
Tale of the boy who does better

Viktor_Bojovic · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Chapter Two ~~~ Crew

Yuma and Theo entered the club. It was full of people and everybody looked at them with confusion because Theo was covered in bruises. The club was made out of four sections. On the left and right from the door were the tables, i front of the door was the big bar with few bartenders and in the middle was the dance podium where everyone was dancing, drinking and having a great time. Yuma's table was in the far corner of the club. They walked towards the table and everyone who was there was making a path for them like it was Cinderella walking. When they arrived at the table there stood the crew. The six of them were feared and respected throughout the town as the guys who protect the weak. The crew was made up of 5 guys and Yuma's girlfriend who recently joined them.

Liam, he went to elementary school with Yuma. Big guy with broad shoulders. His spiky hair was like the spikes of a hedgehog. His beard long like his ego, his willpower is what kept him alive for this long. Although very phisicaly strong he is even more mentaly strong. Alex, Very tall and lean fellow. His very short hair and his even shorter temper made him look like some mafia boss. But inside he is very kind and forgiving. He is also Yuma very close cousin. Keres, Yuma's girlfriend. Very pretty girl with long dark hair. Her eyes black like the abyss, and her deep voice very pleasant to hear. Edward, short guy with short blonde hair. A bit impulsive, he would burst with fury on even the smallest provocation. Very lean body and a strong mind.

- Yo, fatty! What happened to you?

Liam asked jokingly.

- A girl probably did that, am i right?

Edward stepped in on the jokes.

- Come on guys... Stop messing around, Theo is probably very hurt.

- Keres scolded the guys.

Theo told them what happened, and the whole mood shifted. The jokes immediately stopped and everybody was furious. They all got up with intentions of killing all of those thugs.

- Guys! It's okay really. Yuma saved me and broke a few bones in the process. It's okay, really!!

- Said Theo with a kind smile on his face

They all calmed down a bit. Edward took a sip of his whiskey and said.

- Why does Yuma get to have all the fun? It's really not fair guys...

They all started laughing. The rest of the night went as planned. After that when Yuma was walking home he lit a cigarette. The picture of his father Ryan scolding him for smoking popped in his head. Yuma started to cry and rain started. No one could notice because of the rain. after that Yuma just looked at the sky and said.

- I'm soo sorry dad. This is my way of coping with your passing.

When Yuma arrived home his mother Alise and grandmother Eleanor were waiting for him with warm dinner on the table. His mother Alice was a very tall woman with very long blonde hair and brown eyes. a very beautiful woman. She was always worried for Yuma because she knew he got in trouble alot His grandmother Eleanor was very short with short red hair and pitch black eyes. She was always joking around. She liked all of Yuma's friends except for Keres.

- You really look like Ryan now Yuma, i always think that he is entering the house.

Alice said while a tear flew down her face. They had dinner and Yuma took a hot shower and went to bed. when he fell asleep he found himself in a dark cave and hovering over him a giant red scaled dragon...