
A serious problem

After lesson Mrs.Walker waited for Chase who got up from his seat and came up to her. Then they went to the principal of the school to slove Chases problem. Little did they knew, Skye, Natalia and Kurt were following them to principals room. Then Chase and Mrs.Walker entered his room and trio could only listen to their conversation.

Ryder: Hello Mrs.Walker.

Mrs.Walker: Good morning. Well, this boy have some... mental problems. I don't want to say that he's a psycho, but he was really nervous when I asked about his parents. Chase said that's personal from him. So we decided to talk with you. Maybe you can help.

Ryder (suprised a little): Ok. So, Chase, I know that next thing which you're gonna do will be hard for you, but tell me about your parents. Believe me, if you don't tell about your problem to someone, nobody won't find a solution for that.

Chase: Ok, if you say so. Well... My parents were taking care for me for 4 years since day when I born, but when I turned 5, they completely forgot about me. They drank alcohol for days, weeks and even months. They didn't even buy a food for me, only alcohol. Because of them, I was kicked from kindergarten. They didn't let me go on the street and that's the reason I can't talk normally with people, mostly with children. I started to work at 7 years old! I was starving to death and I needed food (starts sobbing heavily). I have no choice. As a result I was working for 10 years. Sure, I have money, the house and can buy everything I want, but I want to chat and make friends. My teachers from beginnig school called social services to help me, but my parents faked caring for me each time, when they checked us.

After his story Mrs.Walker, Ryder and also Skye, Natalia and Kurt were shocked with mouth open. Who could have worse child past than his? Skye felt that tears started to form in her eyes, but she wiped them out just in time.

Skye: I'm speechless.

Kurt: Me too. There's no need to think, that he has friends! He doesn't have them!

Natalia: So we are going to be his first friends!

Kurt: Yup!

Skye: I'm with you!

Kurt: Well, he's got into trouble with our bullies. Did you hear them giggling when Chase got nervous?

Skye: While introducing himself, yeah I did.

Natalia: We have art lesson incoming and then lunch time. Marshall, try to talk to him at lunch.

Skye: Make him feel, that he isn't an empty place in school.

Kurt: I got your words girls. Now let's go.

They went away from door of principals room. Meanwhile, Ryder gave Chase a tissue to wipe tears.

Ryder: The saddest story I've ever heard.

Mrs.Walker: Wait, your parents should have start searching you. They could notice that you wasn't with them in house.

Chase: No, they didn't. They kept drinking and I used it to earn money without sharing them with parents. Aaand I used it for escaping their house to start new life. Also, you aren't first persons who heard my backstory.

Mrs.Walker: Really?

Chase: I've changed 4 schools after telling them, but nobody helped me. This school is my last chance.

Ryder: If you need a talk, you can go to me. I'm ready to help.

Mrs.Walker: Me too. On breaks.

Chase: Thank you. But I'd appreciate to talk with people of my age. That's what I want.

Mrs.Walker: I have 8 students. They are talking very much, helping each other and not only. With 2 of them you already met while entering the school.

Chase: And already fell in love hehe!

Ryder: Who?

Mrs.Walker: Mr.Ryder!

Ryder: Sorry.

Mrs.Walker: So who?

Chase: It's Skye. But don't tell anyone please. I bet everybody will teasing me after this.

Mrs.Walker: Don't worry. I'll control it.

Ryder: Thanks Mrs.Walker.

Chase and Mrs.Walker exited principals room, said 'goodbye' to each other and Chase went to his classroom for art lesson.