

With a little less than thirty seconds left before he would lose his bet, Zayn chose to be a little aggressive and suicidal.

He didn't like the thought of intentionally putting himself in more danger than necessary, but he had two good reasons to take the big risk of dying right now.

First of all, he had promised Merlin to kill the Chimera. If he wanted to face the crippled Chimera, Zayn had to provoke Manager Tilan a little more. Taking a little risk for something like that was certainly worth it.

After all, he was the type of person who did everyone in his might to keep his promises. Zayn would never promise anything just for the sake of it, and he had a debt to repay to Merlin, either way. It was only fair to be put into some danger to make sure that he could repay his debt and fulfill his promise!

The second reason for Zayn to take a bigger risk while fighting the Heavy Armored Bull was even simpler; he didn't want to lose his hard-earned money!