
: “WHO IS HE?”

It was October 1st, 2018 and I could still remember the raindrops hitting me in the face. I never checked the weather, so all I had on was a gray Superman shirt, jeans and my slides. I was so soaked and I could barely see where I was going. The rain had picked up. I was on my way to school, high school to be exact. I didn't have friends, so this was the norm to me. My mom always told me to stop being picky because she knew I always felt alone.

I didn't know how to make friends, so I just gave up. I remember seeing this guy. He was about 6 foot, with jeans, a red baseball cap, brown eyes, and a white t-shirt. From the looks of it, it didn't seem like he checked the weather either. He just stared and stared until I looked away. I felt a bit uneasy so I just started walking fast until I couldn't see him anymore. I didn't tell anyone about it because maybe I was just overreacting. Maybe he was someone's dad making sure they got to school safe. Maybe.

The next day I saw him again. The same exact spot. This time I didn't stare back, I ran. Something felt different about his presence. He had this eerie smile on his face that made my stomach stop. I was scared to look back, but I could feel him still staring at me. I started running out of breath and begin to slow down. I looked back again but no one was there. The next day I went to school I told my teachers, then my parents. No one believed me. No one. I was scared and terrified. What if he was there tomorrow? What if he was there everyday? What did he want? Soon everyone would be asking those questions.