
Chapter Thirty six

Wlpe arrived at the factory and only a few of us went in at a time.

Me doyoung and lucas team went in first.

We heard the commotion and I looked from behind the pillar.

Lucas - this is the right place good work taeyong.

He pressed on his ear piece.

Lucas - team sector v and a enter from behind.

San your team come through the front and make sure your noticed.

San- got it.

The doors flung open and San clapped.

San- long time no see Alex. I thought you were dead.

Alex - you and that Lee Child are quicker than I imagined.

Several gunshots were heard and we got up holding guns at Alex.

I saw wooyoung untying tens ankles and hands.

Alex held a gun and San raised his gun as well.

I ran over and covered wooyoung and ten.

I felt one shot....a second shot... a third.

I fell onto my side and I took tens gun holding it to Alex. One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Four shots. 

I held my chest and ten leant over me.

The teams took care of the men around the warehouse and a few of tens men were wounded and bleeding out.

Ten gasped as he put his hand on his side.

Me - ten?

He kept a hand on my chest pressing down on the wound and he moved his other hand back to my chest.

Ten - I take it these vests dont work very well.

Me - its just shot me where the vest doesn't cover.

I held tens side where he was bleeding and he smiled.

Ten- you'll be okay. I promise.

Winwin finished where he was and came down.

Renjun- they need a hospital. Ambulances were called and arrived in 10 minutes.

Winwin pov

Taeyong had lost consciousness and he was taken onto the ambulance first.

Ten- tae...

The paramedic explained how they Only have space for one person not ten and I said it was fine.

Me - could you leave me some things and I'll patch him up myself them

I showed my license and he nodded leaving me pads and sutures.

I laid ten on his side.

Ten- I'm fine I want taeyong.

Me - we will go as soon as you are sorted.

Ten- hurry up please.

I finished quickly and he got up immediately walking towards the exit.

Me - he's crazy.

He sent his teams home and took the car taeyong travelled in.

Ten pov

I arrived at the hospital and nurses looked at Me back and forth. Kun was running to a room and I guessed that is where taeyong is.

I looked through the door and kun took his jacket off pumping his chest.

I covered my mouth and a nurse told me to come sit down and get checked over.

Me - please don't touch me.

She nodded taking her hands off my arm

The machine was beeping again and i sighed.

Kun- take him to surgery I'll be there In 2 minutes.

Taeyong was taken out and kun stopped looking at me

Kun- what happened ?

Me - Alex came back and taeyong saved me .

Kun shook his head and left to get changed.

The others arrived later and taeyong was still in surgery.

Winwin- is there any updates?

Me - no.

We sat for a while still until kun came out.

Me - how Is he ?

Kun- he will be taken to the icu. I can't say anything for definite.

He walked away and ten was given a mask.

Nurse - to go in and see him wear this and sanitise please.

I nodded walking into the icu and I sat in the chair.

I took his hand in mine and i saw his mom and dad outside. His dad put a mask on and walked in.

Mr lee - why is my son laid in a hospital bed !?

Me - Mr lee I didn't mean for it to happen. It was all in the moment.

Mr lee - I thought you were the best thing to happen to my son and now he's laid in the icu!

Me - sir. Please don't shout.

Mr lee- you've done this to my son!

The machine began beeping and Mr lee stopped shouting.

I held his hand tighter and the beeping went down.

Kun walked in and stood at the head of the bed.

Kun- Mr lee. Please stop shouting in the icu otherwise you will be asked to leave.

He took taeyongs other hand and pressed on his finger.

Kun- he doesn't have any pain reflex which Is worrying.

Me - what did the bullets touch?

Kun- one went into his left lung. One just scratched the inferior vena cava of the heart and the other luckily just missed his right lung.

Mr lee - please have him moved to the vip wing once he's stable enough. Ten I must have words with you.

I nodded getting up and following Mr lee outside.

He slapped my cheek and began shouting again.

Mr lee- this marriage is not happening as long as I am alive.

Mrs Lee- honey. Calm down. Taeyong chose to go and find ten.

Mr lee - the ring.

He held his hand out and I was about to take it off.

Me - im sorry but no.

Mr lee - what did you say to me?

Me - I can't do that. Our marriage is no longer a contract. We actually love each other.

Mrs Lee smiled And the guys had just got back with two bags.

Kun- Mr lee I've asked you to stop shouting.

Mrs Lee- very well ten. I can see you love him very much.

Mr lee- that's why your son is laid in a hospital bed.

Mrs lee- it was his choice to go ! Don't you dare put this against ten.

Mr lee left and Mrs Lee gave me a hug.

Mrs lee- I'll visit tomorrow.

Me - okay.