
Taboo Leveling

From humble beginnings to an extravagant life style, follow Yu Hai as he levels up by learning new techniques on how to please a woman.

RaLegacy · ゲーム
2 Chs

Naked Customer

Late in the evening, when the moon was bright, and the air was chilly, there was a 17 year old boy named Yu Hai clocking out from work before his boss stopped him.

"Yu Hai, you have one more delivery."

"Boss, can't you get someone else to do it?"

"Stop complaining, it's in the same direction as your apartment you little brat. Just drop it off and go home," his boss urged him.

Yu Hai was too tired to argue, so he just did as he said. Seeing Yu Hai leave, his boss smiled mysteriously behind his back.




The apartment was just a block away from his, but it was far more luxurious.

'If I'm lucky maybe I'll get a decent tip,' Yu Hai thought.


Yu Hai rang the door bell a few times, but not too much, because he was still hoping for a generous tip.

Hearing the house owner approach, he quickly composed himself. However, what happened next took him by surprise.

The door slowly opened by just a crack and a girl around his age peaked from the other side. She had long blond hair like liquid gold, and her hazel brown eyes sparkled as if they contained all the stars in the night sky.

They stared at each other like that for a few seconds before Yu Hai finally broke the silence.

"Did you order the 12 piece wings?" Yu Hai asked as he held the basket of chicken wings up by his side.

"Why aren't you in your uniform?" she asked suspicionsly.

"This is the last delivery of the day, so I'm not technically working," Yu Hai said as he cursed inwardly. He wanted to get a good tip, but he felt like that was no longer possible.

"Hmm, I see."

She closed the door then removed the chains, but when the door was fully open Yu Hai's jaw dropped because she was completely naked.

She hid half of her body on the otherside of the door as she hugged it embarrassingly. He accidentally looked down at her beautifully shaped breasts and almost immediately felt a hard coming on. He averted his gaze, but it was too late, she already saw him look down at her chest.

She instinctively raised her arm to cover her enticing jellies, but stopped herself before putting them back down. She looked at him as if she were inviting his lustful gaze to examine more of her naked body. Of course, he had his pride, so he showed some restraint.

The cool air rushing in from the hallway gave her a slight chill. Goosebumps gradually appeared all over her body and her nipples became erect, but seeing his reluctance to look down again, she eventually spoke:

"Well, aren't you going to come in?".

She looked away as she cutely moved her hair behind her ear.

"That..." He hesitated because he was taken aback by her words.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. It's against protocol," he said after quickly adjusting his mental state.

He heard stories about this kind of thing happening. If he was caught, he could even lose his job. No matter how tempted he was, he still practices his due diligence.

"Didn't you say that you weren't technically working?" she asked.

She uncomfortably hid more of her body behind the door.

She was right. He technically wasn't working. Seeing the sense in her words, Yu Hai took a step into her apartment. She closed the door behind him, locked it, then lead the way into her little apartment.

She was about 5'6, but walking on her tiptoes so she appeard to be about 5'8. Still, she was a few inches shorter than he was.

She hastily took him over to her living room. The whole time he was behind her, he couldn't take his eyes off her cute butt that shook with every step, and blond hair that fluttered down her back. She was a gem to the eyes, even emperors would be jealous of him right now.

Moving as quickly as she did, he could clearly tell that she was embarrassed for letting him see her naked body like that, so he couldn't understand why she was doing it.

"Just leave it on the table there, I need to go grab some money", she said as she walked into a different room.

Yu Hai's first instincts were to check his surroundings for cameras, because he assumed that this was all just some sort of joke. Maybe someone, somewhere, was filming his reaction all of this time and caught him staring where he wasn't supposed to.

He knew this kind of thing was becoming more popular on porn sites thesedays, so he fought his erection with all he had. He didn't want to embarrass himself online.

However, Yu Hai took a different perspective on it:

Weren't eyes made to see beauty. By averting his gaze wouldn't he be shaming his forefathers and be doing an injustice to all straight men around the world? This was a moment to be cherished! For one day he will tell magnificent stories of this once in a life time encounter to everyone he knew and have countless wet dreams about her.

Shortly after he placed her food down on the table, she came back holding a roll of bills and Yu Hai's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Each bill she held was enough to pay for the meal several times over.

'Holy smokes she's fucking loaded', Yu Hai thought with excitement.

She flipped through the cash in her hand till she was able to find a bill that was unlike the rest. She handed it to Yu Hai and his expression turned sour.

'This bitch is definitely messing with me'.

She gave him a measly amount that just barely paid for her food. When she noticed his expression change, she smiled as if she had just played an incredibly funny joke on him.

Yu Hai turned to leave without even saying his thanks, her joke was too cruel to a broke boy like him.

"Wait you forgot your tip", she said when she noticed him leaving.

Yu Hai felt a glimmer of hope, but what he saw next nearly made his little brother burst out of his pants.

She was cupping her lust-inducing breasts as she squished them together. In between them there was a single bill, but that bill was nearly enough to pay for his rent this month.

He causally approached her before he attempted to pull it out, but before he could she suddenly stopped him.

"No hands", she told him.

He didn't care if she was messing with him anymore, that was 1000 credits she was offering him. He'd do a lot more than this for that kind of money.

He bent over and stuffed his face between her breasts, eventually pulling the bill out with his mouth from between her tits.

The satisfaction in his face was evident when he saw the amount of zeros the bill had up close.

Yu Hai finally said his thanks and turned to leave.

"Aren't you going to take the rest of your tip?"

Yu Hai looked back at her and saw a bill stuck between her groins.

'Shameless', he thought, but who was he to complain.

He went on his knees and dug deep to pull it out, feeling his nose rub against her clit.

Just when he thought it was over he saw her take out a 3 more bills.

'She can't be serious', he thought.

She was pretty much a walking atm machine, but what he saw her do next nearly made his jaw drop.

She sat on top of her kitchen table, rolled the paper bills and put it in her mouth before pushing it into her pussy.

"In here next", she said with an innocent smile.

It was a miracle that he was able to somehow stop his little brother from popping out of his pants before this point, but wasn't she taking it to far?

She opened her legs a bit wider to give him a better look. While his attention was fixed on her pink hole, she peaked down at the large bulge in his pants and felt a special way.

Yu Hai hesitated for a moment, but eventually went on his knees until his face was only inches away from her lower half, he could now clearly smell her sweat nectar, and her flowery perfume aroused his senses.

'The things money could buy', he thought before he dived in.