
JoJo & Ria 5: We got a Magician!

"Can I join your Gang?"

Truth be told, no one, not even Jojo, had expected this development to unfold.

Generally-speaking, he was the one inviting people, but Ria and Medb had just now learned that there were those that actually 'appreciated and admired' this kind of insanity. The one that their adventures represented. And no, Ria wasn't exaggerating with that mental explanation as the smiling 'old man' that stood before in the middle of the forest's path they were traversing was quite genuine with his eagerness to join their 'gang' as he called it. They were not a gang of thugs, but a party of adventurers. And yet the blasted old fool continued to infuriatingly call them a gang. And one he wanted to be part of.

"Come on! I will be the most amazing wizard you can even find around."

"I mean, Merlin is-"

"Unreliable," Jojo and Medb replied at the same time, something that Ria nodded in agreement at.

"And Scathach."

"Nope," Jojo answered without adding more to it, while the pinkette said something else.

"Beautiful- I mean, not like that."

Everyone was staring, the former Queen blushed intensely at being caught in her mixed feelings towards the dominating figure that was the 'Witch'. Even the old man that was trying to join their side for more chaos- adventures. Definitely only adventures.

"See? I am your only hope!"

"I wouldn't go as far as that," Jojo argued flatly. "After all, it's not like we are going for something that would require a magician of high level."

"But you are running right at a forbidden treasure with countless curses!" The old timer answered with an annoyed tone. "And that's not something you can handle with your magical skills."

"Why do you want to join our 'gang'?" Ria decided to ask, growing a bit impatient with this delay.

"Because I want to be part of that. Endless chaos to soothe eternal boredom. I'm kind of immortal."

"Oh. So you are just an old man that is sad and alone?" Mebd half-questioned, half-insulted. A comment that got the wizard grinning.

"I wouldn't be going for that line if I was older than you, Medb."

The pinkette stiffed at that indirect jab at her own age. Instead of answering, she went through the most 'Medb' thing one could imagine when it comes to this kind of insult. The old wizard merely ducked in time to avoid the large rock from hitting his head, giggling at the infuriated look on the former queen.

"Apologies. It's just so easy to find you all so… entertaining."

"Still, you're asking to join our amazing gang when you didn't even introduce yourself. That's quite suspicious, especially since you know so much about me and my friends," Jojo shot back, almost sounding serious about it. Keyword being 'almost'. "I mean, fans are alright but if you want to go for a serious commitment the least you could do is introduce yourself rather than play some edgy act that you don't have the personality to pull."

"Oh no, I understand. It's a reasonable request," The wizard agreed jovially. "I'm Kischur Zelretch Scweinorg, but you may call me… Zel!"


"Germanic much?" Jojo pointed out and Zelretch shrugged.

"Fancily so."

"Still, how come we never heard of you before now," Ria remarked. "If you are a magecraft user of the level akin to Merlin and Scathach, then you should have some reputation to your name."

"Anonymity for the greater good, young lady," Zel answered cheekily, ignoring the irritation on the blonde's face. "Let's just say that I was embroiled in a bit of trouble a century or so ago. Something about the Moon and people beyond the stars."

"You… fought aliens?"

The two girls stared at Jojo with confusion regarding that last term, while Zelretch's eyes… glowed in delight at that unusual word.

"Aliens? That's a very odd way to use that kind of term but… truth be told, it can be used to identify-"

"Extraterrestrial life. Life beyond Earth's boundaries."

"Oh? That sounds like something you are acknowledged about. That makes my interest to join greater."

"I mean, you're not that bad-"


"Don't you dare-"

"But sure, welcome to the Gang!" Jojo went on and Zel jumped in delight much to the chagrin of the two young women as they knew this new addition was just going to intensify the general chaos caused by the four of them.

Yep, this world is going to suffer more due to this but… then again, it's not like Ria didn't get to have fun in the process.