
System Status: Online

Dhvani voluntarily accepted the task of being a system. For a small chance to be reincarnated again, she aspires to level up and complete her task as soon as possible. Ajay has everything. He is happy, and successful but inexplicably bound to a system that chatters in his mind. The system wants him to do tasks so it can level up and again, do more tasks. From being frustrated to enjoying, he changes gradually. But can he do something for her that he would never want to? And will she really want to unbind when she remembers something from the distant forgotten past? ____________ A snippet from an upcoming chapter : Dhvani stood in the endless white of the Memory Ocean waiting for his answer. He looked at her for a long time and ruthlessly rejected her. "We were never meant to meet. You should remember your duties as well." He left her there and he never saw her again. Did he regret his parting words? Yes. But can he change anything? He hoped so. ____________ A request to readers: Please tell me how you feel about the story in the comments so I can improve my writing. Thank you for reading! There may be mistakes in my writing and you can tell me.

livingandreading · ファンタジー
188 Chs

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"I thought you would be the best person to do this job," Vani told Ajay.

Dhvani was surprised at the turn of events. She had a hunch that something was about to happen but this was really surprising.

She saw the preparations going on and felt that it really was happening.

She felt like she was back in her school days. Whenever there was a celebration, the atmosphere was like this. People were working here and there and no one had a moment to spare. There were planners who were ordering things and workers settling things. Everything was orderly.

Ajay was supposed to organize everything. He looked over every plan and suggested changes.

"Look, this place needs to be changed slightly. The decoration looks out of the picture here. Let it be fixed in the middle so that everyone can view it in any direction.