
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs

Chapter 34: Grodd

Chapter 34: Grodd

Gorilla Grodd was on edge as he hid in the shadows of an abandoned building, awaiting the arrival of his father, Reverse Flash. The recent news of a battle between Barry, Myles, Reverse Flash, and Black Flash had him worried, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Suddenly, Grodd caught the scent of an unfamiliar presence and instinctively used his telepathy to locate the source, but he found himself blocked by an unknown force.

Myles appeared with a villainous entrance, startling Grodd and causing him to attack without hesitation. However, Myles was too quick, dodging Grodd's punches with ease. "Is that all you've got?" Myles taunted, a smirk forming on his face. "I expected more from someone of your caliber."

Grodd snarled in frustration, his attempts to catch Myles proving futile. Myles continued to taunt him, making jokes at his expense. But as Grodd made one last desperate punch, Myles caught it with ease and delivered a powerful psychic attack, causing Grodd to fall to the ground.

"Looks like the tables have turned," Myles said with a chuckle as he towered over the defeated Gorilla. "Now, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

Grodd snarled in anger, his telepathic abilities surging through his mind as he tried to break through Myles' mental defenses. "You think you can just come in here and take what you want?" he roared, his eyes glowing with rage.

Myles grinned, his white and black lightning crackling around him. "I didn't come for anything specific, Grodd. I just wanted to have some fun," he replied casually, blocking another mental attack from Grodd.

Grodd wasn't a fool, the fact that his enemy knew his name meant that, his opponent had done some digging which might be why his mental power was being hampered by something but Myles' revealing his own psychic abilities certainly annoyed the Gorilla.

However Grodd couldn't put his finger on it, but the longer this fight continued the more like his baser instincts were begging to be released. And Grodd found himself slowly losing himself to that desire.

The two psychics clashed again and again, their mental powers colliding in a fierce battle of wills. Each one tried to gain the upper hand, but neither could break through the other's defenses. Yet at the same time, both of their physical bodies fought. Myles wanted to improve his experience when fighting other psychic users or anything related to mind battles. And Grodd was the perfect test run.

Suddenly, Grodd unleashed a massive psychic blast, sending Myles crashing to the ground. The speedster groaned in pain as he clutched his head, but to Grodd's surprise, he found him laughing. Myle's grin started to grow larger to the point it felt like he was turning into a demon. The said demon let out terrifying laughter as if his suffering was a good joke. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" he shouted, his eyes glinting with madness. He began clawing out his helmet, but the metal held itself. "You've done it now, Grodd. I really want you on my team."

Grodd was taken aback by Myles' reaction, but before he could react, the speedster was back on his feet, launching his own psychic attack. The two combatants exchanged blow after blow, their powers pulsing with intensity.

As the battle raged on, the abandoned building around them shook and groaned under the strain of their powers. Dust and debris rained down from the ceiling as the two psychics pushed themselves to their limits.

Myles was having so much fun, and Grodd was winning the fight in the mental realm while he was winning in the physical realm. Honestly, he had the urge to mount Grodd's head to his room but he wanted the Gorilla to be on his team and teach the ways of a mind bender.

Finally, with a final burst of energy, Myles managed to break through Grodd's mental defenses and knock the gorilla unconscious. The speedster stood over his fallen foe, panting heavily but grinning like a madman.

"Thanks for the workout, Grodd," he chuckled. "That was fun! Now for my prize." Yet before he could even drag Grodd back to his hideout, everything started spinning. Myles fell to his knees, rushing to remove his helmet, and vomited. His eyes were bloodshot, blood began leaking out from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Myles groaned, having his mental state torn asunder by the Speed force in an effort to kill him had been one of Myles' most agonizing moments but the Primal force had saved him and turned him into its avatar.

Chuckling at the irony, Myles willed his body to heal faster and carried Grodd back to his hideout. Grodd's mental attacks did a number on his mental state and using the sage aspect of the Primal force had pushed his mind to another level.


As Grodd wakes up, he blinks his eyes several times, trying to focus on his surroundings. He looks around, confused, until he sees Myles, and his eyes widen with anger.

"What is this? Why am Grodd here?!" Grodd roared, his eyes glaring at Myles.

Myles chuckles, looking amused by Grodd's reaction. "Relax, big guy. You're in a safe place now," Myles said with a sly grin.

Grodd snarls, showing his sharp teeth. "What does the speedster want with Grodd?"

Myles tilts his head, admiring Grodd's powerful mental defenses. "I just want to recruit you to my team. With your powers, we could be unstoppable," Myles replied, giving a compliment to Grodd's power.

Grodd crossed his arms, still skeptical. "Grodd will never join forces with a madman!"

Myles shrugged, not bothered by Grodd's rejection. "Suit yourself. But keep an open mind, Grodd. You might find yourself in a situation where we can help each other," Myles said with a mysterious smile.

Grodd's interest was piqued by Myles' words. "What do you mean by that?"

Myles just chuckled. "Let's just say that I know why you're different from the rest of your kin. But that's a story for another time," Myles said, giving a small hint of his knowledge.

Grodd narrowed his eyes, intrigued but still cautious. "What do you know of Grodd, you are a hum-"

"You were experimented on as a baby gorilla because some douche bag general wanted a gorilla weapon of all things, blah, blah, you got mind powers and now wants everyone especially general douche to suffer just like you have suffered. Now did I miss anything?" Myles leaned in closer. "Tell me, Grodd. What do you know about Harrison Wells?"

Grodd's eyes narrowed. "What is your interest in him?"

Myles chuckled. "Let's just say I have a feeling that everything is not as it seems. And I think you might feel the same way."

Grodd was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Myles leaned back and crossed his arms. "Do you believe in time travel, Grodd?"

Grodd snorted. "Of course not. Such things are impossible."

Myles grinned. "Are they, though? Think about it, Grodd. You are a gorilla with psychic powers and I'm the avatar of a cosmic force. If the two of us were possible, what about time travel?"

"What does this have to do with anything?" he growls, his voice deep and menacing.

Myles' grin widens. "Oh, it has everything to do with him after all he's one why your life is a mess anyways."

Grodd snorts. "Lies."

Myles just chuckles. "Well, I hate to break it to you, buddy, but the most I can get by lying to you is nothing. Here let me show you."

Just like that Grodd found himself dragged through the time stream, he could see an infinite number of alternate timelines flowing together like a seam before they came out and found themselves in a strange world.

Gorillas were everywhere but Grodd can feel it, they were like him. Intelligent, and something more. Then to his shock, he found a version of himself standing on a pedestal giving a speech.

"Welcome to your original timeline, Grodd, king of the apes." Myles said.

Original... if this was his original timeline... then it must be no! This was nothing but an illusion, a fabricated lie meant to turn him against his own father. Yet, why does this burning desire feel like he had been wronged? Grodd could feel himself enjoying it, his telepathic ability allowed him to feel their emotions and Grodd loved every bit of it.

"Ah perfect timing, show about to start." Myles' voice echoed.

Then it happened everything was slowly fading, and Grodd's greatest power became the perfect way to torture him. Their screams, the despair, Grodd all of it at once. Everything, everything was falling apart and then he was back. Back to the same place where he and Myles had been talking.

Grodd couldn't speak for a moment, his mind reeling from what he had just witnessed. "What... what did you do? Why did you show me that?"

Myles sighed. "I just wanted you to see what you lost. I wanted you to understand why things are the way they are. I didn't mean to upset you."

Grodd looked away, unable to meet Myles' gaze. "And what now? What do you want from Grodd?"

Myles smiled. "Like I said, I want you to join me, Grodd. You're different from the rest of your kind. You're special. And I could use someone like you on my team."

Grodd narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What do you mean, different?"

Myles leaned forward, his eyes glinting with interest. "You're more intelligent than the rest your psychic brethren, more powerful. Your mind is like a fortress, almost impossible to penetrate if you actually put in the work."

Grodd nodded slowly, realizing what Myles was getting at. "And why should Grodd join you?"

Myles leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "Because we have a common enemy, Grodd. Eobard Thawne. He's the one responsible for erasing your people, and he's the one responsible for everything that's happened. This is the same man who you have been calling father, the same man who took the skin of Harrison Wells and has been using it ever since. Help me and I will give your world back."

Grodd considered Myles' words carefully. He had always felt that something was off, that something was wrong with this world. And now he knew why. Eobard Thawne.

"Why should Grodd believe you?" the telepathic ape growled. "You could be worse than Eobard Thawne."

"You can't. If anything I'm just as bad as he is." Myles said with a twisted smile. "I'm petty, a sadist, and worst, I love it when people around me are miserable but I'm fair, I'm just, I always keep my word and promises."

"Alright," Grodd said, finally meeting Myles' gaze. "Grodd will help you."

Myles grins, eyes glowing with otherworldly power. "Welcome to the team King of Apes." Both man and Ape shook hands but they knew that this partnership wouldn't last. For now, they were on the same page.

Myles was so happy that the multiverse was a thing otherwise it would have been harder to convince Grodd. It also helps that he had been placing some mental imprints on Grodd's mind when he was knocked out.

He could have brainwashed him there but he didn't want to become like the speedforce. Of course, if Grodd ever becomes a problem, he could just kill him or just kidnap the baby Grodd and carry him to the future.

Either way, Myles got what he wanted, now, he just needs a good name for his group.