
Damsel In Distress

The degree of misery and agony in carried in the voice made my skin crawl.

"Alpha, let's go check out what's going on." <Jake >

For these deployed soldiers my orders were absolute.

They quickly saluted to me and filed out of the room, heading down the stairwell to the ground floor.

Rather than staying here alone I quickly followed after them, leaving my dilapidated room behind, or I guess this wasn't even my room to begin with in this world.

One of the Soldiers broke away racing down the steps while the rest of us just walked.

Minutes later when we regrouped at the base, Foxtrot informed Alpha and me that there are people fighting a mutant beast, and One person apparently had just been eaten according to Foxtrot.

So the scream before and another just now, I felt the blood drain from my face, as my stomach churned, i'd escape one apocalypse for another, death was a normal thing, but knowing something was out to cause your death is another.

Supressing the discomfort I felt.

I ordered the men to advance but not engage, I needed to see how people of this world fight the zombies and mutants before I'll be willing to risk my precious soldier in combat.

We left the building behind taking up position behind some rubble which gave us an open view of the streets, almost no completely intact building could be seen, except for my own apartment building which was relatively well preserved for some reason.


Another gunshot rang out, grabbing the monocular on the belt of one of my men, I looked ahead at the fight that was still going on.

Four people... four humans were engaged in a fight holding swords and pistols firing continuously against the beast in front of them.

The beast they were firing at was... well something I couldn't imagine one had to see it to believe.

The so-called mutant beast was.

A Dog.

Of course its appearance had changed completely, it's size was easily 5 times that of normal, and its fangs were beyond ferocious as even with its maw closed they still showed themselves. It's eyes a deep red, and drool dribbling down to the street causing a green smoke to rise up where it fell.

The dogs spit was corrosive.

Bullets from the survivors were hitting the beast but only left faint blood marks on it's body, not being able to penetrate it's hide.

"Alpha, how does the power of their guns compare to our own?" <Jake >

"Commander, their power is slightly worse than ours, at least our pistols, and their accuracy is not high, but their magazines seem to have been improved and are much more abundant than ours." <Alpha >

That's what felt off to me, the four had been firing for at least a minute or two now but typical handguns would hold 13 rounds at most which in a fight would mean you needed to reload after a couple of seconds if you were rapid firing.

But since even with expanded magazines they'd not reloaded and the frequency at which they were firing meant while they could have more bullets they were conserving their ammo overall.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* * Survivor POV * *

Sarah's face was ugly. Her team of 6 came out to this city from the outpost to hunt mutant beasts, and they'd found a first-tier mutant beast that could improve their food.

But just as they started to hunt the beast it evolved into a Second-Tier.

A second tier beast was not something their ordinary team could handle. As the battle progressed before anyone could realize what had changed on of their team members was eaten, and the miserable screams still seemed to echo in their minds as they had to watch their friend be devoured.

This feeling of dread could not be expressed in words.

The second went down as they tried to retreat his leg was scratched by the beasts claws.

"Sis, what should we do? If we continue like this we'll run out of ammo."

A young man who looked scared out of his mind shouted at her.

The other two didn't speak they kept their focus on the beast, firing their pistols in one hand while waving swords around in the other.

The weapons they had could kill 1st-tier beasts and zombies, but it was near impossible to deal with a 2nd-tier without better gear and weapons.

Sarahs face though screwed up in a scowl looked calm, and no one knew of her inner anxiety.

Finally she gritted her teeth and took something out of her bag.

After the young man saw what she had in her hand he continued to shout excitedly.

"Sis! You still have such a good thing. If we don't use it now we're done for."

The other two quickly glanced back and saw the grenade in her hand, which caused their eyes to light up.

Different from a regular grenade this one was pale blue, and it emitted a cold aura into her hands.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

* * Jake POV * *

This was an Ice Grenade.

The Ice Grenade was a 1st Tier weapon which created an icy zone when thrown, with a certain chance of freezing your opponent either to death or in place.

That's what the system told Jake as he continued to watch the battle raging between the two sides.

That thing wasn't in Red Alert that's for sure, maybe a chrono grenade to freeze time in an area but not just freeze.

He watched as the girls face looked to be in pain as she lobbed the grenade towards the beast.

Instantly upon detonation the area within 5 meters of the grenade turned into an icy world.

Even the mutant dog itself was frozen turning itself into an ice sculpture.


The young man next to the girl shouted.

The four began to congratulate one another, from their raised voices it seems they could get a greater payday for bringing this beast back alive.

However their celebration was shortlived.

Cracks began to appear on the ice over the mutant dogs body and a moment later the ice encasing it shatter with a bang.

The fours voices stopped abruptly, and a trace of fear appeared in their eyes.

The chance they had to escape was now gone and the trump card that they thought assured their victory had failed.

The girl clasped her hands together in a prayer and inside her mind promised to marry whomever saved her if it was possible.

The dog was advancing slowly step by step towards them.

When it was only 10 meters away from them, a gunshot rang out.

The four stood stunned as each of their guns was down at their sides as they still had not returned to resisting against the coming end.

The girl reacted the fastest eyes scanning the surrounding looking for who it was that was saving them.

From the distance Jake saw her mouth moving but could not read lips, luckily the system could and informed him she had stated her disbelief in someone actually saving them and how she'd just casually made the vow and wondering if she could still change it.

Well guess she promised herself to a life of god, or helping the homeless or something if she was saved which now resulted in instant regret oh well not my problem.

my Nine soldiers had taken up a spread out formation and were advancing, I got up from my cover and slowly followed after them.

As I got closer I could see that the girl almost them was actually really cute, from the scope and with her face contorting from battle I couldn't make it out but this girl could've been a model or idol back on Earth.

Well whatever its cliche isn't it in all isekais to have a hero saving the beauty moment who instantly becomes his lifelong faithful companion right?

While I was thinking about this nonsense three of my men advance on each flank while the remaining three approached it head on.

Seeing the men approaching the beast.

The young man called out.

"You are not a match for the 2nd Tier mutant dog. Don't come over here!"

Not a moment later this young man was left speechless, feeling a burning pain on his face left to wonder where these people came from and why they were all so strong.