
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Basilisk Fight

The trio faced the formidable Basilisk, aware of its petrifying gaze. Shiiyo, having gathered knowledge from the capital library, offered a crucial piece of advice. "Watch its gaze, because it could turn you into stone," he warned, his words setting the tone for the battle.

Creed, ever the tactical leader, took his customary place on the frontline. "I'll hold the front as usual. Kyru and Shiiyo, focus on attacking," he instructed.

Kyru, determined to find a weak point in the creature's defenses, aimed for its eyes. However, the Basilisk's swiftness made landing a shot difficult, and Kyru voiced his frustration. "Dang it! I can't get a shot in its eyes; it's too fast!"

Shiiyo, known for his mastery of elemental magic, attempted to damage the creature with a barrage of spells. But, to his dismay, he realized that the Basilisk had a high resistance to magic. "None of my spells work either. It looks like it has a high resistance to magic damage," he reported.

The situation was becoming increasingly dire. The Basilisk's relentless attacks were taking their toll, and the trio was growing exhausted. Creed, struggling to maintain his resilience, recognized the need for a new approach. He spoke under his heavy breath, "This is tough. None of our attacks are working. We need to think of something else."

As the Basilisk loomed menacingly before them, the trio began to consider alternative strategies to turn the tide of this challenging battle.

The trio was exhausted but unwavering in their determination to defeat the creature. Suddenly, the basilisk made a quick attack, aiming for Kyru, but he was too drained to react promptly due to exhaustion. In a split second, just as Kyru was about to get bitten, Creed leaped to his aid, pushing Kyru out of harm's way. Unfortunately, the basilisk's teeth pierced through Creed's armor, injecting venom that weakened his strength.

Kyru, taken aback and horrified, yelled out, "Captain!" witnessing Creed's self-sacrificial act. Shiiyo, equally shocked, could only manage a despairing whisper, "No... not this again."

In a voice strained with pain, Creed encouraged his comrades, "Do not falter! We have come this far, and we are not dying here today again!"

Summoning the last of his strength, Creed seized the basilisk's jaws and delivered a mighty blow, forcing the creature to stumble and fall. Despite the venom coursing through his body, Creed refused to succumb to defeat, channeling his resilience and determination into his actions. With sheer willpower, he stood his ground, delivering a taunting retort to the basilisk even in his weakened state, "You're not eating me today, you old lizard! Your bite is about as powerful as a toothless troll's nibble!"

As the Basilisk slowly began to recover from its concussion, Creed's condition worsened due to the venom coursing through his body. Shiiyo, struggling to come up with a plan in their desperate situation, considered the possibility of retreating from the battle. He voiced his uncertainty to the team, asking, "I'm out of ideas. Do we retreat or keep fighting?"

Just when despair threatened to overtake them, Creed, despite his severe injuries, mustered his resolve and stood up. His voice carried unwavering determination as he urged his team not to give in. "We can't back down now, team. We've come too far to give up!"

Kyru, still reeling from the shock of the Basilisk's attack, attempted to apologize, but Creed reassured him that there was no need and reminded them of their unity as a team. "I'm sorry, Captain," Kyru expressed.

Creed reassured him with conviction. "No need to apologize. We're a team, remember?"

With the Basilisk poised to launch another attack, Shiiyo finally came up with a plan, his voice resonating with determination. "I have a plan. I'll immobilize it with ice magic, and Captain, you draw its attention. Kyru, find a high ground and get ready!"

The trio executed their plan with precision. Creed deflected the Basilisk's fiery breath, Shiiyo immobilized the creature with his ice magic, and Kyru, despite his earlier doubts, suddenly found himself with a newfound skill that could turn the tide of the battle. His eyes flashed yellow, pupils turning into crosshairs as he sprinted into action, seeking a tactical advantage from a higher vantage point. The team's coordinated efforts gave them a renewed sense of hope as they fought together to overcome the formidable Basilisk.

The intense battle raged on, with gunshots and explosions filling the air. As time passed, Creed's condition continued to deteriorate. Shiiyo couldn't help but notice his captain's slow movements and expressed his concern.

Shiiyo, worried about Creed's condition, said, "Captain, you're slowing down."

Despite his pain and fatigue, Creed remained determined. He knew they had to buy more time for Kyru to reach the advantageous position and deliver a decisive shot.

Creed, struggling but resolute, responded, "I know. We need... more time... for Kyru."

Shiiyo still worried about Creed's well-being, began to argue, "But..."

Cutting him off, Creed emphasized their lack of choice, saying, "No choice. Buy time," as he continued to push forward with all his remaining strength.

Shiiyo nodded and began hurling ice bombs at the Basilisk's feet, attempting to immobilize it. However, the creature pressed on relentlessly, seemingly unaffected by their efforts.

But hope was on the horizon. Kyru had reached his vantage point, lining up his sights on the monstrous foe. He quickly relayed to the others, "I'm in position!"

Shiiyo, aware of Kyru's readiness, alerted Creed, "Kyru's ready, Captain!"

Summoning his final surge of strength, Creed mustered the energy to lunge at the Basilisk and draw its attention. "Look over there, you big lizard!" he yelled, bashing the creature's face and forcing it to face Kyru's position.

Kyru, with his weapon powered up and ready, started chanting, his voice filled with determination. "By the power of ancient dragons, I invoke thee! Pierce and conquer, O Wyvern Piercer! May this incarnation become the bane of winged beasts, striking with precision and might!"

As the Basilisk turned toward Kyru, he took the shot. A powerful beam of energy pierced the monster's heart, and with incredible force, it continued through the creature, even piercing the mountains behind it. The mighty Basilisk fell to the ground, defeated at last.

Kyru, with a serious and determined expression, directed his words at the fallen Basilisk. "This is for the Captain, you big sack of crap."

With the Basilisk finally defeated, Creed's condition took a turn for the worse. Exhausted and injured, he collapsed on his feet, his strength giving out. Shiiyo and Kyru rushed to his side, desperately trying to keep him conscious.

Shiiyo urged their captain to stay with them, his voice filled with concern. "Stay with us, Captain," he said, holding onto the hope that Creed would pull through.

Kyru did his best to stabilize Creed's wounds and prevent further blood loss. He pleaded with their captain, "Please, Captain, stay alive. We'll call for help."

Creed lay on the ground, his breathing heavy and labored. "I'll be fine," he murmured, trying to reassure Kyru and Shiiyo. "Just... tired."

Shiiyo tells Kyru about Creed's condition. "He's in bad shape. That venom did a number on him. We need to get him back to the guild quickly."

Kyru nodded and offered assistance. "Let's get him back. He needs medical attention."

In their moment of panic, a group of men from a nearby village arrived, offering their assistance. They helped the trio transport Creed back to the capital, moving quickly to get him the help he needed.

Upon their arrival, Lila, the guild receptionist, was shocked and surprised by the condition of their captain. She rushed to them, her voice filled with concern and curiosity. "What just happened?" she inquired, looking at Kyru for answers.

Kyru, still focused on Creed's well-being and not in a condition to provide an immediate explanation, was silent. Shiiyo stepped in and tapped Lila on the shoulder. He assured her, "We'll explain everything once everything is settled down."

Understanding the urgency of the situation, Lila nodded and directed them to bring Creed to the guild's clinic. "Quickly, bring him to the guild clinic. We'll take care of him there," she said with a determined expression, ready to assist in any way she could.

With the prompt care of the guild's skilled healers, they managed to stabilize Creed and extract the venom from his body. Although he was no longer in immediate danger, Creed remained unconscious, still recovering from the intense battle and the effects of the basilisk's venom.

In the guild's lobby, Kyru sat at a corner table, his spirits weighed down by the events that had transpired. Shiiyo, on the other hand, shared the details of their harrowing encounter with Lila, the guild receptionist.

Shiiyo explained the situation to her, saying, "When we were about to explore this dungeon, we were attacked by a basilisk."

Lila's expression shifted from surprise to concern as she absorbed the gravity of their encounter. "A basilisk, you say? Those creatures are at a high level. I'm just glad that you guys managed to survive that."

Shiiyo nodded, his own concern evident, especially when he glanced back at Kyru, who was still deeply affected by the recent events. Lila, perceptive to their emotional states, made a suggestion.

"You guys should head back to your inn and get some rest for now," Lila advised. "We'll take good care of your Captain."

Shiiyo expressed his gratitude with a relieved tone. "Thank you, Lila." The two companions left the guild lobby, leaving behind a sense of relief and concern for their captain's well-being.

In the quiet of their shared room at the inn, Kyru's frustration and guilt reached a breaking point, causing him to unleash his anger on the unsuspecting wall. His powerful punch left a noticeable crack, reflecting the turmoil within him.

Shiiyo, who had followed Kyru into the room, watched him silently for a moment before finally speaking. "Kyru, it's not your fault," he said with empathy in his voice. "None of us could have foreseen what happened out there."

Kyru, still grappling with his emotions, began to recount a similar incident from their previous world. "You remember, right? Before we got transported... Creed did the same thing. He got wounded because he saved me from that enemy."

Shiiyo understood the weight of Kyru's feelings and gently placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Kyru, we've all saved each other at some point. That's what we do. We're a team. But remember, strength comes with time and effort. If you keep training and pushing yourself, you will grow stronger."

Kyru listened to Shiiyo's words, and although the guilt still lingered, he found a glimmer of hope in the idea of improving himself through training and dedication. Shiiyo's support and encouragement served as a reminder that they were in this together and that they would continue to face challenges as a team.