
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · ファンタジー
44 Chs

A Toast for Another Journey

The trio waited in the guild's lobby for Lila to return. When she finally arrived, they eagerly approached her, Shiiyo leading the conversation by requesting to revisit the dungeon they had previously explored. Lila was taken aback by their sudden interest in returning. "Why all of a sudden?" she inquired, looking slightly puzzled. "There's not much happening there right now."

Shiiyo quickly responded, "Well, we just want to ensure it's truly clear. It's for peace of mind, you know. Plus, there might be potential trouble for the villagers if we don't double-check." He tried to put a lighter spin on their request. Lila sighed but eventually relented. "Very well, I'll issue this quest again. But," she added, pointing at the trio, "you guys promise to come back, okay?"

The trio nodded affirmatively, understanding the gravity of the promise. As they were about to step out, Lila called after them, "Oh, by the way, after you return, I'll have something for you that you'll like." Her smile hinted at something rewarding for their efforts. With Lila's words lingering in their minds, the trio set out for the dungeon once again, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The trio strolled through the streets, with Shiiyo and Creed engaged in discussions about their plans for the dungeon. They shared their thoughts on how to explore and clear the area efficiently. While they were engrossed in conversation, Kyru remained alert, having noticed a person who had been following them discreetly.

As the trio walked, Shiiyo proposed stopping for a meal at a nearby establishment. They found a suitable place to dine and began enjoying their food, a reprieve from their adventures.

Midway through their meal, Shiiyo brought up the covert observer. "Did you guys notice as well?" he asked. Creed acknowledged the presence of the person trailing them, saying, "Yeah, someone's been following us." Kyru chimed in, expressing his concerns. "It's been going on for the past two weeks. They've just been observing us. Captain, what should we do?"

Creed pondered momentarily and decided, "For now, let's not make any sudden moves. We'll see what they want from us. Stay vigilant and keep an eye on them." The trio returned to their meal, each with thoughts of the mysterious figure who had been shadowing them.

Outside the eatery, the shady person in the hooded cloak couldn't help but wear a sly grin. He muttered to himself, "Looks like I'm not the only one."

Creed decided to purchase horses and a carriage for their upcoming expedition to the dungeon, reasoning that it would be a more cost-effective option compared to renting. While he was at the stables, a surprise encounter occurred. A bystander nearby called out to him, addressing him as "Sir Creed."

Creed turned and was astonished to find himself standing next to Princess Seraphina. "Princess!?" he exclaimed in surprise. "Fancy meeting you here. What are you doing in such a place?"

Seraphina approached Creed, wearing a concerned expression. "Sir Creed, how are you feeling? I heard about what happened to you."

Creed responded with reassurance as he patted her head. "I'm fine. I feel better after a long rest."

Seraphina let out a sigh of relief. As she glanced at Creed, she suddenly realized their proximity and blushed, quickly looking away. The moment became awkward for both of them. While they navigated their discomfort, Evelyn, Seraphina's friend, approached in a hurry.

"Lady Seraphina!" Evelyn called out as she approached, and upon seeing Creed with Seraphina, she wore a smug expression and leaned closer to Seraphina. "Hey, what do we have here? hehehe." She teased them.

Seraphina, flustered, tried to explain, "Evelyn! I... it's not what you think! We just happened to bump into each other, that's all."

Evelyn greeted Creed, attempting to keep the situation light. "Hello, Mr. Creed. What are you doing here?"

Creed nodded and replied, "Yeah, I was hoping to invest in horses and a carriage. We're going back to the dungeon."

Seraphina, her concern resurfacing, asked, "You're going out again?"

Creed reassured her, "Yes, we're going to investigate the location where we encountered the Basilisk."

Seraphina, gripping her chest, was anxious, but Creed tried to alleviate her worries. "Don't worry. If there's a danger we can't handle, we'll retreat."

Seraphina smiled, but still requested, "Please promise me you'll be back, okay?"

Creed chuckled and responded while quoting a line from one of his favorite FPS games, "Yep, I will. Like the one I heard from someone: 'Don't make a promise you can't keep.'"

Creed then shifted the conversation and asked Evelyn, "So, Miss Evelyn, can you guide me on buying horses and a carriage?"

Evelyn, giving him a thumbs up, replied, "Sure thing, Sir. Creed. Right this way."

With Evelyn and Seraphina's guidance, Creed began the process of acquiring the necessary supplies for their journey to the dungeon.

The trio, after acquiring their supplies for the expedition, regrouped at the inn where they were staying. Elara, the innkeeper, was pleasantly surprised to see Creed back on his feet. She greeted him with a warm smile, "Oh my! Mr. Creed, you're back!" Creed responded with a smile of his own, "Yeah, I guess being knocked out isn't so bad after all."

Lily, Elara's daughter, overheard Creed's voice from upstairs and inquired, "Is that Sir Creed, Mom?" Elara confirmed, "Yes, he is." Lily came down from the second floor and greeted Creed with a smile, saying, "I'm glad you're back, Sir Creed."

Elara, after the warm welcome, offered to take their orders. Kyru, brimming with excitement, listed their choices, "As usual, madam, give us curry, roasted meat, and some good ol' fashion beer!" Elara acknowledged their order, "Okay then, coming right up!"

Their orders arrived, and the three enjoyed a delicious meal. Kyru then raised his mug in a toast, celebrating Creed's recovery. "Well, this toast is for Captain. Glad to have you back, pal." Shiiyo joined in, saying, "And this is for us, back to adventuring together." Creed chuckled and replied, "You boys," with a warm smile. As they toasted, shared a laugh, and enjoyed their meal, they decided to get a good night's rest in preparation for the next day's adventure.