
Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse

"Level up? Dragons?" (Discord event ongoing. Check auxiliary chapter for details.) ____ Eighteen. The age of Awakening. An important moment where every human in the desolate maga-cities unlocks their Talent, a unique ability to carve a path in this monster-plagued apocalyptic world. Alister Hazenworth, a graduating student, and a rising star at the prestigious Aegis Academy, was destined for greatness. His exceptional athleticism and magical aptitude promise a powerful Talent – a guarantee for a secure life and social status. But fate had different plans. During Alister's Awakening ceremony, it's revealed that he's a Summoner. Instead of admiration, he faces mockery. His once bright future turns bleak as his "friends" desert him for Talents they see as more "useful." left alone, Alister awakens a system. [Host found, system binding...] [System binded successfully.] [Congrats, you have gain the status of 'player'.] [Ding!! Congrats to the player for awakening The Dragonforge - an overlord system.] [Ding!! it has been detected that the player possesses a latent draconic aspect, and as such will only be able to summon dragons!!] [Will the player like to proceed with their first summoning?] Cast aside and underestimated, Alister becomes a force to be reckoned with. He embarks on a journey, building his own dragon army – a crew of majestic wyverns, fearsome drakes, and ancient wyrms. He raids the wastelands, reclaims lost resources, and dismantles the prejudice against summoners. Every day, his power grows, his bond with his dragons deepens, and his legend spreads like wildfire. Join the discord, Dragonforge events start on the 1st of October: https://discord.gg/R5728GFxfB [A/N: This is a slow paced novel, don't expect the protagonist to suddenly start out overpowered and start dominating left and right, he will become an overlord of dragons, yes, but it will take time. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)] Cover made by me /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ [WSA 2024]

Zurbluris · ファンタジー
204 Chs

Smoke Screen

It was a new dawn, Alister woke up from a dreamless sleep. To a plate of lukewarm hospital food and a cheerful nurse beside his bed.

"Good morning, Mr. Hazenworth! Feeling a bit better today?"

Alister managed a weak smile.

"Yeah, much better. Thanks."

He choked down the bland food, grateful for anything that went down easy.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of paperwork, checkups, and a surprisingly long lecture from a doctor about the dangers of overexertion. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor cleared him for discharge.

Stepping out of the hospital doors, Alister squinted in the harsh sunlight. The world seemed sharper, more vibrant after being cooped up indoors for so long. He took a deep breath of fresh air, filling his lungs with the scent of exhaust and city life. It wasn't exactly the fresh breeze he dreamed of, but it was freedom.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out the wristwatch Lila had left him. It was sleek and modern, very different from the beat-up digital watch he usually wore.

[The player has still yet to open their status window.]

'Alright, guess it's time I check out this 'status window' the system has been talking about'

"Status window." Alister called out softly, his words followed by a yellow translucent window displaying his stats.

[Player: Alister Hazenworth

Level: 15 [XP: 120/360]

Class: †Overlord† Summoner (Awakened Talent) (SSS)


HP: 350/350

MP: 1220/2,200 (Partially depleted)

- Strength: 1,876

- Agility: 2,393

- Intelligence: 2,451

- Endurance: 1,568

- Mana: 2,200

- Dexterity: 670

- Luck: 80

Total combat power: 12,754 (Rank E)

Mana Regeneration: 5 MP/minute

Available Stat Points: 30

Titles: N/E


Draconic Rage Lvl1 (A-rank)

Blood Manipulation Lvl1 (D-rank)

Blood Healing Lvl1 (D-rank)

List of summons:

Drake, Cinder Von Abkis-Void (A-rank)

Current quest(s):

-Train your weak body (Daily)

-The claws of an Overlord (Chain)]

'Wow, my stats are higher than I remember. Must be the effect of leveling up,'

He thought, his eyes scanning the numbers.

'Strength, agility, intelligence... And I've got thirty free stat points to allocate. How should I distribute these?'

He considered his options carefully.

'I need to be well-rounded, but focusing on certain stats might give me an edge. Agility and intelligence seem crucial for a summoner. Strength and endurance are important too, especially if I end up in physical combat situations.'

After a moment of thought, he decided:

'I'll put ten points into agility to boost my speed and reflexes, ten into intelligence for better mana control, and the remaining ten into endurance to help me withstand tougher fights.'

With his stats allocated, Alister felt a warm feeling all over his body again, similar to the sensation he got from leveling up.

'Alright, now that that's sorted, I need to register Cinder at the Summoner's Association. So I'll just replace some of my worn out equipment and buy summoner equipment then I'll head over there.'

Buying summoner equipment wasn't just a necessary smokescreen for Alister. Purchasing equipment related to one's talent was a surefire way to increase its strength and effectiveness. Although he didn't need it due to the existence of the system and his absolute taming capabilities, buying them would be the only way to explain how he was able to summon Cinder.

But before he would go shopping, he had to go trade the items in his inventory for more Union credits... Which he did...

Alister stepped out of the hover cab, the midday sun warming his face. The Union Office stood before him, a massive white building that scraped the sky. A colossal, blue U logo could be seen at the building's front, reflecting the sunlight in a blinding blaze.

Pushing through the automatic doors, Alister was greeted by a scene of bustling activity. The vast hall, bathed in the soft glow of artificial lighting, resembled a high-tech marketplace.

He made his way through a crowd of awakened individuals, each clad in equipment that hinted at their talents. A woman with flowing emerald hair browsed a selection of carved staffs, likely a user of an elemental talent.

A group of bulky men with shaved heads, their arms with tattoos, clustered around a display of massive warhammers, most likely guys with strength enhancent talents.

He spotted a counter tucked away in a corner, manned by a friendly-looking woman with short brown hair and warm brown eyes. Her name tag gleamed – Sarah. He approached with a smile.


Alister's said, his voice barely rising above the general murmur of the crowd.

"I'm looking for some basic summoner gear."

Sarah's smiled, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth.

"Welcome to the Union Office!"

"We offer a variety of starter kits tailored to different summoning styles. Perhaps you could tell me what type of summoner you are?"

"Actually," Alister began, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "I was hoping to find some equipment that would enhance my..." he paused, unsure how to phrase it. "Reptile summoning abilities."

Sarah's smile fadded for a brief moment, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. This wasn't uncommon.

While the vast majority of summoners had an affinity for a specific element – fire, water, earth, or air – reptilian summons were incredibly rare.

The last one documented in the city archives dated back nearly a century ago.

"Reptile summoning, huh?"

"That's certainly…unique. We do have a limited selection of equipment designed to amplify the bond between a summoner and their reptilian companion. Would you like to take a look?"

"Absolutely," he replied with a grateful smile.

Sarah led him to a small display case tucked away behind her counter. Inside, amongst vials of shimmering potions and collars, lay a collection of items far more advanced. A pair of sleek, black gloves made of a material that resembled dragon hide stood out the most.

Beside them, a simple leather pouch with silver stitching and a small, engraved charm in the shape of a lizard caught Alister's attention.

"These gloves,"

Sarah began to explain,

"are crafted from the hide of a Lesser Wyvern. Wearing them strengthens the bond between you and your reptilian summon, allowing for greater control and a more efficient flow of magical energy during the summoning process."

'Control? Thought they were supposed to enhance my talent itself.'

Alister picked up a glove, marveling at its smooth texture and supersonic design. He could almost feel a surge of power coursing through it, a faint hum resonating with him.

'Although they feel incredible,' he thought, a genuine smile spreading his lips.

"And the pouch?"

Alister asked, his curiosity piqued by the unassuming little item.

"That, Sarah explained, "is a specially crafted summoning pouch. The charm acts as a conduit, channeling your magical energy to enhance your summoning process. It also seems as a poket dimension to keep items."

She glanced around cautiously before leaning closer and lowering her voice further.

"Let me be honest, reptilian summons are a rarity. This pouch is one of a kind, passed down through generations within some old lost family. It's said to have a unique connection to reptilian creatures, enhancing the summoning process significantly."

Alister's eyes widened. This pouch, seemingly ordinary on the outside, held a hidden power.

'This could be the perfect way to explain how I summoned Cinder without revealing the system.'

He thought. He couldn't reveal the system or Cinder's existence, not yet.

"That sounds perfect," he said decisively, placing the gloves and the pouch on the counter.

"I'll take them."

"So how much."

Serah smiled, "That will be 15,000 union credits."

Alister suddenly stood frozen, although he was utterly shocked by the price he heard.

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