
Talents of Ascension

In the year 1989 of the Imperial calendar, the world was forever changed when mysterious dungeons began to emerge across the planet. These dungeons, teeming with monsters and perilous challenges, brought chaos and destruction to humanity. However, they also bestowed upon a select few individuals extraordinary powers known as "talents." The discovery of these talents sparked a new era of civilization, where individuals with unique abilities, ranging from superhuman strength to precognitive insight, emerged as heroes and champions. Among them, the most coveted talent was known as "Adaptation," granting its wielder the ability to evolve and overcome any obstacle, growing stronger with each challenge faced. But with great power came great peril. As talents flourished, so too did the machinations of gods and demons. From the celestial realms to the depths of the underworld, divine beings and malevolent entities sought to manipulate the talents for their own ends, using humanity as pawns in their cosmic game of power. Amidst this turmoil, a diverse cast of characters emerges. From the humble beginnings of a novice talent user to the legendary status of an apex master, their journeys intertwine as they navigate the treacherous landscape of dungeons, divine intervention, and demonic influence. As the world teeters on the brink of chaos, alliances will be forged, betrayals will be revealed, and destinies will be fulfilled. Against the backdrop of a world in upheaval, the true nature of talent and the fate of humanity hang in the balance. Talents of Ascension is a gripping tale of adventure, ambition, and the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of adversity. In a world where power defines destiny, who will rise to claim their place among the stars, and who will fall into the depths of oblivion?

EldenTerror · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Flares of Change: Unveiling Abilities and Ominous Omens

It was Wednesday, a day after Damian gained some control over his talent and absorbed the heat from his room, freezing several things. "It was not fun to wipe my whole room because I was being an idiot and not doing it in my bathtub. Because I did not do that, I had to clean my room... Okay, it was needed after my whole outburst on Friday." It was about after Damian got his talent wrongly identified. Well, he did not know it was wrongly identified. He lashed out in his room because of his talent; he was depressed because of it. "Okay, I need to stop sulking and not look back on my past. I am a changed person, even though it was just a few days ago. Huh, times change fast. I changed so much after I learned my real talent is Energy Manipulation. I became a bit more arrogant after I reached E+ rank. A bit dumb of me. I still have a long way to go before I can be arrogant. I am still at the bottom of the well of supers. I need some attack move or something that allows me to disorient them so I could attack them. But maybe I could fit energy storing so I could have heat. That way, I would not need to absorb it for 1 hour straight, so I would not be like a sitting duck and get stuck down like an idiot. I need to train that too," he thought to himself.

What he wanted to train now was a move he called Heat Flare, to use the absorbed heat to create a mini flashbang and disorient his opponents, making it easier to attack them. "Okay, I need to light my heat so I can use it like a flashbang. But I need to train it, and before I sleep, I will try to absorb some heat, but not as much as yesterday night because mopping my room was a pain in the ass for me," he thought as he was sitting on his toilet. After a while, he left his bathroom and went to his bedroom to train his heat energy to make some flashbang for his combat powers. He began to search on the internet on how to make a flashbang without the materials and how to make his light produced by his heat flashier while he trained. Time moved forward, but while that was happening somewhere else, things began to change.

[Scene Shift]

There were four beings, one woman and three men, sitting on thrones atop pillars made of millions of bones. Each bone was killed by the one who was sitting on the throne. While they were waiting, they began to talk. The woman started to talk first. "So they want one of us to go to that backwater place and get information from them," as she was talking and talking, one of the male ones shut her up. "Can you shut up, Meno? We don't want to hear you talk on and on. We just want to wait for one of his excellency's secretaries to come with the mission's information for us, and we will choose who will be chosen for the mission. Am I understood?" "Yes," the others replied. "Yes, jeez, why do you have to act like the leader? All of us are in the same rank," said the female one, while the other males just said yes. After the female finished talking, the other male one began talking. "While I agree with both of you, you are right about waiting for mission information, and I agree with all of this, you are not our leader. Do not act like that. Don't be arrogant, boy," said the older man. After he finished talking, he saw all the others look at the man who did not speak, waiting for him to talk. "Hey, why are you guys looking at me like that? Get a life. I will not bicker with the likes of you," said the last man. With that comment, they all began to bicker like that. They bickered for some time before the secretary came to inform these four about the mission. The mission was mostly about reconnaissance and blending in with them.

[Scene Shift]

Back to Damian as he was trying to make his flashbang move that he called Heat Flare. While he was training it, he could not find much success at first. Days went by without much success with Heat Flare, but he did have more success with Energy Storing. The move was just that, storing energy for later so he does not have to absorb it before a fight hastily and can fight at that moment without wasting time. He managed to train it and could use it for an hour, even while he slept because it was kind of easy to train it, even easier to train it while sleeping. He did not know why that was the case. He thought about it for some time, but after a while of not figuring it out, he let it go. But at this moment, Damian managed it. He created his first attack move, Heat Flare, after so many wasted hours and days. With this happening, he was jumping with joy and casting Heat Flare repeatedly one after the other. "Wait, I need to stop before I blind myself. Did I do that? I can't see a thing! Oh, why, God, why did I do that?" He began crying in pain and tucked himself under his blanket. After some time, his eyes got better, and he came out from his blanket. "That was bad? Or should I say good because it blinded me for so long? Damian used Heat Flare. It was super effective. Heh, it was kind of funny, but it would be best to make a video and send it to EBS. That should be it before I would need to go to school again. I am already E+ rank, better than last week," thought Damian as he began to move towards his phone to make a video. He showed his energy absorption, Heat Flare, and turning light off and on and lightly manipulating other energies to show his real talent is Energy Manipulation. After filming it and sending it, he went to sleep because it was so late.

While he was sleeping, somewhere in a mysterious place, four people were talking and deciding who would be going on the mission. After some time, they decided on who would be the mission taker. "I can do this. My talent, Tempest Wing, it's the best wind and one of the fastest talents we have. Even if I get exposed, I can run away without giving them any information," said the man who looked like a demon with wings. Somewhere else, a woman looked at this. "Aha, so they are sending him. It will be fun messing with him. Hmm, I wonder what Damian is up to. Oh, he has mastered Heat Flare. It's faster than I anticipated. Hmm, don't say it can even absorb this," said the woman to herself.