
Systemless Villain

Opening his eyes, Long Tian finds himself in a scene where he's beating up a protagonist. He's confused, until a deluge of foreign memories assaults his mind, leading him to a chilling realization: He has died... and transmigrated. But there's a problem - he's become a villain! At first, he's okay with this. But the more time passes, he notices something. Why doesn't he have a system?! This worries him. Going up against a protagonist without a system feels like a suicide mission. But of course, he doesn't lose hope. He looks at his own identity. The young master of an ancient family, check. Rich and good-looking, check. A genius with extraordinary talent, check. Awakened the martial spirit of a dragon king, check. With all of these, does he have any reason to complain? "Goddamn protagonist, I will make you suffer!" ------------- Harem or not? I haven't actually made a decision about that. Let the storyline unfold, and we'll see in the future.

abinn · 東方
279 Chs

The End of the Young Master

Long Tian gripped Zhang Jun's throat tightly, his expression cold and cruel.

"I will kill you right now!" he said viciously, his tone filled with a murderous intent.

"Urkh!" Zhang Jun mumbled in pain, his expression contorted with pain as he clutched Long Tian's arm, attempting to free himself.

But Long Tian's grip tightened even more, causing Zhang Jun more agony, his mouth and eyes widening.

In stark contrast, Long Tian resembled a serial killer closing in on his prey.

Zhang Jun struggled hard to break free. This time, his hands emitted a purple energy that seemed to connect with the sky like a thin thread of energy.

"You won't succeed... in killing me!" he defiantly declared.

In the next instant, a thunderous rumble reverberated through the sky, compelling Long Tian to shift his gaze upward. His eyes widened in astonishment as a meteor, significantly larger than before, descended from the heavens.