
Chapter 25: The start of a new (side)adventure!

These past few days I've spent with Tearwyn were awesome, to say the least. We didn't just sit around idle though, no. Tearwyn helped me with the ability she blessed me with before, and it was very fruitful.

A new Dark Goddess she may be, but she isn't stupid, she just lacks practical experience. However, her understanding of the ability she blessed me with was quite solid, and she was able to help me immensely. I was now able to use Mana Burst and not obliterate every soul around me, if I paid attention.

That seemed to be the key detail for the ability usage. If my attention slipped or I got lost in the battle, my control would go out the window again. But I was happy with it, if I was being honest. Tearwyn was right, I feel uncomfortable trying to control my power when I release everything.

She also said my natural resistance to magic would continue to rise, along with everything else naturally, with each seal broken. So while I didn't need to worry about time magic or magic in general in the end, Tearwyn did however give me a cute 15 tailed fox pendant to wear to protect against time magic. The fox was in her colours, and was in a sleeping position, with the chain connecting to its back.

Today was the expected day I would get summoned, and I was a little down. I really enjoyed my time with Tearwyn. Currently, we were resting on her forest floor, all snuggled in her tails watching one of her worlds through a floating portal of sorts. If I remember correctly, the story attached to this one was Danmachi. It was honestly kind of like watching anime, just a live adaption with actors that are a 1:1 look with the anime counterparts.

Tearwyn, who was in her normal place on my lap, spoke up.

Tearwyn: "I will be sending you to that world after you kill the last growth type system user, Artoria."

Artoria: "Oh?"

Tearwyn: "Yes, while the deities are really, really weak, they can be useful! And it would be fairly easy to solidify this world's future to the Dark if you went."

Artoria: "Do you mean that this world has a bit of an infestation?"

Tearwyn: "Yes. It has one of the Light's scouts. Their systems can not hide the planet from me like growth systems, just its host. I am not quite sure exactly what the system does, exactly, but it will enhance them in some way. But the system will generally be kept within the limits of the world itself.

Another thing to note is that their systems won't be sentient. Limited V.I. control at best, but normally just an interactive menu."

Artoria: "I see. So, how are they exactly scouts?"

Tearwyn waved her hand, and changed our perspective to inside the dungeon. Where we could see the world's chosen hero: Bell. He was fighting some random monsters on floor 3 or something, but what was odd is that he clearly had help. From an invisible person.

Tearwyn pointed at a kobold that seemed to just magically get a rather large cut across its chest.

Tearwyn: "The system prevents me from seeing the host, as I said, but not their actions. And their rise to power through these systems will be one of two things. Extremely slow, or fast. It's never a moderately paced powerup. The speed depends on what the God wants from the Reincarnators presence. This one here has been in this world for a few years, but they are still only on floor three. And the changes to the world have been mild, at best.

They are this way to keep under the radar, so to speak. You can classify them as scouts because they are a slow grind, meant to give the God who sent them a small presence in the world. This will let said God see into this world, and any nearby universes that are close. Very "low cost" Reincarnation, and if nothing comes from them being sent to a world, no real loss."

Giving a hum in acknowledgment and starting to give her head pats, she continued.

'Tearwyn's serious face is also adorable.'

Tearwyn: "The scouting part comes from how fast they are detected. The longer they go without being detected, the newer (or weaker) the God or Goddess is. It took me a long time to notice the scouts, so that emboldened the Light faction to send the growth type users to universes that were around the general area of the three the scouts were in. Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but that is a general way of how it goes."

Artoria: "I see! Thank you for enlightening me, Tearwyn! So, when I get summoned, I'll be able to act as a connection for you to see into the world?"

Tearwyn: "Yup! I am not strong enough to converse with you while you're in a hostile world sadly, but I can watch!"

Artoria: "Hehe, I'll make sure to try and keep you entertained then!"

Tearwyn: "No, it's fine. Just be you, Artoria! Don't change how you'd go about a situation because you want to keep me entertained. Just do everything like you've been doing so far. Artoria being Artoria is the best Artoria!"

A gave a light chuckle at that, and snuggled her head a bit.

Artoria: "Sure thing, Tearwyn~."

She started to giggle and snuggle back when all of a sudden I started to lightly glow.

Tearwyn: "Ah! That's the sign big sister Lilith said to watch out for!"

She quickly got off my lap and stood up to the side of me while dismissing the viewing mirror thing. Taking a queue from here, I also stood up and summoned my armour.

'Three days of total epicness. I have totally become a Sis-con haven't I?'

Returning my attention to Tearwyn as she held out both her hands towards me, she closed her eyes and started to focus really hard. Soon, her hands started to glow pink and when she opened her eyes they shared the same glow.

When Tearwyn spoke, her voice had a bit of an echo to it which surprised me a bit.

Tearwyn: "Alright, Artoria! I got a hold of his summoning ritual!"

As she said that, a soft purple glow joined the pink on her hands and eyes.

Tearwyn: "It was fun, Artoria! We need to spend time like this more often! Enjoy your time in the world, and get back at those damn Gods who look down on me!"

Giving her a smile I say, "We should! I loved spending all that time with you Tearwyn!"

I then gave her a cruel smile and continued, "And I will teach both the Light and the Dark that the Dark Goddess Tearwyn is to be both respected and feared! Look forward to it!"

She flashed an award winning smile my way as I vanished from my spot. As I was being pulled through a kaleidoscope of colours, I was thankful I could no longer puke.

'Yup, fuck being summoned like this. Tearwyn's portals are so much smoother. Ugh.'

Thankfully for my eyes, the wild ride around me shattered into billions of pieces. Leaving only a calming darkness. I then felt myself standing on something, and the wonderful darkness that was around me started to rapidly recede. Giving way to what looked like a small room.

Taking a few seconds, I look around the room I found myself in. It was clearly a rather large storage room for what appeared to be… firewood?

???: "HOLY SHIT?!"

The sudden yell caught my attention, reminding me I was actually summoned. Looking forward, and down, I took in my summoner. It was some punk kid. Couldn't be older than 15 or 16 years. He was average height for his age, with short cut blonde hair and green eyes. He had casual looking cloth on consisting of a black shirt and blue jeans. Black sneakers were on his feet to wrap up his look. Honestly, he looked as average as an average person could get.

Artoria: "I ask thee. Are you the worm who desires my strength?"

???: "Yes! YES!!! HAHAH!! Holy shit! Legendary Summon indeed! Just look at those stats! I might as well be a god now with a servant like you! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

It honestly took everything I had to not just murder the little shit right then and there. But I wanted to see where this would go, and more importantly, I wanted to know what world I was summoned to. Going by his little outburst, though, I will be able to crush it.

???: "Take that, you shitty God! Giving me nothing but a gacha/summon system! HA! All my luck was for this pull it would seem. DAMN. To get Saber Alter, but with those kinds of stats? HELL YES!"

I tilted my head at him, in a bit of confusion.

'He can see my stats? I have stats? Well, I know there were abilities with ranks for servants in the fate universe, so maybe that's what he is talking about?'

As I was musing over just what my stats would look like, the plankton pulled himself together finally and addressed me properly.

???: "Right! Sorry. My name is Jake, and I am sure you are confused. I honestly don't want to explain too much, so just know that I am your master for now. There is no Grail War-"

Deciding to mess with him a bit, I summoned my sword when he said there was no Grail War.

Jake: "Whoa WHOA! Calm down Salter! There is no war, but I can still help you with your wish… uhh… What is your wish?"

I simply stare at him for several seconds to let him sweat a bit before I answer.

Artoria: "To bring the world, and not just my country, to heel and lead it into a golden age. Kicking and screaming over the corpses of everyone that resists if needs be…"

Jake seemed to be taken aback a bit before he blinked several times and nodded.

Jake: "Right. You're King Arthur. Corrupted, but still the once and future King. Right, I can work with that. World domination with you under my command shouldn't be too hard…?"

He then crossed his arms and mulled everything over for a few minutes, before nodding and looking back up at me.

Jake: "Okay, sure. I promise to give you this world. I give you this world, you give me a comfy life with all my needs met."

I simply gave him a nod, and then his right hand started to glow, and a command seal actually appeared on it.

Jake: "Nice. Cool looking seal too. No idea why there is a fox, but whatever."

The design of the seal looked like a cute little 3 tailed fox holding a (my) sword in its mouth. I could feel the connection to the seal, and its power over me. However, I could also tell I can ignore the commands if I deem them issued out of weakness or waste.

'I am willing to bet the fact he even has this command seal is because Lady Lilith wants a bit of fun. Well, no matter. I can ignore the orders I would want too, so it has little meaning to me in the end.'

Jake: "Well, anyway. Come Salter… actually, I am just going to call you Saber. Salter just doesn't roll off the tongue. Eh, as I was saying, let's go Saber. We have a train to catch, and you have a test to help me with."

Giving him a nod, I dismissed my sword, and followed my new "master" out of the wood storage and into his, I assumed, house.

Jake: "Everyone already left for the evening. But, we're leaving anyway. I don't want to go back to school anymore, so we are going to tag along with Ruby and also get a free ticket into Beacon! Stupid God that sent me here gave me a lame gacha/summoning system that can only draw once every year. I was lucky to get an aura unlocking pill from the random gacha… you have no idea what I'm talking about, never mind."

'Ruby, and Beacon huh. Seems I am in the RWBY world. I can work with this. Salem is kind of in a situation similar to me, but wasn't strong enough to deal with it. I could kill her, and take over the Grimm? Hmm, I'll think about it. I want to give Tearwyn this world, and not a pile of rubble.'

As I was following the little human, another thought struck me.

'Speaking of, how will the Grimm react to me and my Black Water? I have gotten a hold of my anger quite well, more so since I've met Tearwyn, but it's always just under the surface ready to erupt. Will I be like an all you can eat buffet to them? Or, would they only sense the emotions, but not me since they have no souls. Thus it would just attract them, but leave them confused… eh, we'll see.'

Jake: "The only good thing that shitty God did, was make sure I was born in Vale. So, at least it's only a short walk to the store Ruby will be at. My timing should be fine, I did the summoning early enough… I hope."

Following in silence, I took a look around at the city. It was relatively clean, and bright, for the time of evening that is. It was also interesting to see the faunus race mingling around.

'Oh, a bunny girl. Cute. I don't get how there can be any hate for the faunus. Their animal traits are so subtle to begin with…'

I could also smell the extra salt in the air, from this being a port city. I hoped that the human didn't want to go down to the docks, I really didn't want to get a face full of fish smell. As I was lamenting the fact that I may have to go down into that god awful smell, I was broken out of my thoughts by Jake speaking up.

Jake: "Alright, we're here. Now, to wait till Ruby shows up I guess."

And wouldn't you know it, as soon as he said that, a dude dressed in a fancy black suit came flying out of the store's window with a girl dressed in red riding him like a surfboard.

Jake: "Well. That works. Go me?"

A few moments later, several more thugs came rushing out of the store after Ruby.

(From https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-anime-girls-rwby-ruby-rose-character-dress-weapon-wallpaper-mdsfo)

Jake: "Right. Uhh... Help her!"

His yell seemed to attract the attention of a few of the men and of Roman Torchwick himself.

(Unknown credits) (PS-Those are the exact guards they are fighting)

Roman: "Eh?"

Without saying a word, I appeared instantly in front of the nearest goon, and punched him in the chest. This caused the poor human to explode as if an artillery shell had hit his chest directly.

'Should I have held back…. Nah. Fuck them.'

Everyone was stunned to silence and completely dumbfounded by the bloody and gruesome spectacle. The silence was broken by Roman's frantic yell.


That caused everyone to snap out of it, and to the guards credit, the henchmen started to rush both Ruby and Jake. As the few of the men were rushing Jake, he frantically shouted out at me.

Jake: "Stop them with less blood please!"

With a sigh, I appeared behind the two goons and grabbed them by the back of their necks. I then crushed, and broke them before dropping their now lifeless bodies to the ground.

Jake: "Fuck, right. I completely forgot who you were for a second there. That was my bad. But damn, he exploded like a train hit him, fuck. I was not ready for that… ugh, I need a minute here."

Ignoring the embarrassment of a human who was my "master," I turned and found that Ruby had also dealt with her goons easily enough.

Roman looked around at all the dead or defeated goons and said, "Worth every cent you all were. Right, forget this. It's been fun Red, and Ghostly Black. But It's time I leave."

'Oh? He can see me sorts? Hmm, he DOES have an aura. And that is literally the power of the soul. Maybe a lot more people can see me here, even slightly, than I expected?'

Roman then took something out from his breast pocket, and threw it on the ground. The object, clearly a flashbang of sorts, went off blinding everyone. I was fine however, and was amused seeing Roman haul so much ass to get to the ladder on the side of a building near us.

'Aura really is impressive. He is moving quite fast for a human, honestly.'

Roman had made it up a lot of the ladder before Jack and Ruby were able to see again. Ruby wasted no time in finding him again, and after checking with the store clerk, she rushed after him.

Jake: "Damn, that stung. Right, let's go and help her. But uhh… just protect us. Don't actually stop them from getting away. I don't want to give up my advantage of knowing the future so soon."

Turning back to the ladder, I didn't feel like climbing it like a mundane, so I just jumped up to the building. As I was moving up to the roof, I heard Jake complaining that he should have asked me to carry him up to the top as well.

'I would have made the short journey as painful and uncomfortable as possible, little "master."'

Crashing down on the roof next to Ruby, both her and Roman looked at me.

Roman: "Great. The disgustingly strong one is back too."

Suddenly one of their aircraft, a Bullhead I think they were called, appeared behind Roman. He wasted no time in climbing aboard, before turning around to us and taking another object out of his pants pocket.

Roman: "End of the line, you two!"

He then threw a red crystal at us, which I made a point to catch.

Roman: "Big mistake lady!"

He then pointed his cane at me and shot it. The bullet quickly impacted the crystal in my hand, causing it to explode. This caused Roman to laugh like a villain would when they think they have won.

His laughter died as soon as the dust cleared, and I was still standing there without a scratch.

Roman: "What the? And now there are three?!"

A flurry of purple beams of light then passed me from behind, and started to rock the Bullhead. This caused Roman to start swearing and go further into the airship. Seconds later, a woman with a wonderful red dress and glowing orange tattoo patterns appeared.

She and the woman who was behind me started to exchange several abilities with each other in an almost impressive display. While this was going on, Jack finally made it up to the roof, and joined Ruby and myself. I had switched places with the woman who first attacked the Bullhead and was standing next to Ruby, to "protect" her, as I was ordered.

After a few more minutes of a back and forth, the fight concluded with the villains getting away. The woman, who I recognized as Glynda Goodwitch then turned to the three of us. She silently looked over the three of us for a minute, staring at me a lot longer than the rest, before Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: "You're a huntress!! Can I have your autograph?!"

Glynda sighed, and then said, "Come with me. All of you. We have a lot to talk about… at the police station."

'Guess it's time to see Ozpin. I really wonder how he'll react to me. He should be able to easily tell what I am, and that I have magic as well. Heh, I wonder how my "master" is going to explain this away.'

[author] And here we go~! I wanted this to be a bit shorter, but well. You know how I can get sometimes~. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~.[/author]

As some of you may have noticed... I F'd up and somehow missed posting chapter 17~. I blame myself as I am dumb~. It's up~! And here is a bonus chapter for my mistake~.

Lilith_Zenoncreators' thoughts