
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs

Chapter 14: Birth of the Mark. I

Chapter 14: Birth of the Mark. I

As Myles Walley, also known as Tachyon, found himself locked in combat with Black Flash within the confines of the speed force, he knew he was in for the fight of his life. The two speedsters were evenly matched, with each of them trading blows with ferocity and intensity.

Despite his formidable skills and speed, Myles found himself at a disadvantage against Black Flash. He knew that as an undead entity, Black Flash was immune to pain and fatigue, making him an almost unstoppable force. Myles could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him as he struggled to keep up with Black Flash's relentless attacks.

As the battle raged on, Myles noted the damage he had already sustained. His costume was torn in several places, and his face was smeared with blood. Despite the injuries, however, he refused to back down. He was determined to stop Black Flash, no matter what it took.

Myles tried every trick he knew to defeat his opponent, from throwing black and white lightning to using tornadoes and vacuums, but nothing seemed to be working. He even went with lethal force. Black Flash was simply too powerful and too skilled.

As Myles fought on, he could feel the tension mounting within him. He knew that he was one of the few who could stop Black Flash, but he was starting to doubt his own abilities. Was he really strong enough to take on this undead speedster and emerge victorious?

As Myles continued to battle Black Flash, he began to wonder about the true intentions of the speed force in putting him through this trial. Was it simply to test his abilities, or was there something more at play?

In the heat of the moment, Myles narrowly avoided several instant-death blows from Black Flash, his reflexes working on overdrive. He felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins as he taunted the reaper with a joke quote from Bugs Bunny.

"Hey, doc, what's up?" he quipped, dodging yet another blow from Black Flash.

Myles knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a second. One wrong move could mean instant death, but he refused to give up. He was determined to beat Black Flash and emerge victorious, no matter what it took.

As the battle continued, Myles tried to focus all of his energy and concentration on defeating his opponent. He knew that he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. One slip-up could be his downfall.

Despite the overwhelming odds against him, Myles refused to give up. He continued to fight with all his might, using every trick he knew to try and outsmart Black Flash. The battle raged on, each blow more intense than the last, but Myles refused to back down.

As the battle between Myles and Black Flash continued, Myles began to feel himself losing ground. He could feel his speed and strength waning, and he knew that he was in serious trouble. Despite his best efforts, Black Flash seemed to be gaining the upper hand.

Desperate, Myles shifted tactics, relying on his wits and cunning to stay ahead of the grim reaper. He dodged and weaved, using every trick he could think of to stay one step ahead of Black Flash.

As Myles continued to fight, he muttered under his breath, his words barely audible over the sound of their battle. "I'll drag you all the way to the end of time," he growled, his determination unwavering.

But his plans were soon interrupted by a stern warning from the speed force itself. "Time travel is forbidden," it said, its voice echoing through the speed force. "Any attempt to do so will result in automatic failure."

Myles gritted his teeth, frustrated by the limitations imposed upon him. He knew that he had to find another way to defeat Black Flash, but he was running out of options. The battle raged on, each blow more intense than the last, as Myles continued to fight with all his might. But he knew that time was running out. If he didn't find a way to win soon, he would be doomed to fail.

Myles felt anger and frustration boiling up inside him as he continued to battle Black Flash. He couldn't help but feel like the test was rigged, like it was set up for him to fail. He muttered under his breath, "This is impossible. Why bother? Might as well stand still and take the killing blow."

But as he looked at Black Flash, a mischievous grin formed on his face. Suddenly, Myles had an idea. He spread his arms wide and called out to his opponent.

"Come and get me," he shouted, his voice echoing through the speed force. "You want me dead? Then come and take me!"

Black Flash hesitated, confused by Myles sudden change in attitude. But Myles knew what he was doing. He was playing the long game, biding his time until the perfect moment presented itself.

As Black Flash charged towards him, Myles braced himself for the impact. He could feel the reaper's deadly aura closing in around him, but he refused to back down. He was determined to win this battle, no matter what it took.

The two collided with a deafening roar, their bodies smashing together in a brutal clash of energy. But Myles held his ground, using every ounce of his strength to stay standing. He was determined to emerge victorious, no matter what the cost.

Myles looked down at himself, confused that he was unharmed after the clash with Black Flash. But then he saw it - the calcified speedforce, the philosopher's stone, was in his hand.

As he examined the stone, a figure began to materialize before him. It was the speedforce, taking the form of his grandfather.

"Well done, my boy," the speedforce said, its voice filled with pride. "You have succeeded where so many others have failed. You have embraced my enforcer, becoming one of the few to do so. Not even Barry Allen, my avatar, was able to accomplish such a feat."

Myles smiled, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He admitted that he had other ideas on how to beat the reaper, but they were all "Barry-ish." He found standing still and accepting death to be way cooler than trying to outrun it. Besides, everyone dies at some point, and he just wanted Death to work for it.

"Can I keep it now?" Myles asked, looking up at the speedforce.

The speedforce nodded, granting him permission. With that, Myles ran out of the cosmic energy and back to his apartment, the philosopher's stone clutched tightly in his hand. As he collapsed onto his couch, Myles couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had faced down Death itself and come out on top, proving himself to be a true master of the speed force.

But as he held the philosopher's stone in his hand, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets and powers it held. He knew that he would have to tread carefully, for such cosmic power could easily corrupt even the most well-intentioned of individuals.

But for now, Myles allowed himself to bask in the glory of his victory.


Myles spent the next few weeks secluded in his safe house, pouring over every book he could find on physics, engineering, and robotics. He was determined to build the perfect Speed Force power-armor, one that would give him an edge against any opponent, no matter how powerful.

At first, Myles struggled with the intricacies of the technology, making mistake after mistake. He accidentally welded a piece of metal to the ceiling and had to use his powers to dislodge it, sending it flying across the room and nearly hitting his head. Another time, he miscalculated the pressure in one of the suit's hydraulic systems, causing it to malfunction and nearly knock him off his feet.

But Myles was nothing if not persistent, and he refused to give up. He continued to work tirelessly, taking notes, making adjustments, and refining his designs. Finally, after weeks of hard work, the Mark.I suit was complete.

The suit had a black and white color palette, with sleek lines and a streamlined design. The helmet featured several advanced features, including a heads-up display, night vision, and a built-in computer system with Gideon installed. Myles was thrilled with the result, and he couldn't wait to take it for a test run. It's appearance was heavily inspired by Iron man, Savitar and Ultron.

He activated the suit's systems and felt a surge of power as it came online. He ran out of his safe house and into the open sky, leaping off the rooftop and soaring into the clouds. He felt invincible as he ran along the tops of the clouds, the wind whipping past him.

Myles pushed the suit to its limits, testing out its various systems and abilities. He found that he was somehow able to regain his ability to teleport without damaging his cells, which he dubbed "shortcuts." He even discovered that he could become invisible to a normal human without vibrating.

As Myles flew through the sky, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. With the Mark.I suit, he had become something more than just a speedster - he was a god of speed, a force to be reckoned with. He knew that he had the power to take on anyone who stood in his way, and he was ready to do whatever it took to achieve his goals.