
Chapter 1:Child Life

I remember when I was four years old.I kept on imagined things that I wanted to experience.Like serving to a prince and princess.Riding on different vehicles, travelling around the world,finding new friends,having a perfect love and happy family.It's an ode imagination for a child experiencing these things.Although this child is suffering of poverty that's why she kept on imagining great things that she wanted to have in her life.She had a big dreams.As she notice one day about the tears coming out on her mother's eye while receiving the white envelope from her father's hand...her mother cried.Rica tried to find out what matters as she knows that his father salary is not enough for one day meal.She prayed and look immediately what she can do.Rica ask her neighbour if they wanted a service to clean on their spot as their neighbour allowed her and pay for her day.She is the luckiest and happiest girl to give the amount of her pay income on her mother's hand.An expected happiness on her mother's face while receiving the money from her child.Rica toil hard in everyday of her life.She always look for a remediation to survive the day that they need.It's a motivation for a child experiencing chaos in life.As the child grow older she realize how life needs to work harder in order to survive.Every by6.single time for her is very special for she believes that you need to be responsible in every situation you are working.She didn't able to enjoy her child hood.She just grow matured on her on ways by noticing hard things on her surroundings. She just keep on praying for they will be protected and survived the day that her family will be able to eat well.