
chapter 2

Dr. Revamonte's POV


:Come in

???: Dad!

: Oh Luke! My son.. why are you here? Do you need to tell something? * i smiled*

Luke: She got out...

My smiles fades away and turned to serious one..

: who?

Luke: avyanna...

: what?!!! Find her!!! Now!

Luke: yes dad!

:how the fuck did she get out? We cant lose her ! She still needs to be punish for what she does to my brother.!

Jinx POV

I arrived at the airport wearing a thick clothing and a mask .

: One way ticket please to korea

Lady: may i have your passport please *smiles*

I handed out my passport and then point out a gun to her secretly.

Lady: * looks at me scared*

: dont dare to scream or call security or i wont hesitate to blow your fucking head up.

Lady: okay mam he..here i..is y..your ti..cket...

: thank you *smiles*

I put my gun back into my clothes

and handed out a piece of candy to her.

: eat it now *smiles*

She ate it without hesitating and i left after then she pass out...

: the only sad part is theres no blood * i murmur *

I pass all the security system and made it to the plane. I sat on my seat beside a sleeping man.

I tried to sleep but then i can feel his head on my shoulder

:what the fuck?! * i said quietly*

I push his head towards the opposite direction and heard his neck cracked. I looked at him.

: is he dead? Hey are you-

???: boo! *he laughed*

: no okay im disapointed

???: tsssk do you really expect me to die?

: yes

???: *startled* well too bad btw im Tyler *smiles*

: not interested

Tyler: tsk what a bitch.

I glare at him which made him feel embarassed

: thank you * i smiled then rolled my eyes*

Tyler: so whats your name,?

: call me jinx

Tyler: jinx? I heared that name before...

I realize that i said my fucking name to him so i faced him with a worried look... then i saw a gun on the inside pocket of his coat.

Tyler: nah forget it i dont remember . :/

Im realieved... i stared at him for a few seconds

: a innocent angel on the outside but a spooky demon on the inside not bad :\

Tyler: huh what are you talking about...

: perphaps you can ask that gun on your pocket ..

Tyler : *shook* aishh dont look at me .. just go sleep!

: okay fine *smirked*

I fell asleep and a tap on my shoulder woke me up

: what do you want?

Tyler: we are here

: huh? Oh okay ..

I grabbed my stuffs and walk away

Tyler: nice meeting you

I continue on walking until some police officers showed up

: fuck ...

Tyler: oh your here ... hi again..

The police are slowly appoarching me so i quickly grab tyler's hand and pretend that we are lovers...

: hello babe *smiles*

Tyler: what? Babe?

I pulled him away from the officers

: that was close...

Tyler: what close?

:nothing just zip it okay?

Tyler: okay... bye

I walked away from him and find lysandra

Lys: yaaahhhh ! AvVvYyy! Im here!!!

i waved at her then run towards her.

:bitch dont shout they will know im here im running away right

Lys: yea i forgot sorry

: Let's go before i got arrested

Lys: okay i'll drive

Luke's POV

— : sir our leads said that they saw her driving to east after she escaped

: *i turned my chair around to face her.* then maybe she's at her home.... lets go * i stood up* .. where gonna catch that bitch...

—: okay sir

we drove to avy's house but when we arrived only pieces of woods that burned off is left.

— : what happened here?

: she knows will be here so she did this .

: btw do you know where is my brother?

— : no sir

I decided to call my brother.

: Hey bro...where are you?

??: in korea... why?

: what?! Why are you there?!

??: im going to surprise my girlfriend

: Tyler we have a problem.

Tyler: what?! Aish... i'll call you later..

: wait-

: Damn it !!! Lets go back to the headquarters!

—: okay sir

Tyler's POV

Im buying flowers then suddenly my brother called , I end the call quickly

beacause i wanted to. I drove to my girlfriends apartment to surprise her.

*doorbell* *the door opens*

:hi- what ? You again?

Jinx: what the fuck are you doing here? *she said calmly*

: im here for my girlfriend lysandra....

Lys: avy who is it!!?

I heard her shout from the kitchen...

: avy?

Jinx: dont mind that.. yah!! Lys!! Your fucking boyfriend is here!

: can i come in?

Jinx : *she rolled her eyes then left*

I close the door and take a look at her place.

Lys: hi baby! *she hugged me*

: hello * i kissed her* did you miss me?

Lys: of course i did!

: btw who is that weird girl ? * i point out to jinx that is cutting some apples*

Lys: oh she's my bestfriend a-jinx .. wait im going to get you some drinks .

: okay

I look at some pictures and suddenly a knife pass by my ear and hit the dart board . I looked back

Jinx: * laughed* sorry

Hey! Lys im going somewhere! Have fun!

Lys: okay

: she's weird

Lys: no she's fine

:oh wait i need to call Liam

Lys: sure go ahead *smiles*

I go outside and call brother

: so what's the problem?

Luke: avyanna got out

: what? Who?

Luke: avyanna! Avy! The insane girl

: when? How?

Luke: last night .. shes out of the country , we suspected that she's in her family but we dont know where.

: any other informations?

Luke: some leads says that she might be in korea because her family is in there and Her "Only" friend live there too.

: what is her friend name.?

Luke: according to this her name is lysandra park

: * I gasped * l-lysandra p-park ?

Luke: yeah

: that girl is my girlfriend...

Luke: what!!? Does she know where she is?!!

I remember how lysandra called jinx

She call her avy and she said she's her best friend. *my eyes widened *

: i met her .. she's here .. go here now..

Luke: what?! Okay ! Text me the address! And try to get information from ms.park!

: okay bye

I texted him the address and go back inside