

A soul drifting thought the void when it suddenly gets awoken by a Being calling it's GOD. The Soul is then given wishes and he is immediately transported tho hell......yeah ik, funny huh? He is then met with a Fallen Devil called herself Alisa, where she is his new boss and gives him missions to accomplish, Anddddd those missions takes place in other galaxies, realities and spiritual planes and such. So may our Protagonist stay safe and fuck as many girls as he can........:) And please, there might be some racist lines in there or bad stuff like N#zi type shit. This is only for jokes and entertainment, please don't take it seriously pleaseeeeeee!!!!! And maybe let me know what u think about it, Is it good or is it bad. Instagram: joyboy_2023 Snap: Joyboythesun

Joyboy2023 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 5


As I watched the human, Gojo Satoru, disappear into the thick cloud of smoke, a mixture of emotions flooded through me. Confusion, anger, and a strange sense of exhilaration. How dare he hurt me? How dare he make me bleed? But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of joy. Finally, a human who could challenge me, who could make me feel alive.

I licked the blood from my split lip, relishing in the metallic taste. A wicked smile spread across my face as I realized that this encounter was far from over. Oh no, I would not let him escape so easily. I would find him again, and this time, I would make him mine.

But first, I needed to tend to my wounds. I retreated to the shadows, my mind consumed with thoughts of Satoru. His strength, his determination, it excited me in ways I had never experienced before. I could feel the darkness within me growing, my hunger for him intensifying.

As I healed my wounds, I couldn't help but fantasize about our next encounter. The pain he had inflicted on me had awakened something deep within me, a desire to dominate and possess him. I would make him beg for my touch, for my pleasure.

But I had to be patient. I couldn't let my obsession consume me just yet. I needed to play it cool, to make him believe that I had forgotten about him. And when the time was right, I would strike. I would show him the true power of a succubus.

As I emerged from the shadows, a wicked grin on my face, I knew that my life had changed forever. Gojo Satoru had become my obsession, my prey. And I would stop at nothing to make him mine, mine mine mine mine mine!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!

She snapped her fingers and a vortex next to her appeared and a female figure emerged.

As the female figure emerged from the vortex, Ishtar's eyes gleamed with excitement. She had summoned one of her loyal minions, a demoness named Lilith, to aid her in her pursuit of Gojo Satoru.

"Ah, Lilith, my faithful servant," Ishtar purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "I have a task for you. I need you to gather information on Gojo Satoru. Find out everything you can about him, his weaknesses, his desires. I want to know him inside and out."

Lilith bowed before Ishtar, her eyes filled with devotion. "As you wish, my queen. I will not fail you."

Ishtar's grin widened as she watched Lilith disappear into the shadows, her mission clear. She turned her attention back to her own preparations, knowing that she needed to be at her most powerful when she faced Gojo Satoru again.

As the days passed, Ishtar's obsession grew stronger. She spent hours studying ancient texts, searching for any information that could give her an advantage over her prey. She practiced her seductive charms, honing her skills to perfection.

Finally, the moment arrived. Ishtar had gathered enough knowledge and power to confront Gojo Satoru once more. She sought him out, her steps filled with purpose and determination.

When she found him, she approached him with a sultry smile. "Well, well, Gojo Satoru. Fancy meeting you again," she purred, her voice laced with a mix of desire and danger. "Did you think you could escape me so easily? I'm afraid you were mistaken."

Gojo Satoru's eyes narrowed, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Ishtar, the succubus. I must admit, I didn't expect to see you so soon. But I'm always up for a challenge."

Ishtar's laughter echoed through the air as she circled him, her gaze never leaving his. "Oh, Gojo Satoru, you have no idea what you're in for. Prepare yourself, for tonight, you will experience pleasure like never before. And by the end of it, you will be mine."

Their battle of wills had only just begun, and the sparks of desire and power crackled in the air. Ishtar knew that this encounter would be a turning point in her existence, and she was ready to claim her prize.


"Fuck the pain is killing me!! System how do I heal my fractured ankle without going anywhere or buying anything because I hav As Satoru's desperate plea echoed in his mind, the system responded with a calm and soothing voice.

"Fear not, Gojo Satoru. I have a solution for your predicament. Focus your energy on your fractured ankle and visualize the bones mending, aligning themselves perfectly. Channel your inner strength and will the healing process to begin."

Satoru closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he followed the system's instructions. He could feel a surge of energy coursing through his body, focusing on his injured ankle. With each passing moment, the pain began to subside, replaced by a tingling sensation as the bones slowly realigned themselves.

As the healing process continued, Satoru couldn't help but marvel at the process. It was yet another weapon in his arsenal, one that would surely come in handy in the future.

Once the healing was complete, Satoru opened his eyes, a sense of relief washing over him. He stood up, testing his ankle cautiously. It felt as good as new, thanks to the assistance of the system.

"Okay now that I'm healed, I should find those rogue demons and get exp to level up. System locate the nearest demon you can find." He asked.

As Satoru awaited the system's response, he scanned his surroundings, his eyes darting from one shadowy corner to another. He knew that the rogue demons could be lurking anywhere, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind, breaking his concentration. "Satoru, I have located one rogue demon approximately two miles to the east. It seems to be resting at a campfire."

"Okay...system, how would I be able to kill it with my weak strength and maybe In one move possibly?" Satoru asked hesitantly.

Satoru's question hung in the air, his uncertainty evident in his voice. The system responded with a reassuring tone, "Fear not, Satoru. I have analyzed your current abilities and devised a strategy that will allow you to defeat the rogue demons with minimal effort."

Satoru's curiosity piqued as he eagerly awaited the system's plan. "Tell me, what do I need to do?"

The system explained, "Distract it by throwing a rock or something anywhere to get their attention and then use Solã to sneak attack them from behind. Attack either the neck or the spine.

Satoru nodded, "Okay sounds like a plan, point towards it is."

"Just keep going straight until I tell you to stop." The system responded.

"Okay." He nodded and walked on.