
System QT: I don't want to be a cannon fodder for the rest of my life!

Just another transmigration story where a person named Mu Chen died very stupidly and met with a system named Kitty Kitty:- Welcome host, this is the I don't want to be cannon fodder system! I hope you will dedicate your life to this system! Mu Chen:- I didn't sign up for this?! . . . . . . . . . . Okay Mu Chen, you are alright this is nothing difficult just ignore the ML and live a beautiful life, because your main mission is to avoid being a cannon fodder. Kitty: I have high hopes for you host! Mu Chen: There goes my luck

Hades_Garfield · LGBT+
4 Chs

Two-faced protagonist

Adrian, who was enjoying the company of his brother, started to feel a stare making a hole on the back of his head. Looking around he noticed that the person glaring at him was none other than Li Jie, he was at first surprised by the innocent look of him and almost felt the urge to protect him, key word, almost.

Li Jie, just like his name suggests, is a beautiful guy, he has a cute button nose, panda eyes, like the cuter version not like us who have panda eyes from just reading and not sleeping and looking like a dead, but somehow alive zombie. He has cute brown hair and basically his skin is fair like snow.

Seeing the innocent face, a thought suddenly crossed his mind, he remembered that the system mentioned something like the ML destroying the whole world and the protagonist getting bad influence or something so he decided to ask.

"Hey, kitty?" as soon as he did a cute floof ball was seen floating in the air afterwards "yes, host?"

"What did happen in this world, that caused the world destruction?"

The kitty seemed to think for a while and replied "It would be better if I showed you than tell you, so be careful!"

And soon everything went blank in his head, even though the inside was blank, outside Adrian was able to talk and do things just like he was not captured within his head, but it was only controlled by the system rather than himself.

Now, let's take a peek into the future, in this scene it shows that, after the death of Felix, Isbert started his own company and it was very successful, it had many brands and small industries under them and he was the CEO of them all. Being a CEO of such a successful company, Isbert was not able to give that much of affection and love to Li Jie that he used to and that caused Li Jie to be mad.

If Li Jie had been a good lover, and waited then the world wouldn't have destroyed, but seems like luck wasn't on his side. Li Jie was driven by the sexual urges and started doing one night stands and soon it became his habit, there was one instance when Isbert was drugged and wanted to have him but he wasn't able to since, Li Jie wasn't even there.....

This situation was then taken advantage of by the secretary and she well, you know, did the deed. This caused the sever urges of only wanting to get touched by my lover and always being touched by them, to activate, which led to him going mad and also the possessiveness caused him to find Li Jie and got to know what he did.

Then the ML was seen destroying the whole country with himself saying "Now you can never escape from me love".

ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ was the look of our dear MC when he saw what the fuck had happened, "OH MY JESUS TAKE ME WITH YA!! EVEN IF I COULDN'T HAVE DIED BY THE MED, THIS GUY WOULD SURELY KILL MEH!!"

Adrian was really shocked of the two faced protagonist, he really thought atleast Li Jie might be innocent, and maybe the ML did something but wow, seems like both are on equal fault this time.

This time, he realised as he thought, 'Why does this world seem familiar?' he knew something was going on, but he didn't knew what. Thinking that he will think about this later, Adrian decided that he will make sure to not get this matter at that state, or atleast leave before it gets to that point.

In middle of all of this shit, our main protagonist, after a long time, finally made his entrance. Li Jie, after seeing him, immediately raised his hand and patted the place beside him. But what was unusual was that, this time, Isbert wasn't really infatuated with Li Jie yet, but his attention seem to divert to a certain silver haired person.

Ah, I realised now that I haven't told you how they look have I? pardon me. Adrian Augustus, looks like an angel with silver hair, a trait he will carry as the sign of him being bonded with the system, he has sharp eyes, one green like a forest and one frozen cold, the unique eye color made him look different from most guys and girls. He had a slim body and a cute button nose, and to add some other details he has a water droplet sign below his left eye.

Felix, much like his brother, has a slim body, button nose, black hair and green eyes. he also has a mole on his left eye but it's more likr fire sign than water.

Isbert Van Helsing, our ML, has a lean body much like our MC, but his muscles and veins are much more prominent than not. He has sharp golden eyes, with a heart shaped mole on his neck.

Now, let's check all of the things happening from our ML's side.

Isbert's P.O.V:~

It was after class that had I started hearing rumours of Adrian, who as a matter of shock, was from the Augustus family and apparently the big brother of Felix. I doubted the information first, but then I got to know that Adrian is pretty famous, so I decided to search on the internet about him.

The information provided was shocking and told me that all of them, as a matter of fact, were true, and well this made my curiosity grow. Ofcourse, I first decided to head to the canteen since it's time to eat and I didn't want to waste much time.

As I enter I see Adrian sitting and feeding Felix, while also taking some small bites from his brother as well. I could not help but be mesmerized by his facial features, in the picture he did look beautiful and mesmerizing but, I am used to not believe any of the picture provided on the internet without proof and, I was right. He looked more beautiful up close than from the picture. I can feel my little brother wanting to meet him as well.

"Not now little bro, he is not yours..... at least not yet." I said to myself slowly and lowly, my eyes darling for a moment at the last part while making sure no one heard me. I noticed that LI jie is calling me to sit with him, but I am sure he won't mind if I sat with Adrian today, and I am also sure that it's something to be mindful of since, well, we are not boyfriends anyway, we are just friends.

"Hey! are you Adrian? I am Isbert Van Helsing, nice to meet you" I said to the pair, Adrian then cutely, without finishing to eat what is it in his mouth, replies "Ello, nicheh toh mhet yoh" So cute!

"I think you should finish eating first and then talk?" I told him, but still kind of asked as to not come out impolite. He smiled and swallowed everything in his mouth, and said "I can see you are a nice person, I hope we can get along"

And we sure will....

I hope you understand the fact that they, as in Li jie and Isbert haven't started their relationship yet. Isbert at this moment is just a guy who thought that Li jie is someone whom he has aa crush with, not the Love/Obsession he had developed earlier.

Hades_Garfieldcreators' thoughts