
Taekook diaries

BTS fan-fiction . only for entertainment purposes no offence meant. A centuries old vampire falls in love with a cute innocent boy. read to know how their fate intertwines.

Lover3 · その他
11 Chs


The next morning:

Namjoon got up early. He was having a splitting headache. He squinted his eyes as he tried to open them. He looked around to see Jimin huddled up in Jin's arms. Hobi was sleeping with his head on Yoongi's shoulder. While yoongi supported Hobi's neck in one arm while his other hand lay on his thigh with his head leaning back. He turned back to look at Jin . "Do they have to be that close?" he thought. He sneaked off after giving Jin a small peck on his forehead. He walked away smiling to himself. He stopped by Taehyung's room and slowly turned the knob. Only to reveal Taehyung fast asleep with his arms wrapped around jungkook who sleeping soundly as always with his arms casually laying on Taehyung's chest. He quickly clicked a picture and backed out of the room. He went to the kitchen to grab a bite. He decided to go for cup noodles. He poured some hot water into it and waited for a moment. That's when Jin walked into the kitchen yawning and stretching himself. His oversized shirt had tilted to a side revealing his collarbone. "Damn" Namjoon grumbled to himself in a low voice. "Oh, Morning didn't see you there" Jin said rubbing his left eye and yawning. " You look cute. The type of cute that only appears on a child." he said. "Yeah and you sound like my dad."Jin replied pouting. "I prefer daddy." he said. An awkward silence filled the room. Jin was having trouble processing what he just heard. " Jesus! breathe Jin!"Namjoon said rushing up and patting Jin's back with one hand. Jin started drawing deep breaths. "Yaaaa, what's with the flirting." he said angrily bobbing his head up and down. Namjoon brought his finger to Jin's lips and shushed him. His eyes trailed from Jin's nervous eyes that was avoiding his eyes to his pink pouty lips. He licked his suddenly parched lips as his fingers caressed the others lips. Jin gulped and backed away. Namjoon rolled his tongue. " This is going to be harder than I thought it would be." he said. Before he could say another word. Jin walked up to the counter and grabbed the cup noodles and gobbled it up. "You look like an octopus. Slow down .I'll make myself another one. I won't steal yours."Namjoon said laughing. Just as he reached the cabinet to take another one for himself. Jin grabbed his hand and swayed his head. "I..I'll make something." he said almost choking on his food. Namjoon passed him a glass of water and pressed it to Jin's lips. Jin took slow sips. Once he was done, he thanked Namjoon and walked up to the fridge to check the ingredients. " Oh right, I think you should see this." Namjoon said unlocking his phone and showing the picture of taehyung and jungkook sleeping. Jin watched the phone in awe. " I guess they're going to be officially dating from today?" Jin said sounding unsure of himself. "I don't think so" Namjoon replied. Jin raised an eyebrow to which Namjoon replied by shrugging his shoulders and said, " See, Jungkook needs to express what he feels. Taehyung is way too obvious. The way Jungkook pushed Taehyung away yesterday wasn't right. He has liked Jungkook for too long to not to be affected by this. He needs to take a clear stand."Jin nodded and continued to cut the vegetables. Namjoon hugged Jin from behind." What's this for?" Jin said smiling softly. "I feel like I need a pretty boy to console me. Because my brother is making me frustrated. Why can't they just confess?" he said nuzzling his face in Jin's broad shoulder. "Because then it won't be a fun story to narrate to the kids." Jin said. "Ahem" Jimin cleared his throat after popping out of nowhere trying to inform the other two of his presence.