

The book's real name is Cyberknight: One Path. The official version is under the fanfic section of this site. In the dystopic world of 2072 ravaged by a ruthless war, Mike is a cyberknight fighting for a regime which promises justice and reforms to a broken world. However, virtue is a fragile concept, especially for an empire built on lies. Eventually, corrupt minds filled with delusion and madness will reveal themselves. When the masks drop, will there still be peace or a future? Blessed are those who can dream, condemned are those who remain in reality. In the dark, resolve is the only path forward. Ps. This story is a combination of fantasy and sci-fi which defy the normal trope of the dystopic future genre.

Minute_Sniper · Sci-fi
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81 Chs

Path of Indomitable Spirit

Although Kadyn didn't understand how she managed to return to the past in her younger self, she knew she had at least one chance to stop what was about to happen next. Moving quickly, Kadyn dashed through the corridor through an alternative path she knew. Just before KD-552 turned around the corner toward the hallway with the electrical room, Kadyn jumped into the room and slammed the door shut. 

As KD-552 walked past the electrical room unbothered, Kadyn tackled KD-554 to the ground before lifting her blade to stab her. However, KD-554 quickly dodged to the side before pushing Kadyn off her. Her mechanical limbs exerted a massive amount of force as the push easily slammed Kadyn against the hard concrete wall. Blood immediately spilled out of Kadyn's mouth as the impact knocked the wind out of her. 

Although both women were fighting in total darkness, their thermal vision allowed each other to see everything as clearly as day. As the fog of the initial skirmish cleared, KD-554 suddenly realized that she was fighting against Kadyn instead of KD-552. 

[KD-554] - "You! How did you get here? How do you know my whereabouts? "

Just before Kadyn was about to speak, the look of confusion in KD-554's eyes suddenly disappeared and was immediately replaced by that of malice and anger. 

[KD-554] - "Ah... I remember... what an opportunity of a lifetime. I thought it was over after what you did to me back in Trump City. "

Said KD-554 as a devilish smile appeared on her face.

[Kadyn] - "How? You aren't supposed to know about that at this point in time! "

Said Kadyn as a look of confusion and shock appeared on her face. 

[KD-554] - "I don't care how I got the information... I just want to get back at what you did to me! "

Yelled KD-554 in anger before charging at Kadyn. 

At first, their exchanges didn't result in any harm to each other but soon, Kadyn began to feel the weight of KD-554's attacks. It was the worst combination of factors as KD-554's mind was filled with combat experience while her body was at its prime. Meanwhile, Kadyn's mind was at its weakest as she hadn't been fighting this intensely for a long time while her body was in its old cyberwar package before her 2069 upgrade. 

Every time Kadyn tried to block KD-554's attack, she ended up either thrown off her footing or bruised in the flesh due to KD-554's insane strength. As soon as Kadyn tried to block a sudden strike coming toward her face, KD-554 activated her Conagher system and bypassed her opponent's defences. When Kadyn realized this, it was too late as KD-554 cut deep into both of Kadyn's arms before pinning her against the wall. 

Having learned from her previous mistakes, KD-554 also slashed into both of Kadyn's thighs to make sure she was fully incapacitated. 

[KD-554] - "What's wrong KD-555? I thought you were stronger than this. "

Said KD-554 with a psychotic expression in her eyes.

Slowly, KD-554 pressed her arm against Kadyn's neck and began to gradually choke her. 

[KD-554] - "I have to thank you for giving me a second chance. The way you cut off my face, although I want to do the same to you, I think I'm content watching you die slowly. "

Said KD-554 while her pupil dilated.

Kadyn was in full panic mode as she knew that Mike would not be aware of her location or predicament although he was still alive at this point in time. She thought she could prevent the tragedies of her past, but she only managed to get herself in trouble instead. All this effort only to accomplish nothing. 

"What a shitty life... all this to end up dying in this bitch's hands. "

Thought Kadyn as she realized that there was nothing she could do.

As time went on, Kadyn's vision began to grow dark as KD-554 put more pressure against her throat while savouring every ounce of Kadyn's suffering. 

"At least I tried... That's what's important, right? I walked the path I built for myself and defied every possibility to make it to this point... "

As Kadyn's vision faded, the last thing she saw was KD-554's psychotic smile. 

Kadyn remembered how KD-554 slaughtered KD-551, KD-553 and KD-552 in her memory. The lack of remorse, the absence of empathy and brutality toward those who were supposed to be the closest to her. The unveiled truth only fueled to further Kadyn's hatred toward KD-554. At that moment, even the darkness of death couldn't smiter the red that Kadyn was seeing in her vision. 

"...To this point, only to see this mother fucker's face as she savoured her underserved victory? You took away all the people I loved... Your monstrous heart poisoned the lives of all close to you! Even if it's the last thing I'll do, I'll see you burn in the abyss of hell after all you have done! "

Kadyn suddenly opened her eyes and stared at KD-554 with hatred and rage. Like the fiery stare of a phoenix, Kadyn's gaze burned through KD-554's apathetic shell with ease as it filled her with shock and fear. 

[Kadyn] - "Just who the bloody hell do you think I am? I've smashed through the clutches of fate and the gates of hell, I'm the Steel Maiden, carrier of justice like my knight before me. Your delusion of victory is nothing but your last whimper before your eternal silence enclosed in the embrace of a thousand iron spikes! "

Kadyn's younger body began to fade as it exposed Kadyn in her present self. Her void crystal glowed like the sun in front of KD-554 who immediately backed off in terror. Left without support, Kadyn fell sideway but was immediately caught by a pair of familiar hands. 

[Mike] - "Existential Judgement: 1st dimension. "

In an instant, KD-554's entire body collapsed onto itself, crushed on all sides by immense pressure which reduced her to a few compressed ice cubes and diamonds. Although Kadyn was seriously injured, her hatred for KD-554 still compelled her to kick some dirt onto KD-554's remains before spitting on them. 

[Kadyn] - "Fuck off back to hell, ya bloody animal! "

Yelled Kadyn in anger. 

[Mike] - "Try not to move too much or your wounds might reopen. "

Said Mike as he pulled Kadyn close to him. 

At first, Kadyn was too blinded by rage to realize that she was being carried by Mike but when she did, her expression immediately softened. 

[Kadyn] - "Mike? Whaa... what are you doing here? "

After carrying Kadyn back into the barrack, Mike began to bandage her legs and arms. As Kadyn watched Mike do the work, she suddenly realized that he wasn't the Mike from this point in time. He was the older, more scruff-looking Mike she remembered before she lost him. 

[Kadyn] - "I don't understand... how do you know I was in danger? And... how are you, not the younger Mike? "

[Mike] - "Quite the strange questions you are asking there. Maybe looking at the mirror will give you some clues. "

Said Mike as he used his ability to move a wall-mounted mirror toward Kadyn. 

Upon looking into the mirror, Kadyn noticed how she was her present self with all the scars on her limbs and the black crystal on her chest. However, what caught her eye was the fact that her crystal was glowing. 

[Kadyn] - "I don't understand... what is happening right now? "

[Mike] - "At first I didn't understand anything either but somehow seeing you somehow updated me with all the information I didn't know. Apparently, this is a construct of your ability but I still don't fully understand how everything works. "

Said Mike as he wrapped Kadyn's thighs in bandages. 

[Kadyn] - "So nothing earlier was real? "

[Mike] - "To a certain degree... In real life, you were bruised up pretty badly in all the places where you were cut by KD-554. So damage transfer is definitively possible. "

Said Mike as he fetched more bandages from the first aid kit. 

[Kadyn] - "But... the interactions and the past events... They were so real. "

[Mike] - "Maybe this is one of the secrets we don't yet understand of the crystals. However, I'm glad I made it to you in time. "

Said Mike with a grin. 

[Kadyn] - "And you? What are you? Are you just another memory? "

[Mike] - "Take a wild guess. "

Later, Mike carried Kadyn across the hallways on his back.

[Kadyn] - "So you know everything that happened to me and my sisters? "

[Mike] - "It's very unfortunate and I'm sorry for what happened. "

Said Mike in a sincere tone.

[Kadyn] - "I'm sorry that I never told you the truth. It was a memory I tried to suppress. "

Said Kadyn as she looked away.

[Mike] - "I wish I knew this a little sooner, so I could spend more time with you. All those years, I never knew how much I truly mattered to you. "

Said Mike as he turned a corner. 

[Kadyn] - "You were the last person dear to me after their death. You, just like them, lied to me when you said that you would come back. Every person I loved embarked on a road trip that would last for eternity. "

[Mike] - "I am here now, aren't I? "

Said Mike as he looked over his shoulder. 

[Kadyn] - "I don't trust you, dummy. When I wake up, you will probably disappear again. "

Said Kadyn with a slight smirk. 

Upon reaching their destination at the officer's quarters, Kadyn jumped off Mike's back and stood upright with the help of his ability. Kadyn approached the door and knocked three times before calling out to KD-552. Not long after, KD-552 appeared in front of the door with a warm smile on her face. Suddenly, as the shine from Kadyn's crystal reached KD-552's eyes, her expression immediately changed. 

Without hesitation, KD-552 jumped forward and hugged Kadyn tightly against her. In response, Kadyn also took her sister in her arms while tears streamed down both of their eyes. 

[KD-552] - "Oh... little sister... how long has it been? "

[Kadyn] - "Nine years... It's been nine years, big sis. "

Said Kadyn while crying.

The teary hug went on for a while before they finally let go of each other. 

[Kadyn] - "I'm sorry I never came around to visit you. It was always you who came to check up on me. I should've come to check on you as well. "

Said Kadyn between sobs. 

[KD-552] - "Now, now, it's fine. You came this time, didn't you? "

[Kadyn] - "I killed KD-554, I saved you. You don't have to be a memory anymore. "

[KD-552] - "Yeah, don't worry. "

Said KD-552 as she hugged Kadyn by the head. 

[Kadyn] - "Hey, big sis, this is my fiance, Mike. He was the Grand Knight. "

KD-552 observed Mike with awe before moving forward to rub her hand against his chest. 

[KD-552] - "Well, well, what's your secret for seducing such a handsome specimen? "

Kadyn immediately pressed herself against Mike and pulled him out of KD-552's reach. 

[Kadyn] - "He is mine. Get your own. "

[KD-552] - "Ah, come on, why not share your treasure with your own big sis? "

Said KD-552 in a playful voice. 

[Mike] - "Ladies, please, even if I wanted to share, one sword can only serve one lady. "

[Kadyn] - "Yeah, that's right, his sword won't fit into the wrong sheath. "

[KD-552] - "Hahaha... You two are perfect for each other. "

Said KD-552 with a smile as she was quite amused by their dynamic. 

[KD-552] - "Don't worry, I'm happy with my man. Come on, we got some catching up to do. "

Said KD-552 as she signalled for Kadyn and Mike to follow her into her home. 

It was one of the most normal evenings ever experienced by Kadyn in her life. She forgot her present and her affliction and talked to her sister as if they were just two regular sisters catching up after a long time apart. For that evening, they were real humans living a normal life. However, all good things must come to an end as Kadyn and Mike waved goodbye to KD-552 after nightfall. 

After finding a quiet corner inside the imperial base, the two rested in each other's embrace. 

[Kadyn] - "I hope I will see her again. "

[Mike] - "Actions committed in this dimension do not translate to real life, Kadyn. I've already tried. "

[Kadyn] - "I knew. She was conscious that she was already dead. We simply pretended to not know. "

Said Kadyn with a bittersweet smile. 

[Mike] - "Are you alright? "

[Kadyn] - "Just promise you'll be waiting for real this time, on the other side, for me. "

[Mike] - "I'll be there. I promise this time, Lemon. "

Suddenly, Mike disappeared beside Kadyn. She fell sideward but reacted in time to support herself against the floor. In her reflection, Kadyn saw that her crystal was dimming. Suddenly, the world around her began to shift before time started to accelerate. Her most treasured memories alongside her most painful memories flashed in front of her eyes like a movie. 

Her moment on the moon with Mike, followed by her rescue by Mike from the Russians. Her intimate and sweet moments with Mike, followed by Mike's final moments. Her joining of the Allied forces, followed by all the friends she made along the way. Her fights, her victories, and her defeats, followed by her ultimate confrontation with KD-554. All the deaths, all the sacrifices, all until the moment she had her final showdown with Jagger. 

At that moment, she saw what truly happened while she was killing Jagger. The shine of her crystal as she savagely assaulted Jagger guided her fist to make the necessary attacks which deconstructed his face in a specific way. In the end, the killing blow destroyed his skull but that's where Kadyn got up and left the scene. However, Jagger's mangled head began to reconstruct itself until it reformed into Mike's face. 

Finally, as Kadyn lay against the rock and lost consciousness, Mike later climbed out of the hole she dug through the soil. Carefully, he checked her breathing before hastily picking her up and rushing through the desert on foot. After a series of events, he managed to contact Doctor Dane and put her under medical care. 

The chains of fate have been broken as Kadyn did the impossible by reclaiming Mike from the grasp of death. She built her own path and walked it despite all the difficulties that faced her. She never took the paths offered to her by fate but instead built her own. 

Using the last few minutes left inside her ability, Kadyn finished the last page of her novel. Finally, after closing the finished book, and depositing it by her bedside, Kadyn stood up and slowly faded out of existence. The book was titled: "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, which highlighted the indomitable human spirit in the face of even the most dire of circumstances. 

In the present, Kadyn slowly opened her eyes to the bright hospital room's lights. The first thing she saw was Mike's face and his concerned stare. 

[Dane] - "She's still quite weak after the coma. I reckon she might require some time before she can move or think. "

As Dane moved away, Kadyn's eyes remained fixated on Mike as she wondered if he was real or just another dream. 

[Mike] - "How are you feeling, Lemon? "

Said Mike as he ran his fingers through Kadyn's hair. 

Suddenly, Kadyn jolted up while dragging behind her all the tubes and wires connected to her body. Dane and the other nurses and doctor were quick to react but Kadyn immediately extended her wrist blade and cut off everything connected to her. As soon as she was freed, she launched herself forward before falling on the bed due to her wounded arms and legs. However, she didn't give up as she crawled up before grabbing onto Mike and kissing him. 

As the nurses approached to restrain her, Mike quickly signalled for them to stand down. The whole room watched in confusion as Kadyn seemingly exchanged the longest kiss they had ever witnessed in their lives with Mike. After stopping to catch her breath, Kadyn jumped right back for another kiss. Upon noticing how Kadyn's back end was exposed due to her hospital gown, Mike broke away from his wife's embrace.

[Mike] - "Get the fuck out! Now! "

Yelled Mike as he quickly covered Kadyn's butt from the doctors. 

The staff members quickly exited the room and left Kadyn and Mike alone in there. 

[Mike] - "Bloody hell, what has gotten into you? "

[Kadyn] - "I'm impatient, that's all. "

Said Kadyn as she wiped the tears off her eyes. 

[Kadyn] - "I feel as if I can die from happiness right now. "

Said Kadyn as she let out the most brilliant smile she had ever shown. 

Touched by his wife's joy and smile, Mike pushed her tightly against him. 

[Mike] - "Sorry for the long wait, I'm here now. "

[Kadyn] - "I never doubted that you'll return to my side because you have always been here. "

Said Kadyn as she tapped her heart. 

[Kadyn] - "Well, before my heart got destroyed but you get the idea. "

Said Kadyn as she rubbed against the scar on her chest. 

[Mike] - "Looks like we will be the most heartless couple on this earth. "

[Kadyn] - "Idiot... "

Said Kadyn with an amused smile. 

[Dane] - "She made quite a fast recovery. Should we consider her discharge? "

Said Dane as he creaked open the door. 

Mike and Kadyn shared a look before they turned toward Dane.

[Mike] - "I don't the equipment would even work if we don't discharge her. "

To be continued...

Thank you for reading!

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