

There is nothing much a person can do when they undeniably crave for someone's accompaniment, someone's touch. That is what it is for Yuki. Drowning in her world that is nothing but darkness, she then began longing. Longing for someone to give her warmth and light. Meeting Haru, she changed drastically. It may not be personality-wise but since she met him, her longing for a person's touch became greedy. If she wishes for a hug, Haru gives it. If Yuki wishes to kiss, Haru grants it but of course they have limitations. Nothing further than making out is what Haru said. She may have thought that her daily life is normal and her definition of 'friend' is as well, but that's not the case. People began to notice how close the two are as friends- two, close in a way that people will never understand. Doing those kinds of things with a friend can never be considered normal but the two never cared. When loneliness starts to consume you, all you will think about is how to escape from it, may not be permanently but temporarily. What they're doing kept going for months until they feel like what they're doing is now a part of their daily lifestyle. But one day, Haru's first love came back. The girl who came back became Haru's girlfriend leaving Yuki alone again not only physically but also emotionally. As this goes on, what will become of the two's relationship?

Changed the names since I made this originally for a fanfiction. Will be posting the Foreword for now. I have created this plot years ago and yet I only had the courage to post this now and to also continue since this is quiet an angsty story. If interested, please do look forward to it!

emilyashburncreators' thoughts