
System Wants me to be a Villain? Dream on!

Wang Lu reincarnated in a strange new world discovers that he has system bent on messing his life up by turning him into a Villian from the start. The first mission given to him is to slaughter his entire clan and activate a new function. Upon setting his eyes on the first mission, a thought poped in his mind,"Villains die young! I'm such a good person, how could I accept this!" A few years later: "Ancestor! How about making a Pagoda for me used to seal cultivators! it's best if can seal then and disintegrate their cultivation slowly without killing them." Others: ?? System: You? A good person?

Aurora_Ryan · 東方
46 Chs

What is the state of mind?

Even though he had only reached the Mastery stage and could only use one move from the five, Wang Lu didn't seem to regret.

He had enough time to train, but he just heard someone talking beside him.

"What a heaven bending or breaking? Are you going to rebel?" The sound was clearly from the witch that had taken over his bedroom and even recliner.

But he was wondering what she was saying, "rebel? Witch! You are clearly the one treating yourself as an empress in my small cabin!" He didn't say it, but had this thought.

She had taken over the entire residence. She was even acting more like the tigress of the house.

He was wondering why she was acting like the mistress of the house and yet she dared to accuse him of rebellion.

He thought, "Didn't you take over my things! You are the one clearly rebelling!"

But he didn't dare to say it, but she seemed very displeased with his silence and a force descended upon him.

He couldn't defend himself at all, and was crushed into the stream by his residence.

He was not injured, but he felt pain. More than just that, he couldn't stand, as he lay there in the stream.

But he still had a voice, "Senior sister is right! Thanks for the lesson!" He was not willing to withstand another blow by that strange force again.

But he she just sneared! She felt that the words he had just spoken and his nature didn't match in the slighest.

At least from what she thought, someone that claimed to make heavens bend or break should be a figure that was unyielding.

After having know, this young husband of her's for a while now, she realized the fellow seemed like someone that lacked motivation.

She ignored this, and looked up, in the sky, it was this dark and this fellow just decided to come out practice.

"Why are you training out in the night? Are you trying to make sure that I can't sleep in peace?" She asked as she gave him that smile that seemed not a smile.

"Senior sister is joking, how could I dare do such a thing?" He replied without getting up, after all he couldn't.

He felt his legs and even back was slightly numb. He suspected this woman had done it.

She came to the side of the stream and stood up as if to watch his current appearance. " You seem to be enjoying this posture right?" She asked casually, but didn't do anything about it.

"It's all due to senior sister's blessing!" He replied automatically.

"You like reading this?" She suddenly brought out a book from nowhere. It was clearly the 'Drunk Daoist ' .

When he saw it, he almost cursed the witch out, but he just held it in. She had taken his room and now she didn't even spare his collection of books.

Seeing the little changes in his emotions, she laughed as though she was amused.

"Your body is indeed becoming stronger but even so, I don't sense any trace of Vitality appearing! It seems like you are not very serious with the technique I gave you!" She spoke coldly after she realized he could barely move now.

Hearing her words, he stopped his attempts to move, after all she might not resist the urge to make another move.

Whenever she spoke about his body, he had a feeling she had already considered it part of her property. It was like she was raising her own husband in secret.

Well! She indeed was! She knew it, heaven knew it, only he didn't.

It seemed like she was used to talking to people on the floor or something.

He was even suspecting that she might have special hobbies. But from the previous lessons, his eyes didn't even have any change.

It was as though this woman could read his mind all the time.

"You really are helpless! You should know that if one wants to reach far they have to train their body until it gives birth to vitality and with this, it would be possible to create a foundation for energy from the outside world to be absorbed into the body." She spoke casually as she looked at him.

"Huh! Isn't it necessary to grasp artist conception stage first?" He asked after hearing what she had said.

When Cai Yue heard his words, she snorted clearly very dissatisfied with his doubts about her words.

"How can it be the same! I saw that you like reading this journal so you should have seen that to become a master, one has to attain artistic conception, but the most important thing is also the state of mind. You are not just lacking in this aspect, but also in artistic conception. Think about it, if you meet someone that has already attained the state of mind could and artistic conception at the same time, could you be capable of even any resistance?" She spoke as she looked at him with a sneer.

She seemed to be mocking him for lack of awareness.

But he didn't mind this, as he had seen her behave this way a lot of times.

"Senior sister! What is the state of mind?" He couldn't miss out on this chance.

Everytime she said something he didn't know, he always took the chance to ask. He had a feeling she was doing it on purpose, and he couldn't lwt such a chance pass.

"The state of mind! When we are talking about this? It is not a problem for me to tell you, but what do I get in return?" She asked the same question she had been asking him for a while now.

Seeing how he looked at her silently, she couldn't help but laugh. " If I tell you this again, we count it as you owe me five times. Do you agree?" She asked with a mischievous smile.

"Do I have a choice? This devil was clearly leading me into temptation and then putting requests before it!" He thought about it and still nodded.

Seeing how he agreed she stopped and thought he was no longer amusing.

"Okay! Let me say it like this the state of mind is actually more like a hurdle in the path of many living beings." She paused and looked at him intently.

"When your state of mind is lacking, then everything becomes useless. You are a genius? Have a lot of good luck? Have a powerful backing? None of this things matter. Without sufficient state of mind, one's cultivation Potential is said to have reached the end." Listening to her, he found not only was her information useful. Her voice was aluring, and thus he could remember everything.

The state of mind she just mentioned was way out his league at the moment. The most important being the Great Grandmaster stage required state of mind. It was something he had never read from this travel journals.

He had learned a lot of things from her, and some of them seemed to open up his thinking.

"How to raise ones state of mind then?" He asked her as he seemed to have discovered something even more interesting.

"Do you want to know?" Hearing this, he knew it was useless to ask anymore. How could she be willing to share more than what she had already told him.

She was clearly dangling a carrot before a rabit and then hidding it in her purse.

The smile she had on might have put him in a daze for a while, but it also was like cold water being poured on him, extinguishing his thoughts of learning more on the topic. It was not the first time it happened.

"Let's not talk about the state of mind anymore. That is not your current concern. The body is actually important, and the more potential one can draw from it at the foundation stage the better. But the risks involved are not small."

She suddenly changed the topic, and this left him at a loss.

He clearly didn't bring it up, and yet she made it sound as though he had been the one that mentioned the state of mind.

But he noted this issue down, and would check out the library later.

But he had some suspicions, this woman wanted him to put all his effort on the Nameless Scripture as for why, he didn't know.

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