
Taking over Naruto... as Naruto

What happens when a man, who has no regard for anything in life than for his own personal gain, is mistakenly killed by an error of a higher being and given some wishes as compensation? This story is just for fun and I do not own the Naruto series - it belongs to Kishimoto. This might be cliched and chapters will be irregular or I might just stop the novel altogether at any point. Also this story will have a harem with lots of girls. Sorry if that upsets or offends anyone

Shif125 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Early Life

It's been 10 months since I was reborn, my life hasn't been that exciting - sleep, cry, drink milk and poop. The weirdest thing that I would say would be Minato, he seems to actively try and avoid me - brushing me off with the same excuse "I still have paperwork to complete so I won't be able to stay with Naruto". Although that doesn't seem to prevent him from teleporting home and continuously having sex with Kushina nearly every night.

From what I can gather Minato initially thought that I was the child of the prophecy but after 3 months of doing nothing but just draining Kushina's tits he figured he was wrong and as such 'needs' to bring the child of the prophecy into this world.

At least it was enjoyable while it lasted, I managed to get some memories from Kushina, the basics of chakra training, the steps for the Rasengan, the foundation instructions for fuinjutsu and finally access to the Uzumaki clan chains.

For the past 7 months, Kushina has been leaving me with two of her friends and former teammates, Uroko Kurama and Hinamori Hyuga (the name was made up as I don't know the character's real name) who have both since then been my wet nurses. You guessed it, I have been sucking the tits of the mother of Yakumo Kurama and the mother of Neji Hyuga - both of whom I might add I have been in close contact with (nothing perverted you sick f***s). For me, this was both a heaven-sent opportunity but also one of my hardest challenges: to see if my race skills affect a genjutsu user as well as a byakugan user. That's right I said race skills, it turns out that the bonus the angel gave me was turning me into a half-human half-demon; specifically, an incubus.

Here is my current status:

Name: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

Race: Half-human half-incubus

Age: 10 months

Chakra capacity: middle civilian level


-Uzumaki chains (locked)

-Rasengan (locked)


-Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique

-Mist Servant Technique

Race skills:

-Stimulation touch (level 1 of 3):

When in physical contact with someone you can influence their feelings. At level 1 a slight influence but only for a short while, at level 2 you can influence their mind and body to a lesser extent the action being undertaken and at level 3 any influence will be considered a reflex action to the body bypassing but also influencing the mind of the target.

-Pregnancy toggle (ON or OFF):

The ability to ensure 100% or 0% percent effective pregnancy

- Pregnancy gender:

The ability to decide the gender of your child during insemination (NOTE- this skill is automatically locked if the Pregnancy toggle is on OFF)

-Thought touch (level 2 out of 3):

When in physical contact with someone you can influence their thoughts regarding a person or party. At level 1 a slight influence regarding a person or party but only for a short while, at level 2 the influence will remain in the subconscious of the target and once in a while be a passing thought or an unnoticeable (to the target) subconscious decision. At level 3 the intensity and duration of the influence can be set, both consciously and unconsciously. A telepathic link can also be set up with target once their affection with user is high enough.(NOTE- that even max level skill may be same influence as level 1 to someone with a much greater chakra capacity)

-Aphrodisiac saliva (ON or OFF)

Your tongue can secrete a hormone that increases the arousal of anyone (other than the user) who injects it

-Supreme semen (locked) (level 1 of 2):

Your semen is considered a delicacy to the other sex containing rejuvenating properties (allowing women to retain their youth as well as prolong their lifespan) as well as a natural aphrodisiac. Level 2 is achieved when the user is at SS rank chakra capacity - at this point, insemination will not only revert women to their youth but also grant immortality (only an endless lifespan, targets can still be killed through other means).

-Incubus body

Your body is naturally stronger and more durable than those at the same strength. Your body is seen as naturally attractive to others - doubly so for the opposite sex. You will almost always leave a favourable impression onto members of the opposite sex the first time you come into contact with them, of course, this does not apply if they already hold hatred towards you.

It turns out that my race can influence a genjutsu user and a dojutsu user like everyone else but the stronger the target the longer it takes to affect them. (NOTE – that strength of target for race skills is their chakra capacity, the closer the chakra capacity to that of the user the easier to affect them; also, the effect can be instantaneous if the target has a lower chakra capacity to the user)

Luckily for me there chakra capacity is that of an initial genin, so after a few months of grinding I had been able to level up my thought touch and have nearly leveled up stimulation touch alongside two D-ranked genjutsu (from Uroko) as well as basic knowledge about the human body and tenketsus (from Hinamori) but until I am older I cannot perform them. Now whenever I am near them, they get a little horny but the best part is that they will subconsciously begin to rub their breasts together furthering their slight arousal. But the best part is that whenever I am alone with either of them or just the 3 of us their lust skyrockets and their body naturally begin lactating.

As Kushina is still the 'Secret' Jinchuuriki of the Leaf, her relation with Minato is not fully revealed as a result most people don't even know I exist apart from a few friends. The Kurama clan itself is in decline and the branch family of the Hyuga clan are treated like slaves so they both jumped at the chance to be able to raise the 'secret heir' of the hokage, in privacy of course as Kushina (after a little manipulation) stated that if it was revealed to others (specifically the main branch of the Hyuga clan) it will be seen as treason and both of them will face immediate and indiscriminate execution. As a result, no one apart from Kushina knows that I am being raised by them.

Naturally I didn't waste this opportunity and I grinded out my skills on every one of the two groups and now I have essentially two clans who have loyalty to me (currently the only one who is not completely devoted to me is Neji's father Hizashi Hyuga, but that's ok I am waiting for his death in 3 years time which will cause a rift between the two parts of the Hyuga clan as well as break Neji's poor heart which will be the perfect opportunity to manipulate him into one of my second-in-command.

Of course I didn't stop there, once a week I made it a habit for Uroko to take me to see Mikoto Uchiha (one of the few people who know my heritage but keeps it to herself), her son Itachi (who believes I am Uroko's child - he thinks I'm adopted as Uroko was known to have troubles giving birth) and some of Uroko's friends in the Uchiha clan - basically the branch clan of the Uchiha who like the Hyuga are treated like lesser beings only without the curse mark. I have built up some fame with the branch Uchiha, who is also aware of my status (after I influenced Uroko to reveal it to them 2 months ago) and subsequently have also been introduced into the death threat.

I have built up some favourable impression onto Mikoto but I am not strong enough to influence her like the Kurama and the two branch families of the Hyuga and Uchiha as she is a retired Jounin while the strongest of the others is about mid chunin level. Still its a start, now though the most concerning issue is the birth of the twins and the Kyuubi attack.