
Tale of the boy who does better

Viktor_Bojovic · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five ~~~ Dignity

When Kira saw Yuma in the condition he is in she bursted in tears saying how sorry she was that it had to be that way.

- You should have left me there to die.

Kira said holding back tears.

-Look at you now. Your hair has no color due to stress and your whole body is covered in scars. You have lost all of your magic, and it's all because of me...

Kira continued to cry out loud. the little demons that she attacked minutes ago were hidden in the bushes, wondering how someone so scary can cry like that.

- I have no regrets, if I could go back in time i would have done the same, a thousand times over if i have to...

Yuma's words lit a spark in Kira's eyes. She asked him why he ran off like that after without even a word for five years, he just replied in order to get stronger, he was sure that their love would never blossom, he couldn't be around her anymore, he went away because he wanted to move on. Even after five years his feelings didn't change a bit, he still was in love with her as he was five years ago. Kira tarveled to the city of Barq in order to find two vigilanties, Warlock and Shinigami. She attempted to clear the egg trial in the capital but she was ''unworthy'', so she came to Barq to find these brave man in hopes that one of them is worthy to take the trial. She was more than suprised to find Yuma here, because everyone tought he was dead, she included. Aimond and Capri got out as soon as they woke up. Kira was still on top of Yuma crying and punching him. Both of them started laughing.

- Didn't know you are into these kind of things.

Everyone started laughing. Kira introduces herself to Aimond and Capri, they were delighted to meet her. All of them talked a little bit and Kira asked Yuma if she could talk to him for a second. yhe went outside. As the calm breeze of dawn howled Kira was about to express her love to Yuma, he just stood there and he looked at her.

- I really love you Yuma...

Kira said while getting closer to Yuma in order to kiss him, it seemed that she really did love him in the end, but in her mind, it was completly different.

- He saved me many times... I would not be alive if it wasn't for him, so i may as well grant him his wish, i may not feel it, but it is the least i can do for him..

Kira taught to herself. When she was about to put her lips on him he pushed her away. It seemed that he was angry.

- How can you do such a thing and stand here with your lies, tell me Kira... Who do you think I am, I am not some low life that depends on others...

Yuma said with clear anger in his voice.

- I may be magicless, and i may be weak now, but still... i have pride and dignity. I did what I did because before anything, you are my friend and I care about you.

As he was saying these things his voice began to get louder and louder.

-I do not need your sympathy, or anyone else's, and i am not going though with your plan now, i can't. i need to finish something first, but I may know someone who will go along with it, he visited me a year ago. He has new name now, but you know him by Carr. He is with Nikka, they are exploring dungeons up north.

Yuma seemed to calm down, but Kira was suprised with the man he has become, before he would let someone walk all over him and make a fool out of him, now he fights for himself, he seems to value his life now more than ever. She apologized for her behaving and she wanted to leave, leaving Yuma in peace.

- Now wait... I am also sorry for treating you this way, i know you feel obligated to please me, but it has to stop. rest a bit than be on your way...

She nodded her head and they went to bed. Tomorrow, when Yuma and the others got up Kira was nowhere to be found. Aimond and Capri were confused and Yuma told them that it is what it is.

- Capri i will need you to repair my armor as best as you can, and Aimond we are going on a quest...

Aimond asked Yuma to tell him the details. Yuma just smiled.

- You said you've never seen a dragon before?

Aimond nodded.

- We are going to defeat the dragon of darkness...

Aimond's eyes shined with exitement. Capri just sighted and told them that this time she is also going. Yuma agreed.

- For the next month we are going to be training harder than ever. Aimond I have something i eant to teach you, it works different for everyone but i like to call it Adrenaline mode. I learned how to achive it when i had my magic. You'll need to master that skill before we go.

When Yuma finished Aimond asked him when are they going to begin. Yuma just said now and the training began.

- For the next month you will not be in touch with outside world, not untill you have mastered the skill I am teaching you.

Yuma told Aimond with a very serious face.