
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Operation, New World!

In the midst of a modern war, chaos reigned. The battlefield was a nightmarish scene of destruction and despair. Three friends, comrades bound by blood and loyalty, stood back-to-back as they made their last stand against an overwhelming enemy force. The ground was littered with the lifeless bodies of their fallen comrades, a grim testament to the brutal nature of war.

Creed Katsuragi, the captain of the "Task Force Group" military Fireteam Squad, bore the weight of both leadership and injury. Blood stained his uniform, and his face was etched with pain, but he refused to yield. With a weary yet determined voice, he turned to his loyal companions, Shiiyo Hoshizaki and Kyru Yamato, and spoke, "You two have to go. Leave me here."

Shiiyo, the intellectual strategist with glasses perched on his nose, and Kyru, the charismatic sniper known for his pinpoint accuracy, exchanged glances but shook their heads in unison. "We stay together, Captain," Shiiyo declared, adjusting his glasses with determination.

Kyru, with his signature flirty smile, added, "Yeah, we're not leaving you behind, boss. We're the trio, after all."

Creed chuckled weakly. "I knew you'd say that. Shiiyo, call in the airstrike on our position. It's time to say goodbye, my friends." As the trio braced for the impending bombardment, Creed's favorite quote from a certain movie echoed through the chaos, "Till all are one." It was their unspoken motto, a testament to their unbreakable bond as brothers in arms.

The bombs began to rain down, the explosions sending shockwaves through the battlefield. But just as the fiery tempest was about to consume them, time and space seemed to warp and twist. The world around them halted, frozen in an otherworldly suspension. Everything went silent.

Then, a melodious and playful voice broke the stillness. "♫Ara ara, what do we have here?♫"

The world began to shift, and the battlefield faded into obscurity, replaced by an ethereal, astral landscape. In the midst of this surreal place, a vision of beauty and boundless energy emerged. 

Elysia, a radiant goddess with an aura of cheerfulness and playfulness, stood before them.

With a twinkle in her eyes and a mischievous smile, she introduced herself as Elysia, the goddess who watched over the world they were about to enter. "I've granted you a second chance," she said, her voice as warm as the sun. "A chance to live your lives as you choose."

The trio stood in deep confusion, their minds spinning with questions and uncertainty. They exchanged bewildered glances, and Creed, always the leader, finally spoke up. "What just happened? Are we... are we dead?"

Elysia, the lively and playful goddess, couldn't help but be amused by their reaction. She leaned in close to Creed's face, causing him to blush and avert his eyes. She examined him with a cheerful grin and then spoke in her melodious voice, "Umu... you boys will do just fine. This is the Astral place where I oversee this world, and you are chosen to have a new life, to shape your own fate as you desire."

The trio still couldn't believe what was unfolding before them, but they had no choice but to accept this miraculous turn of events. Creed took a step forward, his voice filled with determination and curiosity. "What do you want from us?"

Elysia's response was as carefree as ever, "Nothing, my dear Knights. You've merely caught my interest."

With a shared nod, the trio began to accept their newfound reality. Elysia decided to bestow upon them unique powers that matched their roles and personalities in her world. She raised her hand and a radiant light enveloped them. Creed received the power of a Paladin Knight, Kyru became the Knight Ranger, and Shiiyo was granted the abilities of a Mage Knight.

As the trio felt the surge of their newfound powers, Creed started asking more questions about the world they were about to enter, driven by the responsibility of a leader. Kyru, on the other hand, was brimming with excitement and couldn't contain his enthusiasm, referencing books, games, and manga that he once loved, eager to put his knowledge to use. Shiiyo, though, was more reserved and apprehensive, unsure of what was to come.

Their conversation with Elysia concluded she snapped her fingers, and the trio vanished from the Astral place, leaving only a faint trace of her chuckle behind.

However, Elysia soon realized she had forgotten to inform them about the armor and equipment she had provided. With a playful sigh and a knowing smile, she whispered to herself, "They'll figure it out eventually."

On the vast land where the trio arrived. As Kyru slowly opened his eyes, he found Shiiyo already waiting for him, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hey, you," Shiiyo greeted him with a playful grin, "you're finally awake." Kyru, who had just awoken, let out a frown, and then couldn't help but chuckle. It was a line he had always wanted to say himself.

As the trio gathered themselves, they joined Creed, who was already scanning the horizon, trying to make sense of their surroundings. They exchanged glances, each wearing a mix of disbelief and wonder on their faces.

"It's hard to believe we're actually in another world," Creed mused his stoic exterior masking the whirlwind of emotions beneath.

Shiiyo nodded in agreement, his analytical mind racing to make sense of their situation. "I never thought I'd see the day we'd be living out our own isekai adventure."

Kyru, his enthusiasm unabated, chimed in with a grin. "Well, here we are, living the dream! Let's make the most of it."

The trio stood together, side by side, their thoughts and emotions mingling as they gazed out at the new world that lay before them. Uncertainty and excitement filled the air as they prepared to embark on an adventure of epic proportions, armed with newfound powers, camaraderie, and a touch of humor to lighten the way.

As the trio continued to explore their new surroundings, the peculiar nature of their armor and gear became more apparent. Creed, ever the vigilant leader, was the first to notice something unusual. He turned to his companions with a furrowed brow and a hint of seriousness in his tone.

"Hey, boys," he began, "we're finally in a world of magic and dragons, and yet, why do we have these modern military tactical accessories with us?"

Their armor was indeed a fusion of medieval aesthetics and modern military design, giving them the appearance of modern-day knights. Each of them had night vision gear and various attachments, which seemed quite out of place in a realm filled with mythical creatures and magical wonders.

Shiiyo examined his gear, complete with weapon holsters on the sides, and commented, "Yeah, this doesn't exactly scream 'fantasy' to me."

Kyru, still with a smirk on his face, surveyed his own outfit and added, "I expected something more... medieval, you know?"

Elysia's voice suddenly echoed around them, surprising the trio. They glanced around, trying to pinpoint the source of her voice, calling out to her in confusion. Elysia couldn't help but chuckle at their bewilderment before her voice calmly explained, "I gave you these modernized gears because that's what you are most adapted to. It'll help you use your military tactics effectively in this world. Don't worry; you'll figure it out♫."

Elysia, the ever-playful goddess, began to explain the unique armor and gear she had bestowed upon the trio, each element carefully crafted to suit their individual strengths and skills.

Creed's full-plated armor was a mesmerizing blend of fantasy and modernity, a sight to behold. His tactical medieval ballistic helmet featured intricate engravings and offered formidable protection. A colossal tactical shield, almost a work of art in itself, was securely strapped to his arm, cleverly concealing a Chiappa 1887 T-Model Lever-Action Shotgun holster. His knight sword, finely crafted with ornate designs, rested comfortably on his back.

As Creed examined his gear, he couldn't help but comment, "I'm not actually good at swords... but this will do."

Elysia then turned her attention to Shiiyo's new attire. His robes seamlessly merged mystical and tactical elements. Instead of a traditional mage's staff, he wielded mage gauntlets, intricately adorned with magical runes. His weaponry included an MP7 submachine gun and a sleek, sidearm pistol. His advanced glasses projected vital battlefield information, making him a tactical mage in every sense. A versatile sling tactical backpack complemented his gear, offering ample storage space.

Shiiyo, adjusting his glasses, contemplated the changes. "Hmm... a mage, huh? I guess it might not sound so bad casting fireballs instead of rocket launchers."

Lastly, Elysia explained Kyru's new outfit. His armor was a fusion of modern tactics and ranger finesse. He carried a tactical magic backpack, specially designed to accommodate a variety of weapons and equipment. Kyru, with his dual-wielding Deagles, showcased his marksmanship prowess. He possessed a unique ability to seamlessly blend into his surroundings, thanks to his exceptional camouflage skills. His night vision capabilities made him a master of stealth in any environment.

Kyru, sporting his signature smile, responded to Elysia's explanations with enthusiasm. "Guess you'll have to call me Hawkeye then!"

As the trio donned their unique armor and gear, they couldn't help but feel like knights from a different era, yet armed with the knowledge and skills of their modern world. They were ready to navigate the medieval fantasy setting of Eldora, each of them a unique blend of tradition and modernity, a testament to their newfound second chance in a world filled with magic and dragons.