
System Wants me to be a Villain? Dream on!

Wang Lu reincarnated in a strange new world discovers that he has system bent on messing his life up by turning him into a Villian from the start. The first mission given to him is to slaughter his entire clan and activate a new function. Upon setting his eyes on the first mission, a thought poped in his mind,"Villains die young! I'm such a good person, how could I accept this!" A few years later: "Ancestor! How about making a Pagoda for me used to seal cultivators! it's best if can seal then and disintegrate their cultivation slowly without killing them." Others: ?? System: You? A good person?

Aurora_Ryan · 東方
46 Chs

Demoness Appears again!(I)

He was clearly talking about use of some weights, and thus might perhaps even make his movements slower. If he could use them and perfom the movements the same way without them.

When he thought of this, he stopped practicing, "I'm hungry already! Let's visit the cafeteria first and then make other arrangements later."


Early morning, Wang Lu had just woken up, he was lost in thoughts. He had already heard some rumors, and knew that the clan paid special attention to them now that they had reached the Martial General stage. Those that are first to reach the state of artistic conception in their techniques will undoubtedly recieve more benefits. But that was not all, apparently, to enter the master realm was more than just grasping artistic conception. It was just that those with artistic conception of martial arts would find it easier to enter the master stage.

He walked out of bed, and his target was clear. He wanted to visit the library for while. He couldn't help it, after all the more information he had, the better it would be when making choices

He was now more interested in the issue of martial arts, after all he had not selected his unique weapon. He had to make this decision, after all he could already tell that it was very important.

His future development would also be based on this path, and unlike boxing, he has to get guidance for whichever path he chooses.

The weapons are also only something he can get if he meets the standards to hold one. It was after all a clan and he didn't have any plans of going outside to seek some weapon refiners, because he didn't know any of them.

More than just that, the level of weapons he and the others could get their hands on where not something special. But even so, it would cost money if they wanted to seek one by themselves. How could Wang Lu be willing to miss out on this free chance.

He had even gained some understanding that, most of the Human commander level with some mastery of the combat skills would not spend their time in the clan training anymore.

They went out to find some ways to make a living in cities controlled by the Wang Clan. He was also able to think of Wang Xingyue and Wang Shi Yi. Perhaps they had indeed left for this.

He was not an exception, after all, he couldn't stay in the clan all the time if he wanted to gather even resources in his name. Now he was even sure the reason the training camp was becoming less crowded was the leaving of Wang clan descendants.

He didn't move towards the library though, he reached his courtyard and started to practice the Unbounded Fist. He only plans to head to the library after he got tired. His figure kept moving around in the courtyard, and the ground under his feet sank.

"It will not be easy to raise this Unbounded Fist to another level. But I have time." He thought as he continued to practice.

Many thoughts couldn't but rise up but he shook them off. They where making his practice less effective.

He calmed down his mind and didn't stop, he already had the movements practiced a lot yesterday but he could only continue until it become like muscle memory.

He had already concluded that to reach mastery his muscle memory of the movements should be achieved. It is only this way that he can be able to swiftly enter the state of completion that way.

The more he practiced the technique, the more it felt familiar, but even so his movements didn't had not improved much, as such he could only push himself and continue.

Just like that, the first movement, second, third,...

First, second, third....

He kept using some kind of rythim in his attacks, and it seemed to work much better just practicing normal. In a way, he could feel his movements had improved greatly.

The more he practiced, the wonderful he felt, as he thrust allow beed him to unleash his power.

The punches resulted in my in sounds that resembled clothes being blown by the winds.

Clearly it was not just fast, the power unleashed was not bad!



He kept throwing punches and making weird postures, because he had yet to completely reach the point of executing them flawlessly. It was best to say, he was far off from reaching this point.

He could tell that it would require him to repeat this a few thousand times before he could reach such a state.

So he threw all other thoughts to the side and practiced without fail, after he was exhausted, he dragged his body to the library.

After reading through the knowledge on cultivation, he came back and continued with the Nameless Scripture.

Just like that, time passed and before he know it, it had been about a month and a half.

His form completed to before was very different, as for thise that could be observant, would notice he was practicing with something tied on his legs and even hands.

Clearly he couldn't find any weights and he had to improvise, but it made the difficulty of executing the simplest movements several times harder.

But even so, his movements seemed flawless compared to before, only on the panel, the technique had not changed to mastery at all.

He was even doubting wether he had failed to understand the meaning of mastery.

He stopped for the day, and just about to remove the weights when something suddenly clicked in his mind.

"Unbounded! Right! Isn't it the same as having shackles removed from something!" The moment he had this thought, he seemed to enter a dazed state, and threw a punch. It was completely different from before. It was as though a tiger had been released from the cage.

Sounds like a roar could be heard from his body, he then felt something like freedom it vibrated all the way to his spine.


Surprisingly, he was able to unleash a simple punch, but it seemed to have gathered all the power from his body.

When he came back to his senses, he could cracks that had spread from his feet. They extended a meter and half in all directions.

" I thought I was practicing boxing!" That was what went across his mind.

But then he remembered that sensation just now.

He seemed to have just gained some insights, looking on the panel, the Unbounded Fist had changed from entry to completion.

He actually closed his eyes and then looked again. But it was the same.

He then looked towards the enlightenment column, but he saw they are still 13 chances present.

"What just happened there! I had a thought when about to remove the weights and then improved from entry to Completion." He was also sure that his previous thoughts where wrong.

Just from a slight insight, he was able to jump the mastery stage.

Hardwork actually failed to allow him to reach mastery stage but a slight insight made him reach and even higher level.

As he was about to test the level of strength he had attained, he felt everything had had become too silent.