its nothing, it's not mine"

Even after hearing the blood is not mine she still check every corner of my body with her all seeing eyes, Seeing no wounds other than some small cuts she calm down.

"Mom can you let me take a rest first, i am tired. I would tell you later" I said with a small grin. But I and she both know that it was a face one.

Seeing i don't want to talk about the blood anymore she stopped and left after a while.

I picked up some change of cloths form my room and entered the bathroom with my sword. Because i am taking a shower i thought i also could clean the sword in the process.

After taking a shower, I came out with my sword, Although it still need to be dried off, But there are a little amount of moisture left on it. And this thing, although its a cheap sword it has saved my life.

Entering my room i place the sword on the window side to dried off and started looking through the contents of the ring. Throughout the day i haven't have the chance to check it properly.

When i was checking i remember the crown which was also present with the ring. I quickly retrieve it and started staring. Like the ring it was also looking brand new. And a strange energy is coming out of it.

After staring it for a while i decide to wore it but at that time.

"kids dinner's ready" My mother called for dinner.

I put the crown back inside the ring and Headed to the Kitchen.

But that day, for some reason, the food don't entered my throat. But my family don't say anything and just keep looked at me with a wry face.

Before dinner i told them about the wolf and the know what is the reason fro me to not eating.

Seeing they are not saying anything i left the room, without eating even a single bite of food.

Entering me room, i fall on my bed and tried to sleep.

After a long while later i unconsciously fall asleep.