
Talent at its peak

Yebai awakens with an SSS-level talent, carrying the notorious title of 'Shura,' embarking on an unbeatable journey to forge the pinnacle of strength! (Scratched out) This is a humorous tale of a group of individuals saving the world. Nightmare: Tell me, do you have nightmares? Traceless: So arrogant, have you asked my sword? Leisure: Boring. Shura: Having witnessed countless legendary figures over a century, only Nightmare, Traceless, Leisure, and I, Shura, stand equally strong! The four of us are unparalleled! Follow this group as they navigate a world-saving adventure filled with laughter and unexpected twists.

DaoistFeZTaS · ゲーム
12 Chs

Chapter 2 Insightful Eyes

Without giving Ye Bai more reaction time, his consciousness entered into a pure white space.

"Detected first entry into the Eternal Tower, please create an Eternal ID."


Ye Bai did not hesitate at all, reporting the Eternal ID he had prepared in advance - Shura.

Before entering the Eternal Tower, it's possible to check if the ID is available to avoid duplication.

Unexpectedly, the name Shura was available, perhaps the previous "Shura" had already passed away.

"Eternal ID creation successful."

"Please choose a profession within the Eternal Tower."

The main combat professions include: Warrior, Mage, Thief, Warlock, Archer, Mechanic, Knight, Priest, and others.

Supporting and life professions were not within Ye Bai's consideration.

Before crossing over, Ye Bai mastered lightning in the Summoner's Canyon and was known as the Internet Cafe Little Flying Scientist.

Now in the Eternal Tower, without any hesitation, he chose his most familiar profession:


"Analyzing attributes."


Before him, a translucent light blue floating panel appeared, displaying some basic information.

Ye Bai looked through it line by line, taking it very seriously:


Eternal ID: Shura

Talent: Eye of Insight (SSS level)

Level: 1

Profession: Novice Mage

HP: 180/180

MP: 190/190

Strength: 9 (affects physical damage)

Intelligence: 9 (affects mana limit, magical damage)

Spirit: 8 (affects magical defense, mana recovery speed)

Agility: 7 (affects movement speed, evasion rate)

Constitution: 8 (affects maximum life, life recovery speed)

Luck: 10

Equipment: None

Skills: None


SSS level talent?!

[Guaranteed to be genuine!]

[I have an SSS level talent, can I give you a fake talent?]

When Ye Bai's gaze fell on Luck, a small note appeared:

[Lucky fellow, can trigger hidden levels in the novice instance].

Ye Bai's spirits lifted.

A luck of 10 points? Hidden level?

Ye Bai browsed through a lot of information about the Eternal Tower but never heard of hidden levels!

This note-like small print is the effect of the Eye of Insight.

Closing the attribute panel, the basic five attributes within the Eternal Tower: [Strength, Intelligence, Spirit, Constitution, Agility].

Generally, initial attributes range from 1 to 10.

Ye Bai's initial attributes were basically the best, a typical five-sided warrior.

As for [Luck], as a special attribute, Ye Bai had never heard of someone starting with 10 points of luck!

Generally, most people fall between 0-2.

"Hidden level, huh."

Right now, Ye Bai's thoughts were focused on the SSS level talent and the hidden level!

"Eternal Tower novice gift package issued!"

"Would you like to open the novice gift package?"


A dazzling light flashed, and in front of Ye Bai were three light clusters, accompanied by another prompt tone.

"Please select one item from the three rewards as a novice reward."

According to the strategies Ye Bai had read, novice gift packages generally fall into four categories: gold coins, equipment, skill books, and special items!

Among them, the most useless is usually gold coins!

Because after receiving the novice gift package, you immediately enter the novice instance where gold coins have no use.

If there is a handy piece of equipment, the rating of the novice instance will greatly improve, and the rewards obtained will be particularly rich!

As for skill books, their value depends on the effects of the skills.

Very few people can get special items, so there isn't much information online about them.

"The strategy says that the novice gift package is entirely based on luck, with no rules."

Ye Bai recalled the strategies he had read, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In the past century, countless people had researched the Eternal Tower, summarizing, deciphering, and concluding information. The conclusions they reached had now turned into waste paper.

In Ye Bai's view, the three light clusters had no secrets at all!

While others had to rely on luck to make a choice, Ye Bai, with the Eye of Insight, could see everything clearly!

Ye Bai's gaze swept from left to right.

On the far left, there lay a staff with lightning surrounding it.


Equipment: Grasp of Thunder (LV1)

Quality: A-level

Attribute: Intelligence +5

Lightning Arrow (LV1): Deals (50+1* Intelligence) lightning damage, 100% chance to cause slow effect, 33% chance to cause paralysis effect.

Attribute: [Lightning Strike] When attacking or casting, there is a 5% chance to cause paralysis.

(Hidden Attribute: [Destiny] After casting 100 lightning spells, gain an upgrade.)


An A-level staff!

Ye Bai's eyebrows jumped, feeling a bit tempted.

This equipment was very suitable for the current Ye Bai!

Equipment quality, like talents, goes from SSS level as the highest, descending in order.

Having two attributes, an upgradeable A-level staff, any one on the market would be worth over a million!

Still not on the market!

Enough to buy a three-bedroom apartment in Ye Bai's neighborhood!

"Don't rush, stay calm!"

Ye Bai did not hastily make a choice.

[Grasp of Thunder] was indeed formidable, and Ye Bai decided to choose after seeing the other two rewards, just to be sure!

In the middle, a pile of golden coins formed a small mountain.

"5000 gold coins!"

Ye Bai's eyebrows jumped at the sight of this amount.

The currency in the Eternal Tower could be exchanged with real-world currency.

1 gold coin could be exchanged for 1000 yuan!

5000 gold coins, that was 5 million yuan!

On the trading market, even 5000 gold coins could buy a high-grade A+ level equipment!

"Is this the joy of having Luck 10?"

Ye Bai didn't expect that each novice gift package would be better than the previous one.

Of course,

Placing 5000 gold coins and [Grasp of Thunder] together, Ye Bai still leaned towards the latter, arming himself as much as possible!

Although it hurt a bit, reason told Ye Bai that money had no use in the novice instance!

If the novice instance could achieve a rating of A or higher, the rewards Ye Bai would receive would far exceed the value of 5000 gold coins!

Moving his gaze away from the golden coin mountain, Ye Bai looked at the last light cluster.

"What is this?!"

Ye Bai inhaled sharply, rubbed his eyes, finding it hard to believe:

"Special item: [Thunder Element]"

Effect: After use, gain affinity with the thunder element +100%, magic recovery speed +100%, randomly learn three thunder element skills."

Without any hesitation, Ye Bai directly pointed to the last light cluster.

"Received novice gift package reward: [Thunder Element]!"