
The Traitor (14)

Lee Mu and Zao Ming looked at one another with caution and confusion. This woman whom they realized was related to Lin Kang suddenly came into the room and took charge over the negotiation. Before they answered her questions, they had plenty of questions of their own they wished she would shed light on first.

Looking at the befuddlement on their faces, Xiu Ling laughed. It was not a condescending laugh but a self-deprecating one. "Look at me, I've forgotten to introduce myself."

Unlike Lin Kang, Xiu Ling managed to endear herself to Lee Mu and Zao Ming easily. There was something alluring about her that made people place their trust in her implicitly.

Xiu Ling began, "I am Xiu Ling, Lin Kang's wife and Joann Fong's best friend."

The mention of Joann's name made Lee Mu frown instantly and Zao Ming sprung up from his seat hastily, pulling Lee Mu up with him. He turned towards the door, "We have no comments about that. Thank you for inviting us here today."

Before he could make his escape however, Lin Kang coughed and announced, "The moment either one of you step out of that door, I'll have my group of lawyers ready to sue you for violating the terms of our contract. So I advise you to give your action a second thought."

Zao Ming whipped his head around. His eyes were wide with shock. This expression was replicated on Lee Mu's face. Zao Ming was the one who found his voice first, "But... but that is entrapment! We... we're going to counter sue!"

"Is that so? I would love to see you try..." Lin Kang said in a lazy drawl. "How is it my fault that you do not read the contract closely before you drop your signatures? Remember, I even reminded both of you to look at them carefully."

"But, but you never mention a word about this... interrogation!" Lee Mu argued.

Lin Kang turned to the man and shrugged, "Again, how is that my fault when you do not pay attention to the fine print?"

"You..." Lee Mu wanted to fire some horrendous curses at Lin Kang when Xiu Ling interrupted the interaction saying, "Boys, please don't argue. Lee Mu, please listen to me. I just want to help my friend, it is not my intention to trick you but there is simply no other way. Will you please forgive me and share with me why did you slander Joann's name like that when I know you're both close friends?"

Xiu Ling's words were like a balm that calmed the raging seas.

Before they started the plan, Xiu Ling had discussed this with Lin Kang. During the negotiation, they were going to take up different roles, one of them acting as the good cop, the other the bad cop. It was quite obvious that who was going to be who.

It had to be said that the two were perfect in their role, Lin Kang already had a natural aggression to his demeanor so he did not have to fake his role that much and in comparison, Xiu Ling, the ostentatiously more vulnerable one would have an easier time to gain the other party's trust. Plus, people were more comfortable in her presence, at least in comparison to Lin Kang.

Lee Mu hesitated between staying and leaving. He wanted to explain himself but on the other hand, Zao Ming was pulling on him to leave. As Zao Ming pulled Lee Mu along, he yanked the bag that he brought with him off the chair.

To be fair, Zao Ming only had Lee Mu's best interest at heart. Yes, they might be in a whole lot of trouble if they left but if they stay, Lee Mu's career could be ruined should their secret get exposed. He was going to take on all the legal responsibility and try to keep Lee Mu as far as he could away from the legal repercussion. That was a sacrifice he was willing to make for the man he loved.

As they inched towards the meeting room door, Xiu Ling stood up and said a sentence that shot through Lee Mu's heart like an arrow, "Do you look down on Joann that much? She doesn't even deserve an explanation?!"

Lee Mu planted his feet firmly in the ground and Zao Ming found himself unable to move the man anymore. Lee Mu was far more physically impressive than he was and it felt like he was trying to move a mountain.

Lee Mu turned to him and said, "Zao Ming, it's okay. It's time to face the truth."

It sounded like a confession, an apology, a surrender, and a declaration all rolled into one.

Zao Ming looked at his friend and when he saw the conviction in Lee Mu's eyes, he knew the man's mind had been made up and he would not be able to persuade him otherwise anymore. Zao Ming sighed and relented, returning to the chairs.

He was silent while Lee Mu took the chair beside him and he asked openly, "Well, what do you want to know?"

Lin Kang nodded at Xiu Ling and the latter leaned forward to say, "Thank you so much for your cooperation. I really appreciate it. I only have one question and the question is... why?"

"It all started several weeks ago when we received an anonymous package in the mail addressed to my apartment," began Lee Mu. "Initially we thought it was a fan letter but in reality it contained something that was much more sinister than that."

"Wait!" Zao Ming called out from beside him.

Lee Mu frowned, assuming Zao Ming was going to stop him from going further. "Zao Ming, please let me explain the story. It's no use hiding anymore, it is time to face the truth. I've done things that I shouldn't and I am willing to face the consequences."

Zao Ming smiled a sad smile. "No, it's not that." He turned to rummage through his bag.

Would you have done what they did? Or do things differently?

Lonelytreecreators' thoughts